M@A The course I am teaching will end on Friday and I will have time to catch up on the runt puzzles which I miss doing.
I would like to show my students a runt puzzle on Wednesday with the following words X {Popular JavaScript framework} JQUERY {Initial impression of the source code of X} COMPLEX {Impression of X after spending some debugger time with it} SIMPLE
It would be nice if the answers appeared in that order. If you don't have time, then I can throw something together with unchecked squares. Thanks.
Yo, @BobK.: how'd it go for U at the Lollabigappla puz tourney? I have heard indirect accounts that U are a real speed demon solver. Here's one to improve yer average on ...
Lollapuzzoola 8 was a lot of fun, and fortunately for me much easier to solve most of the puzzles, even if I didn't quite understand a couple of them as I was solving. (And the one letter I know I got wrong, I realized as I raised my hand to turn in my paper that I had made a mistake, but it was too late to change.)
I finished #93 out of the 186 or so contestants who finished all the puzzles; can't get much more dead-center than that, which is exactly where I expect to be: Just the average solver.
Reports of my being a speed solver come from an inexperienced reporter, well-meaning but maybe not the most reliable on the subject. No, just average.
@BobK: Wow! Impressive solve time on "How Unoriginal". You'll be gunnin, for that next runt, tho.
Bummerino, on that oops-at-the-hand-raise incident. Happens to M&A quite a bit. Send in a comment to ParkerWorld, and right afterward I spot three day-um things that have been autocorrected into gibberish. Mail the greatest puz since sliced bread in to the NYT, then right after the mailbox lid slams shut, I realize that the fill actually sucked.
93 out of 186 sounds pretty good, to m&e. I would finish so badly, they would probably invent a new category to describe it. Wonder how @009 finished?
M&A Students got JQUERY and JUDO, wanted VERSIONS for MUTATED, not much of a chance with the short stuff since they required more knowledge of our culture (both American, crossword and runtpuz) then they have managed to acquire during the short time that they have been here. The class was definitely interested as I solved the puzzle and I was able to make the point that my version which has playback was made a lot easier because I was able to get the source code of the program at xwordinfo.com and modify it. And I used techniques taught in the course to do this. I think this was a very effective way to make this point.
So thanks again for doing this on such short notice. I will use it again next time I teach this course.
BTW, nobody complained about ID being in the grid twice so I didn't have to explain about the relaxed atmosphere that defines the runtpuz culture.
@BobK.: Thanx. Nice solve times, for those 2 themed runtz. Spouse and travelin agent has decided we are now leavin one day later ... So, will put out one extra runtpuz tonight.
I also think I know why you lost comments. You have to add them to the puzzle you solved, not to the playback of it. Just copy the URL that M&A gives you back into runtpuz.org and you should be able to save comments.
@r.alph - In M&A's absence, I guess we are free to talk among ourselves, so just a couple of replies to questions raised in your comments:
In "Runtinental Divide", my take on ORU is that Oral Roberts, as an evangelist, may have used the word "Heal!" frequently, jokingly referred to here as "heel." On pre-ordained vs. ordained, I think if God has ordained such-and-such, it is automatically pre-destined, even though destined would work just as well. But then, God stands outside of time, which makes it all difficult to comprehend.
In "Green Goop," the singular would be something like "UNO Paparazzo;" "paparazzi" is a plural, and after the recent discussion on Rex's blog, I have no idea if UNO is even the correct word.
In :UNCCL," I was hoping to get M&A's explanation of the Mexican otters. The best I can come up with is that "sea otters", being agreeable, are saying "si," Mexican for yes, so they are " si otters." Further transformation is required to make them SUITTERS, the closest I come to a real word, though my dictionary only lists "suiter" or "suitor."
(Continuing) "Grey Area" -- We must trust the opinion of M&A, the schlock film expert, that the film versions he cites were schlock; this doesn't imply anything about the virtues of the original novel. (Sort of relately, I remember a Star Trek episode titled "The City on the Edge of Forever" which used the title and essentially nothing else, of a classic Harlan Ellison story. Definitely a low point for Star Trek, but no reflection on Ellison.)
Some similarity with the clue for JUST, a good answer for "fair and balanced." Because Fox News claims these properties doesn't make the properties bad, only the claim.
But with these and all the others, I eagerly await M&A's commentary.
Thing is, I held off on doing my comments, until I read all the test solver's comments (and concerns). So, I am waaaaay behind. Day-um. Hope I can remember what I had had in mind, on some of those puppies …
"Pa&irs" --Good opportunity to get the rust off my runt-solver! But, alas!, 11:48 to ultimately fail: had to ask to be shown which one letter I had wrong.
M&A "How Unoriginal" 9A {Lightly driven individual} is arguably the worst clue in the history of crosswords. Desperation is too weak a word to describe the state of mind that penned this clue. May I suggest the clue {Not welcome in a china shop?} for 9A and 6D?
@r.alph: xqh! is an encrypted har!, using the same alphabet-shift code that encrypts LB to BR. I figured I should supply the encryption key, so that solvers would have a fighting chance to get BR. Wow. Exciting gauntlets being tossed out to the runtz, lately: * shortest theme reveal in history of crosswords. * worst clue in history of crosswords. har! M&A luvs a challenge!
Before and After http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/CrowdSource/GetSolution?id=MzEyMDYzOTk4NjgxNDE1MA {Lightly driven} is still the worst clue in crossword puzzle history. Nothing you did here is even close. How about {Noun} instead of {Lightly driven}?
@r.alph: First, to be fair, that historic "How Unoriginal" runtpuz clue was {Lightly driven individual?}. Has at least one question mark's worth of immunity. Second up, STEERs participate in cattle drives all the time, in my neck of the woods. Maybe y'all drive yer STEERs harder than we do? We try not to put em away wet.
Third, it occurs to m&e, that {Lightly driven individual} was actually almost a moo-cow easy single-? clue.
Fourth, I thought surely {[Hell (?] no)} would be a contender …
"[Before] and (After) and Without" author's summary:
Completed about 3/4 of the grid, asked to be shown incorrect letters, there weren't any. Put in a couple more letters, asked again, they were right, etc. But I don't consider that a fair solve on my part.
Were you aware that some of these clues were very difficult? ;>)
"Worst Across Clues Ever" http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/CrowdSource/GetSolution?id=NDExODQzMzYxNDkyNjA Lightly Ford won 236 games for the Yankees in the 50s and 60s
p.s. runtpuz title was a "Word Play" quote from a very special cruciverbalist p.p.s.s. Reposting this, as the 10-A clue originally was losing it at a "grocery store", which didn't quite make sense, maybe.
"Stumpy Stumper: Choppers on the Lawnchair" -- 3:58
Finally, one I could complete on my own! It's been awhile. Have to find that sweet spot between the time I get out of bed and the time I start drinking! (Just kidding . . . well, mostly . . . . I mean . . . )
@r.alph: re: "Unkind Donuts" tribute: Probably shoulda circled the sixth square in the 5-D entry, and specifically pointed out that Merl would no doubt have insisted on doubling that letter, somehow.
Gave it half an hour, not unexpected for a cryptic. Got and understood all but one answer, also not unusual for a cryptic. But counts as a fail for me.
Next time M&A does a "Galaxy of the Guardian"-type puz, he promises to go for all pure, 100%-homogenized cryptic crossword clues. It's either that, or have Great Britain declare war on the runtz.
@Bob It appears that xwordinfo.com is now requiring you to be on their site to access the puzzle. You can solve the puzzle the way you used to before using runtpuz.org by pasting the URL into the browser. If this is permanent then I will have to change runtpuz.org. This is doable but may take some time.
@BobK.: Sorry to here U are having trouble (beyond the normal amount everyone has) with the runtpuzs. Hope U can still get at them, using the old directly-to-the-xwordinfo-URL method. M&A can't afford to lose such a faithful test solver! Keep us posted.
Here's another xwordinfo-URL runtpuz to try out, directly:
@BobK.: Good to see U back! Leavin no trace was the one advantage, of that there old technique. Other than the new, obvious advantage, of course.
Pyramid Scheme was pretty good to U. r.alph, bless his heart, asked for more cowbell, tho -- so I brought out the big guns, with Chichi Demitasse. I also have a themed runtpuz snarlin in the wings, that has a bucket-o-cowbell …
@r.alph: Real sorry that xwordinfo changed their design specs on U. Will miss yer magnificent commentaries.
Chi chi Demitasse http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/CrowdSource/GetSolution? id=NzMxMjA4OTY5MjA4MDQ5
Reports of the demise of runtpuz.org were greatly exaggerated.
For the time being, I will manually move puzzles over to my database. This means that I can comment on them and M&A can comment on them if he waits until I comment. BobK can also use runtpuz.org but he too will have to wait until I manually move the puzzle to the database.
I am hopeful that xwordinfo.com will restore things back to the way they were. This is because the change broke a couple of their own programs offered on the site.
If they don't restore the previous interface then I will modify runtpuz.org to accept puzzles directly from M&A, eliminating xwordinfo.com as the middle man.
M&A will be able to proceed as usual up to the creation of the .puz file but then he will upload the .txt file that he's creates (described at http://www.litsoft.com/across/docs/AcrossTextFormat.pdf) to runtpuz.org instead of uploading the .puz file to xwordinfo.com. He can then copy and paste the URL displayed by runtpuz.org to here for us to use.
The runtpuz database is now up to date with 335 runt puzzles. Nothing was lost.
Haven't made many runtz lately. Have been working on a coupla possible puz submissions to the NYTimes. These started out as runt ideas, but just sort of grew like germ colonies.
Only runtz left in the kennel are: 1. The one that @muse inspired. Have decided to walk up and hand a copy of that one to her in person someday, as a way of thanking her. Probably at an ACPT? 2. This attached thing, which I suspect is really, really nasty to solve. It'll probably last runtpuz fans for at least 2-3 days, allowing M&A time to write more and catch up.
"With Next" -- Given the challenge, I really wanted to see this one through to the end. Even waited until after breakfast to tackle it. But, alas, after 17 minutes, a full grid, and no happy chimes, I broke down and asked to be shown which (5!) letters I had wrong. Then finished, but sans triumph.
". . . working on possible . . . submissions . . .", or have you made one? Looking at today's (9/1/15) NYT: 5 U's; RUNT at 56 A; clue for 55 d, "Title word before "You," "U" or "Yesterday" in hit songs" -- hmmmm
@BobK: Hey -- any runtpuz a solver can walk away from, on top, is a moral victory. Tonight's runt grid looks pretty much like today's, but has a little dab of a theme. It will be interesting to compare yer two solve experiences …
Meanwhile, would kinda like to show off M&A's first dabble in the realm of fiction writing, inspired by the Elmore Leonard writer's tips, shared today by Rexworld co-blogger @Evil Doug …
"Double Digits" -- Brilliant puzzle! Wish I could have solved it without help!
Spoiler alert! -- Starting with an empty grid, I thought 5 D could be PURR (if you pronounce the clue the right way.) The correct answer I don't comprehend. And, sorry, 2 D is just sick! :>)
The "Half-Full (of U's)/Half-Empty" runtpuz, issued by M&A on September 2, 2015, had a bold-faced error in it. It misspelt the name of Dr. Seuss in a grid answer. This was real wrong on M&A's part to do, even tho totally accidental. The only excuse M&A has: * was frantically building three 15x15 puzs, including interactin with a major crossword publisher, to try and fix one of em up, before publication. * lack of sleep, tryin to build a big grid, before forgettin what was in the rest of it (duplication concerns). * ten-minute runtpuz buildin rule (which as hereby now been rescinded). * sun was in eyes.
My sincere apologies, to all solvers of this runtpuz. I went without cinnamon rolls this mornin, as a sorta self-flagellation.
@r.alph: please, oh please replace that bum runt in yer archives, with the following corrected version. Sorry for yer trouble, on this. Note that I tried real hard, to come up with an extra-sparkly substitute clue, at 17-A …
"Half Full / Half Empty" - 7x7 corrected lightly themed:
"Hogweed Hand Out" -- I am brought back down to earth. Just under 12 minutes, but only with liberal use of "reveal incorrect letters."
Need I say I had never heard of Hogweed? (But I did guess the answer to its clue off just the first and last letters . . . though maybe that's not saying much.)
@BobK.: Ouch. Well, hogweed can do that to yah. I'm gonna have a weirdish schedule, the next few days, so let's get this one out, while the gettin is "good" …
"Scaling Down" -- Twelve plus minutes again, liberal use of "reveal incorrect letters." Torturous indeed.
Since you mention schedules, I will throw out that I am hearing the Siren call of the Mall Orca again. I will be leaving Sept 21 for a couple of weeks off the grid.
FWIW, I just came across the "Jellomeisters" runt over at Rex's (it's been a busy day) and slid through it as if greased with Jell-o in 2:05. I'll take my victories where I can! :>)
@BobK.: Good memory -- U really ripped thru that blast from the past runt. Lena Webb at Aimlessly Themeless might not want to use that runt, since it is 7x7. I notice they specify daily size = 5x5 and Sunday size = 9x9.
@r.alph: Rat fudge. Can't even remember those army service grades right, anymore. Should have checked my faulty memory. Here's a corrected "Double Digits" version:
About the 15x15 extravaganza peace offering: Sent three 15x-ers to NYTimes. Still waiting to hear, on those. Sent one 15x-er to another less-famous outfit. Sold that one. Then came up with the "U2" one, but was all out of postage stamps. May get more, after getting a check for that one sold puz.
@r.alph: Thanx for the pix. And for thinkin my "Conceivable heir" clue was more brilliant than I had ever thought of. Sorta like U put some extra tape on my clue!
This is the last runtlike offering for a few days, due to a short, out-of-state experience. Don't believe this pup is real difficult, but maybe if I made some more accidental misfires in my clues, it'll slow U down a smidge ...
M&A explanations for "Done To A Turn". If U want to solve the runtpuz, don't look at this file yet. Look at the one up above, first. Commentary and cranium dump:
The chemistry list is here http://puzzlecrowd.com/chemistry.html 55 of 118 abbreviations have appeared in runt puzzles. 63 to go.
Missed the import of the revealer. Thought it was about crullers. But I think it is totally amazing that Sebastian Croll is considered the inventor of the cruller.
Found this about the inventor of the cinnamon roll:
From what i have read (I'm currently doing a report on these), the Cinnamon roll was probably created in it's current refined form around the 1700s since that was the time sugarcane was being cultivated in the United States. As to who this baker was is now sadly unknown, but it is speculated that the emperor of Austria, Emperor Charles IV, employed a danish baker to create a dessert for him. This seems likely since Austria is close enough to Sweden and Asia for both to have a chance to interact. The cinnamon roll probably became a much more common occurrence in the household in the late 1800s when butter became a mass produced product.
@BobK: Shoot, U can't leave on that real nice Mall Orca vacation, in the middle of feelin like you've lost yer runtpuz nerve. Here's a nice, pettable runt, complete with friendly hints …
"Defensive Position with Hints" -- Thanks for the try at a friendly grid. 6:41, but only after being shown several wrong letters. I cannot believe that I have never heard of 4A, but I haven't. And I have never seen 3 D naked before! And, this morning I should have said, I always thought "CSI" was set in (six letters) NEVADA.
@BobK: Enjoy your rest and relaxation. U must really like that faraway place. I'll probably ease back on releasin as many of the runtz, too, while U are gone.
@BobK: Congrats on your runtsolve. Wasn't that NYTPuz a royal stinker? No weejects at all! That puz was a remorseless brain-eatin machine. Worked on it at the pancake house with my lovely spouse. We had better luck with the pancakes. The part we have done so far ain't got very many U's, neither. The horror. The horror.
Hey M&A! If Shortz ever starts to accept my puzs, I have a few already done with U in mind. Get it? Lots of U's, because of you! Now, if Will would get on the ball... Maybe we can all mass e-mail him to put my puzzles in! :-)
Hey M&A! If Shortz ever starts to accept my puzs, I have a few already done with U in mind. Get it? Lots of U's, because of you! Now, if Will would get on the ball... Maybe we can all mass e-mail him to put my puzzles in! :-)
Hey M&A! If Shortz ever starts to accept my puzs, I have a few already done with U in mind. Get it? Lots of U's, because of you! Now, if Will would get on the ball... Maybe we can all mass e-mail him to put my puzzles in! :-)
Here is the puzzle report for Tuesday's NYT puzzle. http://puzzlecrowd.com/puzzlereport.html?v=20150929 Check out the "Clue quiz using clues from previous puzzles" link.
@r.alph: U do amazing work, in your puzzle report program. Clue quiz is outstanding. And, E-specially like the letter distribution default character, btw. Thanx, M&A
I find it somewhat instructional, that neither @BobK nor @r.alph would touch the latest Galaxy of the Guardian runtpuz offering. [Sept. 21, 8:40pm comment] har
ReplyDeleteI have been intensely busy lately. I will do the latest runt puzzles soon. Thanks for producing them!
@r.alph: Busy is cool.
ReplyDeleteThanx for providing such a nice Home for Stray Runtz!
"Stumpy Stumper: Grey Area" - 7x7 themeless:
Sorry, it took me a few days to find this runt, after you started a new thread!
ReplyDeleteThe course I am teaching will end on Friday and I will have time to catch up on the runt puzzles which I miss doing.
I would like to show my students a runt puzzle on Wednesday with the following words
X {Popular JavaScript framework} JQUERY
{Initial impression of the source code of X} COMPLEX
{Impression of X after spending some debugger time with it} SIMPLE
It would be nice if the answers appeared in that order. If you don't have time, then I can throw something together with unchecked squares. Thanks.
@r.alph: OK.
ReplyDeleteI'm on it.
ReplyDeleteHow'bout this little guy? …
Perfect! Thank you very much!
ReplyDeleteMutated jQuery runtpuz:
Yo, @BobK.: how'd it go for U at the Lollabigappla puz tourney? I have heard indirect accounts that U are a real speed demon solver. Here's one to improve yer average on ...
ReplyDelete"How Unoriginal" - 7x7 Themed:
"How Unoriginal" -- Literally laughed out loud when I read the clues - knew from the start that I didn't have a chance.
ReplyDeleteFilled out the grid, but 50 % or more by "Reveal current square."
Lollapuzzoola 8 was a lot of fun, and fortunately for me much easier to solve most of the puzzles, even if I didn't quite understand a couple of them as I was solving. (And the one letter I know I got wrong, I realized as I raised my hand to turn in my paper that I had made a mistake, but it was too late to change.)
I finished #93 out of the 186 or so contestants who finished all the puzzles; can't get much more dead-center than that, which is exactly where I expect to be: Just the average solver.
Reports of my being a speed solver come from an inexperienced reporter, well-meaning but maybe not the most reliable on the subject. No, just average.
@BobK: Wow! Impressive solve time on "How Unoriginal". You'll be gunnin, for that next runt, tho.
DeleteBummerino, on that oops-at-the-hand-raise incident. Happens to M&A quite a bit. Send in a comment to ParkerWorld, and right afterward I spot three day-um things that have been autocorrected into gibberish. Mail the greatest puz since sliced bread in to the NYT, then right after the mailbox lid slams shut, I realize that the fill actually sucked.
93 out of 186 sounds pretty good, to m&e. I would finish so badly, they would probably invent a new category to describe it. Wonder how @009 finished?
I don't think it's a secret:
"Stumpy Stumper: Down The Drain" - 7x7 themeless:
"Down the Drain" - 2:59.
DeleteVery straightforward.
Very fast!
DeleteM&A will be lost in the woods for a few short days. Will leave a pile of breadcrumbs tonight, before we rumble off down the road.
@r.alph: We will need a play-by-play, on how yer class reacted to the jQuery runtpuz. Do we still maintain good diplomatic relations with Nepal?
ReplyDeleteStudents got JQUERY and JUDO, wanted VERSIONS for MUTATED, not much of a chance with the short stuff since they required more knowledge of our culture (both American, crossword and runtpuz) then they have managed to acquire during the short time that they have been here. The class was definitely interested as I solved the puzzle and I was able to make the point that my version which has playback was made a lot easier because I was able to get the source code of the program at xwordinfo.com and modify it. And I used techniques taught in the course to do this. I think this was a very effective way to make this point.
So thanks again for doing this on such short notice. I will use it again next time I teach this course.
BTW, nobody complained about ID being in the grid twice so I didn't have to explain about the relaxed atmosphere that defines the runtpuz culture.
Oops. ID was not in grid twice. Somehow AI morphed in ID
ReplyDelete"All-Around Delicious" - 7x7 themed:
"All-Around Delicious" -- 4:04
"Plurals of Inconvenience" - 7x7 themed:
M&A 2
"Plurals of Inconvenience" -- 4:41.
Brilliant theme!
@BobK.: Thanx. Nice solve times, for those 2 themed runtz.
ReplyDeleteSpouse and travelin agent has decided we are now leavin one day later ...
So, will put out one extra runtpuz tonight.
"Stumpy Stumper: XQH!" - 7x7 unthemed:
"Stumpy Stumper: XQH!" -- 2:46.
DeleteOne careless mistake away from a really good time!
Thanks, and have a nice trip!
"Runtinental Divide Joke" - 7x7 sorta themed:
"Stumpy Stumper: Green Goop" - 7x7 themeless:
"UNCCL" - 7x7 biter runt:
(Any ideas on the Mexican otters clue?)
I also think I know why you lost comments. You have to add them to the puzzle you solved, not to the playback of it. Just copy the URL that M&A gives you back into runtpuz.org and you should be able to save comments.
@r.alph - In M&A's absence, I guess we are free to talk among ourselves, so just a couple of replies to questions raised in your comments:
DeleteIn "Runtinental Divide", my take on ORU is that Oral Roberts, as an evangelist, may have used the word "Heal!" frequently, jokingly referred to here as "heel." On pre-ordained vs. ordained, I think if God has ordained such-and-such, it is automatically pre-destined, even though destined would work just as well. But then, God stands outside of time, which makes it all difficult to comprehend.
In "Green Goop," the singular would be something like "UNO Paparazzo;" "paparazzi" is a plural, and after the recent discussion on Rex's blog, I have no idea if UNO is even the correct word.
In :UNCCL," I was hoping to get M&A's explanation of the Mexican otters. The best I can come up with is that "sea otters", being agreeable, are saying "si," Mexican for yes, so they are " si otters." Further transformation is required to make them SUITTERS, the closest I come to a real word, though my dictionary only lists "suiter" or "suitor."
"Toil and Trouble" - 7x7 themed:
"Stumpy Stumper: Epitome of Strength" - 7x7 themeless:
"Stumpy Stumper: Grey Area" - 7x7 themeless:
(Continuing) "Grey Area" -- We must trust the opinion of M&A, the schlock film expert, that the film versions he cites were schlock; this doesn't imply anything about the virtues of the original novel. (Sort of relately, I remember a Star Trek episode titled "The City on the Edge of Forever" which used the title and essentially nothing else, of a classic Harlan Ellison story. Definitely a low point for Star Trek, but no reflection on Ellison.)
DeleteSome similarity with the clue for JUST, a good answer for "fair and balanced." Because Fox News claims these properties doesn't make the properties bad, only the claim.
But with these and all the others, I eagerly await M&A's commentary.
318 puzzles so far! 47 more and we will have enough for a calendar!
ReplyDelete"How Unoriginal" - 7x7 Themed:
"Stumpy Stumper: Down The Drain" - 7x7 themeless:
"Plurals of Inconvenience" - 7x7 themed:
"All-Around Delicious" - 7x7 themed:
"Stumpy Stumper: XQH!" - 7x7 unthemed:
All caught up!
My two cents:
Delete"Down the Drain" - I was thinking of automotive transmissions and first gear, but your take is so much more interesting!
"Delicious" - Actually, the Scarlet Macaw shirt is an XXL.
"XQH!" - Um, yeah, what is the "encryption" all about? I haven't got a clue.
Here's M&A's notes on "Stumpy Stumper: XQH!"…
Thing is, I held off on doing my comments, until I read all the test solver's comments (and concerns). So, I am waaaaay behind. Day-um. Hope I can remember what I had had in mind, on some of those puppies …
M&A recap, on "All-Around Delicious":
M&A recap, for "Plurals of Inconvenience":
M&A recap, "Stumpy Stumper: Down the Drain":
"Another Runtpuz Nostalgia Trip, Down the Drain"
"Pa&irs" - 7x7 themed:
"Pa&irs" --Good opportunity to get the rust off my runt-solver! But, alas!, 11:48 to ultimately fail: had to ask to be shown which one letter I had wrong.
"How Unoriginal", in wordy retrospect:
Shortest revealer in the history of crossword puzzles.
ReplyDelete"How Unoriginal"
9A {Lightly driven individual} is arguably the worst clue in the history of crosswords. Desperation is too weak a word to describe the state of mind that penned this clue. May I suggest the clue {Not welcome in a china shop?} for 9A and 6D?
The key was given by [har!] translating into [xqh!}, in the two 2-letter entry's clues.
ReplyDeleteStill don't get what [xqh!] means.
ReplyDeletexqh! is an encrypted har!, using the same alphabet-shift code that encrypts LB to BR.
I figured I should supply the encryption key, so that solvers would have a fighting chance to get BR.
Wow. Exciting gauntlets being tossed out to the runtz, lately:
* shortest theme reveal in history of crosswords.
* worst clue in history of crosswords.
har! M&A luvs a challenge!
"Stumpy Stumper: Grey Area" fifty shades of M&A explanation:
"Epitome of Strength" strongly-argued explanation by M&A:
Startin to worry … these older runtz ain't looking all that familiar.
My old-timer's disease may be kickin in.
"[Before] and (After) and Without" - 7x7 themed:
Anxious now to see what @r.alph thinks of some of these clues.
"[Before] and (After) and Without" --
DeleteI tried, and failed. Three letters required multiple guesses after being told they were wrong.
Before and After
{Lightly driven} is still the worst clue in crossword puzzle history. Nothing you did here is even close. How about {Noun} instead of {Lightly driven}?
@r.alph: First, to be fair, that historic "How Unoriginal" runtpuz clue was {Lightly driven individual?}. Has at least one question mark's worth of immunity. Second up, STEERs participate in cattle drives all the time, in my neck of the woods. Maybe y'all drive yer STEERs harder than we do? We try not to put em away wet.
ReplyDeleteThird, it occurs to m&e, that {Lightly driven individual} was actually almost a moo-cow easy single-? clue.
Fourth, I thought surely {[Hell (?] no)} would be a contender …
"[Before] and (After) and Without" author's summary:
ReplyDeleteI accidently omitted "individual"
I would love to see one reference to a lightly driven cow/steer/bull/whatever somewhere on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteFound one! See below …
DeleteCompleted about 3/4 of the grid, asked to be shown incorrect letters, there weren't any. Put in a couple more letters, asked again, they were right, etc. But I don't consider that a fair solve on my part.
Were you aware that some of these clues were very difficult? ;>)
"Worst Across Clues Ever"
Lightly Ford won 236 games for the Yankees in the 50s and 60s
"Stumpy Stumper: Jellomeisters" - 7x7 themeless:
"Stumpy Stumper: Jellomeisters" --
DeleteGood one! And I almost got it n my own.
"Worst Across Clues Ever" rewind:
This runtpuz was real hard to construct, btw. M&A kept feelin bad for the solvers.
I have still not seen the light. Cars are "rarely driven" not "lightly driven".
"Jellomeisters" don't break the mold, but here's some moldy M&A author comments:
"Just Sound It Out" - 7x7 themed:
"Just Sound It Out" --
DeleteGreat puzzle! ~ Couldn't solve it on my own. :>(
Just sound it out
I am a runt puzzle WHIR
@BobK.: Distresses the M&A, that all his runtpuzs are treatin U so poorly, of late.
ReplyDelete@r.alph: What's a WHIR? In yer latest comment file, there weren't no comment slots for the SE-corner twosome. How'd U do that!?!
Author's revelations, vis-a-vis "Just Sound It Out":
"Wish U WHIR Here"
What noise does a fan make?
"Stumpy Stumper: Viagra Duck" - 7x7 themeless:
"Stumpy Stumper: Viagra Duck" -- Well, I tried.
Viagra duck
"Viagra Duck" comments by a quack constructioneer …
Merl taught M&A (indirectly, via "Word Play" flick) how to build a crossword. This is very sad news.
**Runtpuz-like Clue Alert!**
ReplyDeleteSee 23-Down, in today's Saturday Stumper, "edited" by Stanley Newman.
Runtpuz contagion. There ain't no antidote.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Unkind Donuts" - 7x7 dedication puz:
runtpuz title was a "Word Play" quote from a very special cruciverbalist
Reposting this, as the 10-A clue originally was losing it at a "grocery store", which didn't quite make sense, maybe.
"Unkind Donuts" -- Beautiful and touching.
Stumper runt
I thought several other clues were runtish also.
So sorry to see the news about Merl Reagle.
ReplyDelete"Stumpy Stumper: Choppers on the Lawnchair" - 7x7 themeless:
"Stumpy Stumper: Choppers on the Lawnchair" -- 3:58
DeleteFinally, one I could complete on my own! It's been awhile. Have to find that sweet spot between the time I get out of bed and the time I start drinking! (Just kidding . . . well, mostly . . . . I mean . . . )
Unkind Donuts
Choppers on the Lawnchair
@r.alph: re: "Unkind Donuts" tribute:
ReplyDeleteProbably shoulda circled the sixth square in the 5-D entry, and specifically pointed out that Merl would no doubt have insisted on doubling that letter, somehow.
@r.alph: Kinda like this …
ReplyDeleteClarified "Unkind Donuts":
Author comments, for clarified "Unkind Donuts" runt:
"When Doubled" - 7x7 themed:
"When Doubled" -- 4:43
DeleteHey! Got it, and I'm pretty sure I "get it" also.
Now I wonder about the runt response to today's "It's Up To You" NYT Xwd.
When Doubled
"Now It's Up To U M&A" - 8x8 themed "sequel":
"Now It's Up To U M&A" -- 6:17, no cheats. (Long time because it's a bigger-than-usual puzzle.)
DeleteBeautiful and oh so timely!
"When Doubled" comments from the no mad nomad:
Now it's up to you
"Stumpy Stumper: Opener / Smuuther" - 7x7 themeless:
"Stumpy Stumper: Opener / Smuuther" -- 4:00 even, no cheats. But I couldn't find any reference to or function of the circles!
re: "Opener / Smuuther":
ReplyDeleteWoulda thought the use of the circles was darn near obvious. Just goes to day-um show yah…
"smuuther" is pronounced like "smoother", btw. Not just a long, drawn-out "smother".
p.s. Have already sorta done a "sequel" to today's NYTPuz, so am offa the hook, there.
ReplyDelete(See "Round Tripper" runtpuz list #267.)
However, no plans to do a NYTPuz sequel runtpuz all the time, anyhoo. Only the ones that really trip my trigger a lot.
'bout time for another "Galaxy of the Guardian" variety runt, tho …
"Galaxy of the Guardian IV" - 7x7 half cryptic, half-baked:
"Galaxy of the Guardian IV" --
DeleteGave it half an hour, not unexpected for a cryptic. Got and understood all but one answer, also not unusual for a cryptic. But counts as a fail for me.
@BobK.: yep, after a fresh look, that 1-Down clue did come out a dash south of poor. Sorry, my friend.
ReplyDeleteHere's the only excuses for "Galaxy of the Guardian IV" that M&A has:
"Masked Guardian Oh Foo"
"debUts" - 7x7 historic themed:
"debUts" -- 4:53
DeleteThings I should have learned on the blog, had I been paying attention!
"Stumpy Stumper: Blade Guzzler" - 7x7 themeless:
"Stumpy Stumper: Blade Guzzler" -- I tried.
Guardian of the galaxy
Next time M&A does a "Galaxy of the Guardian"-type puz, he promises to go for all pure, 100%-homogenized cryptic crossword clues. It's either that, or have Great Britain declare war on the runtz.
ReplyDeletePeace on earth, good will toward all foos.
"Nearly in Contention" - 7x7 themed:
"Nearly in Contention" -- 8:07, no cheats. Got it, but don't get it.
"Stumpy Stumper: Pyramid Scheme" - 7x7 themeless:
Blade Guzzler
"Nearly in contention"
Pyramid scheme
"debUts" - construction bloopers:
I haven't been able to access the "Pyramid Scheme". Trouble on my side or yours?
ReplyDeleteIt appears that xwordinfo.com is now requiring you to be on their site to access the puzzle. You can solve the puzzle the way you used to before using runtpuz.org by pasting the URL into the browser. If this is permanent then I will have to change runtpuz.org. This is doable but may take some time.
@BobK.: Sorry to here U are having trouble (beyond the normal amount everyone has) with the runtpuzs. Hope U can still get at them, using the old directly-to-the-xwordinfo-URL method. M&A can't afford to lose such a faithful test solver! Keep us posted.
ReplyDeleteHere's another xwordinfo-URL runtpuz to try out, directly:
"Stumpy Stumper: Chichi Demitasse" - 7x7 themeless:
Using the old method and thus leaving no trace:
ReplyDelete"Pyramid Scheme" -- 2:22, no cheats, very straightforward.
"Chichi Demitasse" -- Needed too many cheats to count to get anywhere. Some brilliant clues; multiple gaps in my knowledge.
@BobK.: Good to see U back! Leavin no trace was the one advantage, of that there old technique. Other than the new, obvious advantage, of course.
ReplyDeletePyramid Scheme was pretty good to U. r.alph, bless his heart, asked for more cowbell, tho -- so I brought out the big guns, with Chichi Demitasse. I also have a themed runtpuz snarlin in the wings, that has a bucket-o-cowbell …
@r.alph: Real sorry that xwordinfo changed their design specs on U. Will miss yer magnificent commentaries.
Chi chi Demitasse
Reports of the demise of runtpuz.org were greatly exaggerated.
For the time being, I will manually move puzzles over to my database. This means that I can comment on them and M&A can comment on them if he waits until I comment. BobK can also use runtpuz.org but he too will have to wait until I manually move the puzzle to the database.
I am hopeful that xwordinfo.com will restore things back to the way they were. This is because the change broke a couple of their own programs offered on the site.
If they don't restore the previous interface then I will modify runtpuz.org to accept puzzles directly from M&A, eliminating xwordinfo.com as the middle man.
M&A will be able to proceed as usual up to the creation of the .puz file but then he will upload the .txt file that he's creates (described at http://www.litsoft.com/across/docs/AcrossTextFormat.pdf) to runtpuz.org instead of uploading the .puz file to xwordinfo.com. He can then copy and paste the URL displayed by runtpuz.org to here for us to use.
The runtpuz database is now up to date with 335 runt puzzles. Nothing was lost.
"Stumpy Stumper: Chichi Demitasse" author's glaring reflections:
Thanx to @r.alph, for always being on top of these pesky lil technical issues.
A challenge. Kinda like herdin runtpuzs.
"Nearly in Contention" - M&A play-by-play recap:
Haven't made many runtz lately. Have been working on a coupla possible puz submissions to the NYTimes. These started out as runt ideas, but just sort of grew like germ colonies.
ReplyDeleteOnly runtz left in the kennel are:
1. The one that @muse inspired. Have decided to walk up and hand a copy of that one to her in person someday, as a way of thanking her. Probably at an ACPT?
2. This attached thing, which I suspect is really, really nasty to solve. It'll probably last runtpuz fans for at least 2-3 days, allowing M&A time to write more and catch up.
"With Next" - 7x7 themed:
"With Next" -- Given the challenge, I really wanted to see this one through to the end. Even waited until after breakfast to tackle it. But, alas, after 17 minutes, a full grid, and no happy chimes, I broke down and asked to be shown which (5!) letters I had wrong. Then finished, but sans triumph.
Delete". . . working on possible . . . submissions . . .", or have you made one? Looking at today's (9/1/15) NYT: 5 U's; RUNT at 56 A; clue for 55 d, "Title word before "You," "U" or "Yesterday" in hit songs" -- hmmmm
ReplyDelete"Stumpy Stumper: Valley of the Weejects" - 7x7 themeless:
Valley of the Weejects -- 4:20, no cheats.
DeleteThemelesseses are easieres. Some very creative cluing, as always.
@BobK: Hey -- any runtpuz a solver can walk away from, on top, is a moral victory.
ReplyDeleteTonight's runt grid looks pretty much like today's, but has a little dab of a theme. It will be interesting to compare yer two solve experiences …
Easieres. Like. French derivation?
Meanwhile, would kinda like to show off M&A's first dabble in the realm of fiction writing, inspired by the Elmore Leonard writer's tips, shared today by Rexworld co-blogger @Evil Doug …
ReplyDelete"Tale in 10 Pts." - 7x7 overly themed:
"Don't give away the surprise ending"
"Tale in 10 Pts." -- Surprise ending: I finished in 3:13, no cheats.
"Half-Full / Half-Empty" - 7x7 lightly themed:
"Half-Full / Half-Empty" -- Or should this one have been titled "Foreign Language Festival"? My monolingual American brain was totally lost!
DeleteAwait explanation of several answers!
Valley of the Weejects
Tale in 10 pts
Half empty/Half full
No idea what the theme is
Yeah, yeah. "Half Full/Half Empty" has some serious explainin to do…
(Since that last one had a construction error, am takin some time off to get my nerve back.)
What!?! Unbelievable coincidence! U could knock m&e over with a feather.
ReplyDeleteIt's like M&A and Patrick Berry are twins (roughly) …
"Double Digits" - 7x7 themed:
M&A will soon be issuin a real snivelin retraction, on his last runtpuz. Y'all will look forward to it.
"Double Digits" -- Brilliant puzzle! Wish I could have solved it without help!
DeleteSpoiler alert! -- Starting with an empty grid, I thought 5 D could be PURR (if you pronounce the clue the right way.) The correct answer I don't comprehend. And, sorry, 2 D is just sick! :>)
** Re-traction Notice **
ReplyDeleteThe "Half-Full (of U's)/Half-Empty" runtpuz, issued by M&A on September 2, 2015, had a bold-faced error in it. It misspelt the name of Dr. Seuss in a grid answer. This was real wrong on M&A's part to do, even tho totally accidental.
The only excuse M&A has:
* was frantically building three 15x15 puzs, including interactin with a major crossword publisher, to try and fix one of em up, before publication.
* lack of sleep, tryin to build a big grid, before forgettin what was in the rest of it (duplication concerns).
* ten-minute runtpuz buildin rule (which as hereby now been rescinded).
* sun was in eyes.
My sincere apologies, to all solvers of this runtpuz. I went without cinnamon rolls this mornin, as a sorta self-flagellation.
@r.alph: please, oh please replace that bum runt in yer archives, with the following corrected version. Sorry for yer trouble, on this. Note that I tried real hard, to come up with an extra-sparkly substitute clue, at 17-A …
"Half Full / Half Empty" - 7x7 corrected lightly themed:
runt-brained M&A
Genuine LOL! (I still wouldn't have been able to solve it!)
Delete** Spoiler Alert on "Double Digits" **
ReplyDelete@BobK. - Like yer 5-D answer. Real answer hint: re-examine first word of clue, re: number of M&A's fave vowel.
Puzzle now has Dr.Seuss spelled correctly
ReplyDeleteThanx, @r.alph!
ReplyDeleteBonus puz, for all runtpuz solvers, by way of an apology for "Half-Full/Half-Empty" runtpuz mess-up …
"U2" - 15x15 themed extravaganza:
If there's an error in the above, I ain't hardly surprised.
"U2" - 15:33, but, oh darn, had one wrong letter pointed out to me at the end.
ReplyDeleteGreat puzzle. U should have sold this one to Mr. Shortz!
"Stumpy Stumper: Desperate Duct Tape" - 7x7 themeless:
"desperate Duct Tape" -- 2:14, no cheats.
Delete"You can't slow me down with a puzzle that consists of real words!" (That's my war rant.)
@Bob K.: 2:14 is fierce. Amazin job.
ReplyDeleteThis one might have weirder words …
"Stumpy Stumper: Hogweed Hand Out" - 7x7 themeless:
"Hogweed Hand Out" -- I am brought back down to earth. Just under 12 minutes, but only with liberal use of "reveal incorrect letters."
DeleteNeed I say I had never heard of Hogweed? (But I did guess the answer to its clue off just the first and last letters . . . though maybe that's not saying much.)
@BobK.: Ouch. Well, hogweed can do that to yah. I'm gonna have a weirdish schedule, the next few days, so let's get this one out, while the gettin is "good" …
ReplyDelete"Scaling Down" - 7x7 potentially torturous themed:
"Scaling Down" -- Twelve plus minutes again, liberal use of "reveal incorrect letters." Torturous indeed.
DeleteSince you mention schedules, I will throw out that I am hearing the Siren call of the Mall Orca again. I will be leaving Sept 21 for a couple of weeks off the grid.
FWIW, I just came across the "Jellomeisters" runt over at Rex's (it's been a busy day) and slid through it as if greased with Jell-o in 2:05. I'll take my victories where I can! :>)
ReplyDelete@BobK.: Good memory -- U really ripped thru that blast from the past runt.
DeleteLena Webb at Aimlessly Themeless might not want to use that runt, since it is 7x7. I notice they specify daily size = 5x5 and Sunday size = 9x9.
Double Digits
PFC is E3
@r.alph: Rat fudge. Can't even remember those army service grades right, anymore. Should have checked my faulty memory. Here's a corrected "Double Digits" version:
I fixed PFC clue, although technically an private is a shitbird.
ReplyDeleteDesperate Duct Tape
Hogweed Handout
Great runt! (Is that an oxymoron?)
Scaling Down
Another nice one.
Wow. All kinds of opportunities for comment, now.
ReplyDeleteHere's some for "Desperate Duct Tape", where r.alph had a probing question:
About the 15x15 extravaganza peace offering:
Sent three 15x-ers to NYTimes. Still waiting to hear, on those.
Sent one 15x-er to another less-famous outfit. Sold that one.
Then came up with the "U2" one, but was all out of postage stamps. May get more, after getting a check for that one sold puz.
ReplyDeleteAgree about juryrigging. Here are a couple pictures of my recumbent
@r.alph: Thanx for the pix. And for thinkin my "Conceivable heir" clue was more brilliant than I had ever thought of. Sorta like U put some extra tape on my clue!
ReplyDeleteThis is the last runtlike offering for a few days, due to a short, out-of-state experience. Don't believe this pup is real difficult, but maybe if I made some more accidental misfires in my clues, it'll slow U down a smidge ...
"Changelings" - 7x7 themed:
"Changelings" -- 4:08, no cheats.
Got back home tonight, and did this, instead of doing something useful…
ReplyDelete"Berry's Theme" - 7x7 themed:
"Berry's Theme" -- Berry good puzzle, Done in just under eight minutes, but had to ask to be shown 2 wrong letters.
Berry's Theme
ReplyDeleteNew procedure for uploading a puzzle that avoids xwordinfo.com.
1. Open
in your browser.
2. Click the "Choose File" button and navigate to the .puz file in the same way that you did for xwordinfo.com
3. Click the "Upload Puzzle" button.
4. You will be given a URL to post for the puzzle, just like xwordinfo.com did
5. Post that URL here
@r.alph: Let's try your procedure out …
ReplyDelete"Done To A Turn" - 7x7 themed:
Leaves me totally befuddled, in more ways than one.
Done to a Turn
M&A explanations for "Done To A Turn". If U want to solve the runtpuz, don't look at this file yet. Look at the one up above, first.
ReplyDeleteCommentary and cranium dump:
Congrats to @r.alph, on his neat procedure for "fixing" the runtz, before they are allowed to run wild in public.
ReplyDeleteThe chemistry list is here
55 of 118 abbreviations have appeared in runt puzzles. 63 to go.
Missed the import of the revealer. Thought it was about crullers. But I think it is totally amazing that Sebastian Croll is considered the inventor of the cruller.
Found this about the inventor of the cinnamon roll:
From what i have read (I'm currently doing a report on these), the Cinnamon roll was probably created in it's current refined form around the 1700s since that was the time sugarcane was being cultivated in the United States. As to who this baker was is now sadly unknown, but it is speculated that the emperor of Austria, Emperor Charles IV, employed a danish baker to create a dessert for him. This seems likely since Austria is close enough to Sweden and Asia for both to have a chance to interact. The cinnamon roll probably became a much more common occurrence in the household in the late 1800s when butter became a mass produced product.
@r.alph: rat fudge. 63 atomic symbols is a snootload of content for one runtpuz. May need to sneak up on this goal, a bit more.
ReplyDeleteSebastian C-roll sounds like a primo inventor.
Stumpy Stumper: "Stealth Bomber" - 7x7 themeless:
"Stealth Bomber" -- Impossible for me. I think I need a vacation. I will take a vacation!
Stealth Bomber
@BobK: Shoot, U can't leave on that real nice Mall Orca vacation, in the middle of feelin like you've lost yer runtpuz nerve. Here's a nice, pettable runt, complete with friendly hints …
ReplyDelete"Defensive Position with Hints" - 7x7 themed:
"Defensive Position with Hints" -- Thanks for the try at a friendly grid. 6:41, but only after being shown several wrong letters. I cannot believe that I have never heard of 4A, but I haven't. And I have never seen 3 D naked before! And, this morning I should have said, I always thought "CSI" was set in (six letters) NEVADA.
Thanks, but I really need some time off.
@BobK: Enjoy your rest and relaxation. U must really like that faraway place. I'll probably ease back on releasin as many of the runtz, too, while U are gone.
Defensive position with hints
"Defensive Position with Hints" defensive comments, from M&A:
Stumpy Stumper: "Peanut Gallery Problem" - 7x7 themeless:
Stumpy Stumper: "Peanut Gallery Problem" -- 5:23, no cheats.
DeletePiece of cake compared to today's NYT, but then anything would be!
Potential spoilers:
My first guess at 7A was BMI, but that's because I missed the word "healthy" in the clue!
4D - Great clue, great catch!
17 A - Aha, the dark side of U!
(Counting down; two days to go, and I'm gone!)
@BobK: Congrats on your runtsolve. Wasn't that NYTPuz a royal stinker? No weejects at all! That puz was a remorseless brain-eatin machine. Worked on it at the pancake house with my lovely spouse. We had better luck with the pancakes. The part we have done so far ain't got very many U's, neither. The horror. The horror.
"Relativity" - 7x7 themed:
"Relativity" -- 4:58, no cheats. For once I used the theme to my advantage. Fun puzzle!
"Peanut Gallery Problem"
@BobK: Have a fun vacation, my friend. Here's one for the road …
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Miss Potato Soup" - 7x7 themeless:
And see U in a coupla weeks,
Stumpy Stumper: "Miss Potato Soup" -- 5:49, no cheats. After dinner and drinks, I'd call that a good time for me. See you in two weeks.
Hey M&A!
ReplyDeleteIf Shortz ever starts to accept my puzs, I have a few already done with U in mind. Get it? Lots of U's, because of you! Now, if Will would get on the ball... Maybe we can all mass e-mail him to put my puzzles in! :-)
@Roo: har. U makes a strong case for it. Keep pluggin away, and I know it'll happen. Best "mass" emailing would be from the Pope, anyhoo.
ReplyDelete"Relativity" post-runtpuz commentary from the author…
Miss Potato soup
Hey M&A!
ReplyDeleteIf Shortz ever starts to accept my puzs, I have a few already done with U in mind. Get it? Lots of U's, because of you! Now, if Will would get on the ball... Maybe we can all mass e-mail him to put my puzzles in! :-)
Hey M&A!
ReplyDeleteIf Shortz ever starts to accept my puzs, I have a few already done with U in mind. Get it? Lots of U's, because of you! Now, if Will would get on the ball... Maybe we can all mass e-mail him to put my puzzles in! :-)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Roo: see 11:28A reply above.
ReplyDelete@r.alph: BobK is probably soooo glad he had to miss out on this runt …
"Galaxy of the Guardian, Part V" - 7x7 cryptic runtpuz:
"Miss Potato Soup" post-runtpuz commentary from the person most to blame:
Stumpy Stumper: "Pup Debate Racket" - 7x7 themeless:
"Pup Debate Racket" -- 2:28
DeleteI'm back!
Pup Debate Racket
Nice use of circles.
Here is the puzzle report for Tuesday's NYT puzzle.
Check out the "Clue quiz using clues from previous puzzles" link.
@r.alph: U do amazing work, in your puzzle report program. Clue quiz is outstanding.
ReplyDeleteAnd, E-specially like the letter distribution default character, btw.
"The Case For Having an Editor" - 7x7 themed:
"The Case For Having an Editor" -- 10:22, but only with help from "show incorrect letters." I'm back, but no smarter,
The case for having an editor.
Got the title after finishing the puzzle
Constructioneer analysis for the "Pup Debate Racket" runtpuz:
Constructioneer post-mortem for the "Case For Having an Editor" runtpuz:
@r.alph: In yer NYT puzzle analyzationer report: a cool addition would be words lacking Patrick Berry Immunity.
ReplyDelete@BobK: Here is a welcome-back runtpuz…
"Starting To Believe" - 7x7 themed [warning: 9 themers!]:
"Starting to Believe": -- 6:16, with a little help.
DeleteThank you for the welcome back!
Great idea! I have added a Patrick Berry immunity link to the three puzzle reports and it will appear in all future ones.
ReplyDeleteStarting to Believe
Is it true that you can begin any clue with "Boy," without changing its meaning?
@R.alph: Boy oh boy -- Is that ever a question!
DeleteI intend to use the new Patrick Berry Immunity link liberally, so, many thanx!
@BobK-- This blogplace feels whole, again.
ReplyDeleteI find it somewhat instructional, that neither @BobK nor @r.alph would touch the latest Galaxy of the Guardian runtpuz offering. [Sept. 21, 8:40pm comment]
Will this slip in as the 200th comment in this string?
DeleteI can't understand how I missed the GoG offering. At the time it was posted, I was in the air, but I didn't see it in my mailbox now that I am home.
In any case, I tried it, and after 15 minutes I only had 4 Down and 7 Across. I'm not very good at cryptics, and I really can't do them for time!
But thanks for the offering.