Congratz, @BobK. and @BG1 on yer clean "Middle Class" solvequests. This was an example where M&A tried to make the theme as straightforward as possible, with the clues goosed up a notch in difficulty. Wanted to see where the fur flew, in that case. @r.alph: Dude. U never heard of Middle English?!?
p.s. @BobK: U are decidedly High-Class. Can tell, by yer tournament shirt choices.
@BG1: yep. Primo call, on the 47-Down Saturday Stumper clue. All it lacked was the coveted double-?? official runtpuz punctuation. har!
p.s. Me and PuzEatinSpouse work the Saturday Stumper together, on paper, while whittlin down the coffee & cinnamon roll supply. So, not able to take advantage of @r.alph's fine software program, on that. Found today's stumper extra difficult, due to "figs". [Our term for incorrect entries that looked good.] Themed Stumper! Rodeo!
I'm trying to communicate with M&A ... I finally have a temporary fix to posting on Rex without having it "eat" my comments (and take the links with it). I still don't understand what the trigger was, but am convinced it's some kind of a computer glitch and that there was no malicious human intervention (if we compared notes on your problems vs. my problems, maybe we could discern the common thread). Easiest way to communicate with me is via my regular e-mail,, or we could go through Ralph or Theresa.
Thanx, Mr. Barany. Real nice of U. I'm kinda hard to reach, so I'll give U my fairly uncomplicated story, here. U can send out a reply thru @r.alph, if U prefer; he can always pass stuff on to me thru the secret parking garage meeting place. (I'm kinda shy -- sorry.)
* Three or four of my RP comments that disappeared had the (until recently) usual *gruntz* weblink at the bottom of the comment, linking the Comment Gallery folks to the latest runt puzzle. [gruntz = go to runt puzzles] * In one comment, I replaced the *gruntz* weblink with a just plain text "test" word. (No weblinks at all.) That one also disappeared. * In one other rather long comment, I think on Matt Gaffney's MonPuz blog subbing, I didn't have anything at the bottom, but did have a weblink to a runtpuz imbedded earlier in the text, for Mr. Gaffney to try. That comment also disappeared. * Next day, I had a rather long comment with no weblinks or runtpuz text-only refs. It disappeared, too. * Since then, havin given up weblinks and everything else except cinnamon rolls, all my (probably 6 or 7) comments have gotten thru.
I see you're again able to link to runtpuz. I will let the dust settle a bit now that @Rex is back (like will he keep moderation turned off?), but then I will try again to repost my lost message about the 7/22 MAS/GB puzzle, trying it from Google. Ideally, it would be nice to know what triggered the problem -- in the one post, it never showed up but another later one did (while @Rex was still moderating), and in the other post, it displayed just fine (while @Matt Gaffney was on the job) but then vanished -- this observation was reproduced several times.
@Barany dude: Did U See **That**? M&A evidently stuck the landing, on his Rex Parker comment, that had a **gruntz** weblink at the bottom of it, right in plain sight, in today's blog innards. Didn't do anything much different than before, either.
Sometimes that's how it works, on repairs around ye olde M&Ansion, also. Just keep on doin what U been doin, ignorin the problem, and said problem will just straighten itself out on its own, eventually. Either that, or use the duct tape.
Shoot. I see loyal @BobK. jumped right in, and test-solved the "Circle Jerks" runtpuz, before I could make the correction. Please add 1000 to BobK.'s score on that runt.
@BobK: U did pretty good, considerin U were workin on a messed-up puzzle! I now owe U a runtpuz of your choice: Please pick a title, and I'll make U a memorial runtpuz.
M&A, thank you for your generous offer, even more so since it is based on a simple typo that I hadn't even noticed.
I was pondering what title to suggest when God spoke to me (through the radio, of course.) As often happens when God speaks, I misunderstood what He said. Based on that misunderstanding, my suggested title is "Hiatus Coyote" (themeless.)
What God actually said was"Hiatus Kaiyote." ( I'm sure you can make an Orca Award worthy puzzle from that!
@Bob K.: U R most welcome. Again, sorry about my little moment of "Circle Jerks" temporary insanity. (Looks like the solvequest was permanent insanity, for most test-solvers, in any case. Told yah; a biter.)
Looks like a movement is steadily buildin, for U to suggest more runtpuz titles. @BG1 and M&A are already on board.
@M&A - Philosophical question: How is a mere mortal to decide, upon hearing an ethereal voice, whether it comes from God or the Devil?
This morning I was instructed, "Tell M&A, 'Funk Pterodactyl.'" But to me, that sounds more Satanic than Divine. (Ooh, Divine -- maybe "Pink Flamingos"?)
M&A will be departin soon, for another road trip experience. For a little over a week.
To try and make the runtpuz truce easier for regulars to take, M&A is now workin on a yuge 15x15 "We're-So-Dayum-Glad-That-Dude-Is-Leavin" crossword finale.
Yes M&A & Ralph ... it's often easier for me to printout the solution process with all the notes, so that I can do handwritten annotations. Both Ralph and Theresa have been using this method routinely to beta test puzzles for my website, and it has been very educational to me ... I only wish more people would do this.
@George When you upload the puzzle a URL will appear at the top of the page. Copy that and paste it here
Regarding how to print a solution. Click and drag the mouse over the summary comments to highlight them and then copy and paste to a text editor or mail message.
Weird … I entered a real long answer to @George, about the same time @r.alph did his. His comment stayed, but mine was there at first and then later disappeared. The many wonders of The Blorg.
@George: Part of my vapor-comment mentioned that U should be sure to click on "**gruntz**" and then "Down Home" and then "Show Solvers". This gives U a nifty log of all the comments from everybody, even if they don't bother to announce their solution on this blog, anymore.
OK, I'll have to experiment with printing. I always check other solvers after my own, though most of the time it just reinforces how much smarter the rest of you are.
@Galaxy Invader r.alph: Really really really like yer new avatar design choice. I need to get me an avatar, sometime. But, waitin for just the right one-eyed runt mutt picture …
M&A is now fanatic-religiously convinced, that themeless ("Stumpy Stumper") runtz are easier than themed runtpuzs. No longer merely a theory, to m&e.
BUT … Does this bother U test-solvers? Should the Stumpy Stumpers be brutally challengin, like their "Newman's Saturday Stumper" namesakes?
M&A could try to make clues easier on the themed ones, and harder on the themeless ones. Or just keep bein mindlessly random on that feature, like I have been so far.
The more structured, the better. I don't mind ... in fact I look forward to ... clever wordplay and misdirection and all that, but if I'm still scratching my head even with the answer in front of me, then it takes away from the overall pleasure.
This is especially so for two letter answers, because let's face it, one can write a clue for just about any of the 26x26 possibilities, and still make most of them hopelessly difficult for the solver.
On a somewhat related note, I've solved apparently impossible Saturday-type puzzles, with bizarrely arcane clues and inscrutable fill, by ignoring the clues altogether and just putting on my constructor hat -- what letters would I use in the available space.
I find that not knowing whether I'm going to have a bleeding stump at the end of my leg or instead getting a mere taste of acidity from an amuse-bouche adds to the solving pleasure. I'm with @BobK.
It's working now so why change? The genius that is an M&A runt shouldn't become bogged down with rules or standards. Go with whatever your heart tells you is right. I stand in support of the comments of both @BobK and @Teedmn.
Ok, so … Haven't heard from Galactic Invader commander, yet … but, appears that at least the majority of (5) regular test-solvers want the M&A runtz to continue to be non-house-trained.
I kinda like that approach, of bein somewhat … Different. Runty per se is sorta a little different, but M&A has always gotten a big charge out of "more cowbell", in other puzs he solves. De busta gut.
M&A does always try to include some "fightin chance" clues in each runt, but I suspect that such opportunities tend to be somewhat slimmer, when a hefty chunk of the grid is taken up with weird-ball themers.
Also, note that a runt with more than one double-?? clue is an extreme rarity. M&A views the double-?? clue assignment as a sorta awards ceremony for each runt, and usually there can only be one gold medal champ.
2-letter entries can indeed almost always be clued sanely, altho M&A has encountered a few challenges, during his first 600-700 runtz. I usually try to go for about a 50-50 split on easy vs. sneaky-ish clues, on those little pups.
Anyhoo, thanx kindly, for yer prompt and cool responses. Y'all are great.
Keep doing what you have been doing. A couple of unfair runts (e.g., the runt where all the answers were German) is a small price to pay for the brilliant ones.
Thanx, @r.alph. har. and yep. Postin that German invasion runtpuz was probably an error in M&A judgment. I had originally made it for a very sweet German exchange student gal that came back to visit us recently, after becomin a doktor. Figured at the time: "Hey -- as long as it exists, I might as well post it, as a daring experiment." Wrong again, M&A Breath.
M&A should point out that his daring experiments aren't intended to be cruel and unusual punishment for the solver. Just different but fair, with a wisp of quiet, heart-warmin desperation. It can be a tough balance to strike in a 7x7 grid, at times. Still feelin my way, after all these many billions of trillions of precious nanoseconds…
Where's @BobK? Cuba Libres hangover? Get well soon, bud. Will hold off on fieldin the runt that was partially his fault, until he can get back in the saddle. In the meantime …
@BobK. -- Sure, why the heck not. After two bite mis-treatments by the runtz in a row for U, they sorta owe U. Also, we have a request from @BG1, for a follow-up to the NYT MonPuz.
p.s. @George: Just keep working em, dude. U will eventually get the hang of the way we "think", around this here rodeo. (It is an acquired affliction.) Nice time on that tough "10%-90%" runtpuz, btw.
Not gettin any solid indication, after the first three test solves, of anyone discoverin the "almost obvious" "stated theme". Maybe this is harder than I thought ( -- wouldn't be the first time).
I've been having technical difficulties. Can someone please send me from scratch any recent runt puzzles for which my solution is still outstanding ... and I mean that word to mean "not submitted yet" rather than "of the highest quality."
@r.alph: Did U just change somethin in Down Home? Whenever I try to enter a solution comment, the same comment propagates to all the comments. Makes my solution kinda confusin, as all comments wind up the same.
Whoa. Zero clean test solves, on "Letsa Fix IT". That can't be a good sign. And after M&A dropped the hint about the recent NYTPuz, too boot. Will issue a solution, once entry of one starts workin for m&e, again.
Makes M&A wanna abandon his monkey-see-monkey-do runtpuz idea, that has M or A schrow-dinger squares.
Safari works fine on my Mac. Please try opening and click the clear button and try again and describe the order in which you are entering comments
p.s. I entered an overall comment in that solution file, but it didn't show up, when I mash the "Show Solvers" button. I do show up as a test solver, tho. Weird.
I entered the letters in the same sequence as you did in the solution you uploaded and it worked fine. What are the fewest number of comments that you have to enter before seeing duplicates appear? Please let me know where they are entered.
I did a Option-Cmd-E, to refresh the page. Still no luck, doing a solution. I entered a comment for the first entry (ARB), and it immediately showed up under all of the entry comments. My one ARB comment didn't show up in my solution file, either, I notice.
Don't have "Chrome". My Safari is kinda old, I reckon. Version 6.2.2. I don't like to do many updates, because they take my dinosaur-poorman's setup forever to do.
Are these the steps you took? 0. Hit clear 1. Entered answers 2. Clicked check solution 3. Clicked summary 4. If you look at Solution Summary there are no comments, just the ACPT score 5. You enter a comment for ARB. 6. What do you do next? Was it Shift+Return, click another answer in the list or click in the Overall comment section? 7. Whatever you do next will cause your ARB comment to appear as a comment to all other answers, i.e., the Solution summary area now has 20 comments.
My version of Safari is 9 something. I tried Option-Cmd-E and it cleared the cache. That is not what I meant by refreshing the page. In my version of Safari there is a curved arrow at the right of the area where you enter the URL. Clicking that refreshes the page (it will bring up the home page which has the instructions on how to use the program). Does that help?
OK. Now I brought up the old solution, did a BACK, then a CLEAR of the puzzle grid, then refreshed that page which bounced me out to the Down Home Page. Picked Show Puzzle, reentered all my answers, then went to Summary. Still had the same duplicate comment problem.
@r.alph: Had done steps 0-5, as U listed them. For step 6, I clicked on the next (ESP) entry. It already had the ARB comment, in its comment box. I initially tried typing over the ESP comment, but then the new ESP comment became the ARB comment, too. Yes, to step 7, which I assume was a question U were askin me?
Also: The Overall Comment box was not affected by each entry comment. When I entered an overall comment, it did not affect the individual entry comments.
@r.alph: In your honor, I updated my Safari as far as it will go, for my operating system (OS X Version 10.8.5). Retried everything. Still have same problem.
Also, I tried looking at my old "Why Oh Why Not Wyoming" solution file, which was ok a few days ago. Now I just get a blank screen display, for it.
Just out of curiosity, have U recently made an update to yer Down Home software? (Since 31 Aug, when I successfully entered the "Wyoming" solution?)
I updated the software yesterday, adding new links in the summary page, e.g., Toeholds. If you click it do you see some answers in the grid highlighted?
AFAIK, the only change I made to the code that handles comments was a very minor one that would not explain the symptoms you are getting.
BTW what comment did you enter?
Does your version of Safari have a Develop menu? If so please select "Show Error Console". If it appears you should see a > marking a text input area. Enter module and hit enter. Is the response {init: function, sortArrays: function, sortSolve: function, answerSelected: function, setBoundaries: function, …}. If so, I will put some debug statements in the code to see what is going on.
@r.alph: 1. I tried rebooting and then reentering everything in the solution. Still no luck. 2. When I clicked on Toeholds, it highlighted the whole grid in green. 3. ARB comment was: "ARBitrageur. Buyer and seller of securities." 4. While still in the solution summary window this last time, I invoked Develop/Show Error Console. It displayed a mess of this same message:
TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'text.startsWith("{")') htmlPlaybackv2.js:390 TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'text.startsWith("{")') htmlPlaybackv2.js:390
When I typed in "module" and hit enter, it came back with: Object
Hah! Those type errors were caused by the "small" change I made to the comment code. It turns out that the startsWith function was added to Safari 9. I have replaced it with another function that all versions of Safari have. Please try it again.
Can a MRS. (a) move to France, (b) then become a STE. I don't know a lot about the rules, but aren't all those STEs supposed to be virgins a la Jeanne d'Arc? Also, still having trouble wrapping my head around SIR Will Shortz. Good knight, everyone!
@George: Most dictionaries, such as the Oxford Dictionary define ste as: Saint (referring to a woman). Frenchness evidently ain't got nothin much to do with it. Other than the origin of ste is from the French Sainte.
M&A is not familiar with this notion that Saints have to necessarily be virgins. Seems kinda way harsh, and possibly hard to prove/disprove. Might as well rule M&A out for Sainthood, becuz he has "tasted of the cinnamon roll".
Can perhaps understand yer disbelief of Sir Shortzmeister. Maybe U could just wrap head around more of a "To Sir with Love" level of Sir-dom?
Anyhoo, great clean solve time. And U, too, @BG1. Hopefully this will help y'all recover from those nasty runt bites from "Letsa Fix IT", and get yer nerve back.
p.s. Deleted previous messages, because auto-correct redid "ste" as "set", which made the message pretty weird reading.
Aw, what the hey. May as well post this biter, early. It'll take people a good couple days to do, anyhoo. So … U get allotted 15 minutes, cuz I suspect it's a biter.
Looks like my "New Runtpuz Low" "biter runt" ended up rollin over and playin dead, for the test solvers. No one really needed the extra five minutes of solvin time. Even @George wouldn'ta needed it, if he didn't allow people into his office during runtpuz sessions.
Maybe the title gave too much away … ? And coulda sworn the winged horse would cause problems.
Just BTW and apropos of nothing, this comes from a post today At Blaine's Puzzle Blog:
Sun Sep 04, 07:08:00 AM PDT
Some liberal arts majors think of these [the answers to today's NPR Challenge] as synonyms rather than opposites. ("Ah, synonym rolls! Like Grammar used to make!")"
Letter Map: I divide the letters entered into 3 groups based on the time that the final correct version of the letter was entered in the grid. The group with the smallest times is displayed using green, the group with the longest times is red and the middle group is not colored.
Stall map: Answers marked in red ended a stall (no correct answer for more than a minute), Answers marked with a brownish color ended a sputter (>30 secs but less than 60 seconds)
Bafflement map: The three answers marked in red remained incomplete the longest after the first letter of the answer went in. The three answers in green were completed in the shortest time.
Toeholds: Green marks the answers entered with no crosses
Progress graph. If you click this you will probably have to scroll down to see the output which is a graph. The average time to enter a correct letter is the total solve time divided by the number of letters. The vertical lines represent departures from the average (represented by the horizontal line). The largest upward spikes usually identify stalls or sputters.
Er, @M&A, I had it in a shade under 3 minutes, working from a browser that I don't normally use, so it recorded me as Anonymous. By the time @teedmn explained to me how to get my real name to show, it was the next day and it seems to have counted all that extra time.
"The Middle Class" - 7x7 themed:
"The Middle Class"
The Middle Class
"The Middle Class" --
Congratz, @BobK. and @BG1 on yer clean "Middle Class" solvequests.
ReplyDeleteThis was an example where M&A tried to make the theme as straightforward as possible, with the clues goosed up a notch in difficulty. Wanted to see where the fur flew, in that case.
@r.alph: Dude. U never heard of Middle English?!?
@BobK: U are decidedly High-Class. Can tell, by yer tournament shirt choices.
Stumpy Stumper: "Horses and Pony Cars" - 7x7 themeless:
Horses and Pony Cars
"Horses and Pony Cars" --
Runpuz classy recap for solution to: "The Middle Class".
"Horses and Pony Cars"
***Saturday Stumper Spoiler Alert***
ReplyDeleteHey -- no peeking!
@BG1: yep. Primo call, on the 47-Down Saturday Stumper clue. All it lacked was the coveted double-?? official runtpuz punctuation. har!
p.s. Me and PuzEatinSpouse work the Saturday Stumper together, on paper, while whittlin down the coffee & cinnamon roll supply. So, not able to take advantage of @r.alph's fine software program, on that.
Found today's stumper extra difficult, due to "figs". [Our term for incorrect entries that looked good.]
Themed Stumper! Rodeo!
@Teedmn: Rightly or wrongedly, the following writeup influenced my 4-D clue…
M&A Help Desk, Runtpuz Div.
Thank you for the explanation. I did not know the term had evolved into a "class". As you say, Wikipedia, right or wrong :-).
DeleteA grateful, tho tongue-in-cheek salute to Matt Gaffney, who did an extraordinary job as sub-blogger at Rex Parker, this past week …
ReplyDelete"Anything But Average" - 7x7 themed:
Will try to give Mr. Gaffney the url for it tomorrow, but The Blorg may not allow it.
"Anything But Average" --
"Anything but Average" Very nice!
Stumpy Stumper: "Error Gravy" - 7x7 themeless:
I'm trying to communicate with M&A ... I finally have a temporary fix to posting on Rex without having it "eat" my comments (and take the links with it). I still don't understand what the trigger was, but am convinced it's some kind of a computer glitch and that there was no malicious human intervention (if we compared notes on your problems vs. my problems, maybe we could discern the common thread). Easiest way to communicate with me is via my regular e-mail,, or we could go through Ralph or Theresa.
ReplyDeleteThanx, Mr. Barany. Real nice of U.
DeleteI'm kinda hard to reach, so I'll give U my fairly uncomplicated story, here. U can send out a reply thru @r.alph, if U prefer; he can always pass stuff on to me thru the secret parking garage meeting place. (I'm kinda shy -- sorry.)
* Three or four of my RP comments that disappeared had the (until recently) usual *gruntz* weblink at the bottom of the comment, linking the Comment Gallery folks to the latest runt puzzle. [gruntz = go to runt puzzles]
* In one comment, I replaced the *gruntz* weblink with a just plain text "test" word. (No weblinks at all.) That one also disappeared.
* In one other rather long comment, I think on Matt Gaffney's MonPuz blog subbing, I didn't have anything at the bottom, but did have a weblink to a runtpuz imbedded earlier in the text, for Mr. Gaffney to try. That comment also disappeared.
* Next day, I had a rather long comment with no weblinks or runtpuz text-only refs. It disappeared, too.
* Since then, havin given up weblinks and everything else except cinnamon rolls, all my (probably 6 or 7) comments have gotten thru.
Thanx again,
I see you're again able to link to runtpuz. I will let the dust settle a bit now that @Rex is back (like will he keep moderation turned off?), but then I will try again to repost my lost message about the 7/22 MAS/GB puzzle, trying it from Google. Ideally, it would be nice to know what triggered the problem -- in the one post, it never showed up but another later one did (while @Rex was still moderating), and in the other post, it displayed just fine (while @Matt Gaffney was on the job) but then vanished -- this observation was reproduced several times.
Delete"Error Gravy" --
Error Gravy
"Error Gravy" This runt was as cute as an OTTER!
"Surprise Ending" - 7x7 themed:
"Surprise Ending" --
@Barany dude:
ReplyDeleteDid U See **That**?
M&A evidently stuck the landing, on his Rex Parker comment, that had a **gruntz** weblink at the bottom of it, right in plain sight, in today's blog innards.
Didn't do anything much different than before, either.
Sometimes that's how it works, on repairs around ye olde M&Ansion, also. Just keep on doin what U been doin, ignorin the problem, and said problem will just straighten itself out on its own, eventually. Either that, or use the duct tape.
Thanx again,
"Surprise Ending"
Stumpy Stumper: "D-Average Stink" - 7x7 themeless:
"D-Average Stink" --
"D-Average Stink"
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThursday is a good day for a themed biter runt, … right?
ReplyDelete"Circle Jerks" - 7x7 themed (15 minute limit):
Had to replace the runtpuz, becuz 6-Down had the wrong clue.
Really sorry.
Shoot. I see loyal @BobK. jumped right in, and test-solved the "Circle Jerks" runtpuz, before I could make the correction.
DeletePlease add 1000 to BobK.'s score on that runt.
@BobK: U did pretty good, considerin U were workin on a messed-up puzzle! I now owe U a runtpuz of your choice: Please pick a title, and I'll make U a memorial runtpuz.
"No Refunds"
M&A, thank you for your generous offer, even more so since it is based on a simple typo that I hadn't even noticed.
DeleteI was pondering what title to suggest when God spoke to me (through the radio, of course.) As often happens when God speaks, I misunderstood what He said. Based on that misunderstanding, my suggested title is "Hiatus Coyote" (themeless.)
What God actually said was"Hiatus Kaiyote." ( I'm sure you can make an Orca Award worthy puzzle from that!
"Circle Jerks" Bring on Hiatus Coyote!
@BobK. dreams up primo runtpuz titles, while listenin to the Lord on the radio …
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Hiatus Coyote" - 7x7 themeless, more or less:
p.s. This is a special request entry in the Make 1000 Runtpuzs Before U Drop contest. Please, no wagering.
"Hiatus Coyote" --
Tank you, thank you, thank you!
"Tank" is just a typo!
Delete@Bob K.: U R most welcome. Again, sorry about my little moment of "Circle Jerks" temporary insanity. (Looks like the solvequest was permanent insanity, for most test-solvers, in any case. Told yah; a biter.)
ReplyDeleteLooks like a movement is steadily buildin, for U to suggest more runtpuz titles. @BG1 and M&A are already on board.
"Make Mine Oxygen Tanks"
I'll keep my ears open for more good titles, but the truth is that God doesn't talk to me all that often.
ReplyDelete"Hiatus Coyote" Fun!
"Sufferin' Succotash!" - 7x7 sorta themed:
"Sufferin' Succotash!" --
Runtpuz rotated-in-by-jerks recap for solution to the corrected version of: "Circle Jerks".
"Sufferin' Succotash" I like @bodgit1's gimme combo!
"Know-It-All" - 7x7 themed:
(Assumin that @r.alph is right about this, once per year, in his Rex ParkerWorld comments …)
ReplyDelete"Happy B-day Teedmn" - 7x7 themed:
Am totally amazed, to see her grow up to be voting age, so quickly!
Happy B-day Teedmn
I see you that and raise you
Meta question. Explain the title
Holy moly, @r.alph. Did U just whip this 15x15-er up, today?
DeleteNice job.
My meta-guess is contained, within:
"Ham-Less" Meta explained within. Can't thank you all enough!
"Know-It-All" Fun!
"Happy B-Day Teedmn" Thank you so much, what a lovely little runt, got me good!
@M&A - Philosophical question: How is a mere mortal to decide, upon hearing an ethereal voice, whether it comes from God or the Devil?
ReplyDeleteThis morning I was instructed, "Tell M&A, 'Funk Pterodactyl.'" But to me, that sounds more Satanic than Divine. (Ooh, Divine -- maybe "Pink Flamingos"?)
@BobK. - On it, like snot.
DeleteSomethin for regular customers to do, in the meantime …
Stumpy Stumper: "Regular Customers" - 7x7 themeless:
"Regular Customers" --
"Funk Pterodactyl" - 7x7 sorta themed:
"Funk Pterodactyl" --
M&A will be departin soon, for another road trip experience. For a little over a week.
ReplyDeleteTo try and make the runtpuz truce easier for regulars to take, M&A is now workin on a yuge 15x15 "We're-So-Dayum-Glad-That-Dude-Is-Leavin" crossword finale.
"Regular Customers"
"Funk Pterodactyl" Too funky for me.
@M&A -- I know you are going on a trip soon, so you can just file this away until your return:
ReplyDeleteThis guy was new to me, so I thought he might be new to you also, but could be a nice addition to your U-Zoo:
Many thanx, BobK.
ReplyDeleteThis one oughta hold y'all, until I return …
"Scatter Shot" - bigger than snot, themed:
"Scatter Shot" --
Many thanks, and bon voyage!
ReplyDeleteYou passed the test, Ralph
ReplyDeleteHey -- Anybody still remember me? Maybe this'll refresh yer memory ...
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Wall Street Whizzpopper" - 7x7 themeless:
Good to see you back!
ReplyDelete"Wall Street Whizzpopper" --
"Wall Street Whizzpopper" - Welcome back, M&A!
"On A Runt Budget" - 7x7 themed:
ReplyDeleteNot on your wavelength for this one, M&A
@George Barany:
DeleteHere are some helpful notes on this runtpuz, that U might also find useful, in future solves …
M&A Help Desk
"On A Runt Budget" --
"On A Runt Budget"
Is it possible to get printouts? I think Ralph was going to investigate this at some point.
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Satanic Halftime" - 7x7 themeless:
If U meant printouts of solution files, I don't think so. But the mighty @r.alph would be the last word, on that.
Yes M&A & Ralph ... it's often easier for me to printout the solution process with all the notes, so that I can do handwritten annotations. Both Ralph and Theresa have been using this method routinely to beta test puzzles for my website, and it has been very educational to me ... I only wish more people would do this.
ReplyDelete"Satanic Halftime" --
How do I announce my solution?
ReplyDeleteWhen you upload the puzzle a URL will appear at the top of the page. Copy that and paste it here
Regarding how to print a solution. Click and drag the mouse over the summary comments to highlight them and then copy and paste to a text editor or mail message.
Weird … I entered a real long answer to @George, about the same time @r.alph did his. His comment stayed, but mine was there at first and then later disappeared. The many wonders of The Blorg.
ReplyDelete@George: Part of my vapor-comment mentioned that U should be sure to click on "**gruntz**" and then "Down Home" and then "Show Solvers". This gives U a nifty log of all the comments from everybody, even if they don't bother to announce their solution on this blog, anymore.
M&A Help Desk
OK, I'll have to experiment with printing. I always check other solvers after my own, though most of the time it just reinforces how much smarter the rest of you are.
ReplyDelete@Galaxy Invader r.alph: Really really really like yer new avatar design choice. I need to get me an avatar, sometime. But, waitin for just the right one-eyed runt mutt picture …
"Satanic Halftime"
Hey, y'all, especially @BobK, the U of Minn. college radio station just announced they would be playing "Hiatus Kaiyote" next.
"Doubling Up" - 7x7 themed:
"Doubling Up" --
"Doubling Up" Tough one!
Stumpy Stumper: "Tinker Bamako" - 7x7 themeless:
"Tinker Bamako" --
Note to @George: See this chatty solution recap for a previous runtpuz, for the explanation of "[brief case]" …
M&A Help Desk
M&A is now fanatic-religiously convinced, that themeless ("Stumpy Stumper") runtz are easier than themed runtpuzs. No longer merely a theory, to m&e.
ReplyDeleteBUT … Does this bother U test-solvers? Should the Stumpy Stumpers be brutally challengin, like their "Newman's Saturday Stumper" namesakes?
M&A could try to make clues easier on the themed ones, and harder on the themeless ones. Or just keep bein mindlessly random on that feature, like I have been so far.
Waddayah think … ?
"Aimin To Please, Except For No Refunds"
Why argue with success? "Mindlessly random" has gotten the runtpuz to the pinnacle it now enjoys, so keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteThe more structured, the better. I don't mind ... in fact I look forward to ... clever wordplay and misdirection and all that, but if I'm still scratching my head even with the answer in front of me, then it takes away from the overall pleasure.
ReplyDeleteThis is especially so for two letter answers, because let's face it, one can write a clue for just about any of the 26x26 possibilities, and still make most of them hopelessly difficult for the solver.
On a somewhat related note, I've solved apparently impossible Saturday-type puzzles, with bizarrely arcane clues and inscrutable fill, by ignoring the clues altogether and just putting on my constructor hat -- what letters would I use in the available space.
I find that not knowing whether I'm going to have a bleeding stump at the end of my leg or instead getting a mere taste of acidity from an amuse-bouche adds to the solving pleasure. I'm with @BobK.
ReplyDeleteIt's working now so why change? The genius that is an M&A runt shouldn't become bogged down with rules or standards. Go with whatever your heart tells you is right. I stand in support of the comments of both @BobK and @Teedmn.
ReplyDeleteOk, so …
ReplyDeleteHaven't heard from Galactic Invader commander, yet … but, appears that at least the majority of (5) regular test-solvers want the M&A runtz to continue to be non-house-trained.
I kinda like that approach, of bein somewhat … Different. Runty per se is sorta a little different, but M&A has always gotten a big charge out of "more cowbell", in other puzs he solves. De busta gut.
M&A does always try to include some "fightin chance" clues in each runt, but I suspect that such opportunities tend to be somewhat slimmer, when a hefty chunk of the grid is taken up with weird-ball themers.
Also, note that a runt with more than one double-?? clue is an extreme rarity. M&A views the double-?? clue assignment as a sorta awards ceremony for each runt, and usually there can only be one gold medal champ.
2-letter entries can indeed almost always be clued sanely, altho M&A has encountered a few challenges, during his first 600-700 runtz. I usually try to go for about a 50-50 split on easy vs. sneaky-ish clues, on those little pups.
Anyhoo, thanx kindly, for yer prompt and cool responses. Y'all are great.
Keep doing what you have been doing. A couple of unfair runts (e.g., the runt where all the answers were German) is a small price to pay for the brilliant ones.
ReplyDeleteThanx, @r.alph. har. and yep. Postin that German invasion runtpuz was probably an error in M&A judgment. I had originally made it for a very sweet German exchange student gal that came back to visit us recently, after becomin a doktor. Figured at the time: "Hey -- as long as it exists, I might as well post it, as a daring experiment." Wrong again, M&A Breath.
DeleteM&A should point out that his daring experiments aren't intended to be cruel and unusual punishment for the solver. Just different but fair, with a wisp of quiet, heart-warmin desperation. It can be a tough balance to strike in a 7x7 grid, at times. Still feelin my way, after all these many billions of trillions of precious nanoseconds…
Thanx again,
"Tinker Bamako"
"Collision Course" - 7x7 themed:
"Collision Course"
Collision Course
"Collision Course" --
I'm late to the game, but apparently a day at the beach and a couple of Cuba Libres didn't hurt me on this one!
Stumpy Stumper: "Lazy W Ranch" - 7x7 themeless and ISO-country scoreboard tutorial:
"Lazy W Ranch" Fun!
Where's @BobK? Cuba Libres hangover? Get well soon, bud.
ReplyDeleteWill hold off on fieldin the runt that was partially his fault, until he can get back in the saddle. In the meantime …
"10% Inspiration, 90% Desperation" - 7x7 themed & illustrated:
p.s. @BobK: Don't forget to do the other runt, also. U are one behind.
Win some, lose some. No hangover, just a very busy weekend.
"10% Inspiration, 90% Desperation" --
ReplyDeleteFor me, 100% desperation.
P.S. to M&A --
ReplyDeleteToday's "Gig Alert" -- no obligation, and certainly no refunds -- is Monolith of Phobos.
@BobK. -- Sure, why the heck not. After two bite mis-treatments by the runtz in a row for U, they sorta owe U.
DeleteAlso, we have a request from @BG1, for a follow-up to the NYT MonPuz.
"10% Inspiration, 90% Desperation" Not sure which part is which but all good!
Runtpuz desperate (but inspired) recap for the solution to: "10% Inspiration, 90% Desperation".
I'm assuming that I'm caught up with the last two runts. Please check them out and illuminate me as appropriate.
ReplyDelete9-Across is all BobK.'s fault.
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Bunch of Lyrers" - 7x7 themeless and monkey-infested:
@George: Just keep working em, dude. U will eventually get the hang of the way we "think", around this here rodeo. (It is an acquired affliction.)
Nice time on that tough "10%-90%" runtpuz, btw.
"Bunch of Lyrers" --
M&A don't wanna play favorites, with his loyal staff of test solvers. So …
ReplyDeleteThis here runtpuz is all @BG1's fault. (Other than it was inspired by the NYT SunPuz and MonPuz tag-team.)
"Why Oh Why Not Wyoming" - 7x7 themed:
And, since I did two today, I also now get a day off. {Break out the spare cinnamon roll pack]
"Why Oh Why Not Wyoming" --
Thanks, and enjoy your day off!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNot gettin any solid indication, after the first three test solves, of anyone discoverin the "almost obvious" "stated theme". Maybe this is harder
ReplyDeletethan I thought ( -- wouldn't be the first time).
@BG1: Cool guess, but no, on NOrth Dakota.
"Bunch of Lyrers"
"Why OH Why Not Wyoming"
Runtpuz Meta Meta Recap for solution to "Why Oh Why Not Wyoming".
Nice meta. If I had read the title more carefully perhaps I would have been able to find it.
Delete@M&A. Runtgate!! You should check out today's AVCX puzzle. Open and enter wed and then Fetch puzzle. Or maybe you are really Ben Tausig.
DeleteI've been having technical difficulties. Can someone please send me from scratch any recent runt puzzles for which my solution is still outstanding ... and I mean that word to mean "not submitted yet" rather than "of the highest quality."
ReplyDelete@George: Looks to m&e like U haven't posted solutions for these 2 recent ones:
ReplyDelete"Bunch of Lyrers" - 7x7 themeless:
"Why Oh Why Not Wyoming" - 7x7 themed:
Good luck, on no longer bein outstandin,
M&A Help Desk
OK, think I'm caught up. Thanks for all your help and all your desk.
ReplyDeleteInspired by recent NYTPuz events …
ReplyDelete"Letsa Fix IT" - 7x7 themed:
"Letsa Fix IT" --
"Letsa Fix IT" Ouch.
@r.alph: Did U just change somethin in Down Home?
ReplyDeleteWhenever I try to enter a solution comment, the same comment propagates to all the comments. Makes my solution kinda confusin, as all comments wind up the same.
Whoa. Zero clean test solves, on "Letsa Fix IT". That can't be a good sign. And after M&A dropped the hint about the recent NYTPuz, too boot. Will issue a solution, once entry of one starts workin for m&e, again.
ReplyDeleteMakes M&A wanna abandon his monkey-see-monkey-do runtpuz idea, that has M or A schrow-dinger squares.
ReplyDeleteI am not seeing this behavior. What browser are you using?
@r.alph: Safari.
Safari works fine on my Mac. Please try opening
Deleteand click the clear button and try again and describe the order in which you are entering comments
@r.alph: Tried it. Still have the problem.
ReplyDeleteIf of interest, this is the solution file that got produced:
ReplyDeleteI entered an overall comment in that solution file, but it didn't show up, when I mash the "Show Solvers" button. I do show up as a test solver, tho.
Please try refreshing the page in Safari.
DeleteIf that doesn't work, then could you try it using Chrome?
I entered the letters in the same sequence as you did in the solution you uploaded and it worked fine. What are the fewest number of comments that you have to enter before seeing duplicates appear? Please let me know where they are entered.
DeleteI did a Option-Cmd-E, to refresh the page. Still no luck, doing a solution.
ReplyDeleteI entered a comment for the first entry (ARB), and it immediately showed up under all of the entry comments. My one ARB comment didn't show up in my solution file, either, I notice.
Don't have "Chrome".
My Safari is kinda old, I reckon. Version 6.2.2. I don't like to do many updates, because they take my dinosaur-poorman's setup forever to do.
Are these the steps you took?
Delete0. Hit clear
1. Entered answers
2. Clicked check solution
3. Clicked summary
4. If you look at Solution Summary there are no comments, just the ACPT score
5. You enter a comment for ARB.
6. What do you do next? Was it Shift+Return, click another answer in the list or click in the Overall comment section?
7. Whatever you do next will cause your ARB comment to appear as a comment to all other answers, i.e., the Solution summary area now has 20 comments.
My version of Safari is 9 something.
DeleteI tried Option-Cmd-E and it cleared the cache. That is not what I meant by refreshing the page. In my version of Safari there is a curved arrow at the right of the area where you enter the URL. Clicking that refreshes the page (it will bring up the home page which has the instructions on how to use the program). Does that help?
OK. Now I brought up the old solution, did a BACK, then a CLEAR of the puzzle grid, then refreshed that page which bounced me out to the Down Home Page. Picked Show Puzzle, reentered all my answers, then went to Summary. Still had the same duplicate comment problem.
ReplyDeleteHad done steps 0-5, as U listed them.
For step 6, I clicked on the next (ESP) entry. It already had the ARB comment, in its comment box. I initially tried typing over the ESP comment, but then the new ESP comment became the ARB comment, too.
Yes, to step 7, which I assume was a question U were askin me?
Also: The Overall Comment box was not affected by each entry comment. When I entered an overall comment, it did not affect the individual entry comments.
@r.alph: In your honor, I updated my Safari as far as it will go, for my operating system (OS X Version 10.8.5). Retried everything. Still have same problem.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I tried looking at my old "Why Oh Why Not Wyoming" solution file, which was ok a few days ago. Now I just get a blank screen display, for it.
Just out of curiosity, have U recently made an update to yer Down Home software? (Since 31 Aug, when I successfully entered the "Wyoming" solution?)
Thanx, and sorry to be so much trouble, here.
I updated the software yesterday, adding new links in the summary page, e.g., Toeholds. If you click it do you see some answers in the grid highlighted?
DeleteAFAIK, the only change I made to the code that handles comments was a very minor one that would not explain the symptoms you are getting.
BTW what comment did you enter?
Does your version of Safari have a Develop menu? If so please select "Show Error Console". If it appears you should see a > marking a text input area. Enter module and hit enter. Is the response {init: function, sortArrays: function, sortSolve: function, answerSelected: function, setBoundaries: function, …}. If so, I will put some debug statements in the code to see what is going on.
Another long shot for you to try is to quit Safari and reboot your Mac
ReplyDelete1. I tried rebooting and then reentering everything in the solution. Still no luck.
2. When I clicked on Toeholds, it highlighted the whole grid in green.
3. ARB comment was: "ARBitrageur. Buyer and seller of securities."
4. While still in the solution summary window this last time, I invoked Develop/Show Error Console. It displayed a mess of this same message:
TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'text.startsWith("{")')
TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'text.startsWith("{")')
When I typed in "module" and hit enter, it came back with:
Hah! Those type errors were caused by the "small" change I made to the comment code. It turns out that the startsWith function was added to Safari 9. I have replaced it with another function that all versions of Safari have. Please try it again.
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Famine Resistant" - 7x7 themeless:
ReplyDeleteRuntpuz-it Recap-it for solution to: "Letsa Fix IT".
Thanx, @r.alph. Much better.
Can a MRS. (a) move to France, (b) then become a STE. I don't know a lot about the rules, but aren't all those STEs supposed to be virgins a la Jeanne d'Arc? Also, still having trouble wrapping my head around SIR Will Shortz. Good knight, everyone!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@George: Most dictionaries, such as the Oxford Dictionary define ste as:
ReplyDeleteSaint (referring to a woman).
Frenchness evidently ain't got nothin much to do with it. Other than the origin of ste is from the French Sainte.
M&A is not familiar with this notion that Saints have to necessarily be virgins. Seems kinda way harsh, and possibly hard to prove/disprove. Might as well rule M&A out for Sainthood, becuz he has "tasted of the cinnamon roll".
Can perhaps understand yer disbelief of Sir Shortzmeister. Maybe U could just wrap head around more of a "To Sir with Love" level of Sir-dom?
Anyhoo, great clean solve time. And U, too, @BG1. Hopefully this will help y'all recover from those nasty runt bites from "Letsa Fix IT", and get yer nerve back.
Deleted previous messages, because auto-correct redid "ste" as "set", which made the message pretty weird reading.
"Famine Resistant" --
"Famine Resistant"
Har! If there was an award for "Euphemism of the Year", "tasted of the cinnamon roll" would be the winner. Thanks for the laugh.
@r.alph: Impressed congratz on yer sub-2-minute solvetime, on "Famine Resistant". U are gettin near Dan Feyer runtsolve territory.
ReplyDeleteM&A may have way overdone it, on makin that puppy user-friendly. Or all U nice test solver folks may just be real smarties.
Be whatever it may, re: the next runty show entrant: even its title snarls at U. Coming soon, to a dogfight locale near U.
Aw, what the hey. May as well post this biter, early. It'll take people a good couple days to do, anyhoo. So … U get allotted 15 minutes, cuz I suspect it's a biter.
ReplyDelete"A New Runtpuz Low" - 7x7 themed:
M&A -- is that the right way to do it?
ReplyDeleteTry again:
Is this running on California time?
DeleteWhy is my score lowered by all the extra time that I wasn't actually working on the runtpuz, but in "pause" mode?
ReplyDelete@George: @r.alph is the Runtpuz Rules Committee chairman, so … M&A will defer to him.
"A New Runtpuz Low"
"A New Runtpuz Low" --
Looks like my "New Runtpuz Low" "biter runt" ended up rollin over and playin dead, for the test solvers. No one really needed the extra five minutes of solvin time. Even @George wouldn'ta needed it, if he didn't allow people into his office during runtpuz sessions.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the title gave too much away … ? And coulda sworn the winged horse would cause problems.
Good job, y'all!
This here is all @r.alph's fault …
ReplyDelete"New runtpuzscript Function" - 7x7 themed:
"Your brain release may not support it"
"New runtpuzscript Function" --
When the ACPT starts letting solvers pause a puzzle to make a phone call then I will add the feature you requested to the program.
@Ralph, then why have a pause/resume toggle at the end of the menu bar?
ReplyDeleteGood point. It is for people who don't care about the ACPT score but just want to know how long it took them to do the puzzle.
ReplyDeleteRuntpuzscript 101, Lesson 1, and recap solution to: "New runtpuzscript Function".
It is appropriate that the Cobolization of Javascript was first done in a runtpuz.
ReplyDeleteSign near a homeless mainframe COBOL programmer, holding a tin cup: BROTHER CAN U PARADIGM?
ReplyDeleteFirst display slide in a late 90's javascript class (that M&A actually attended): SHIFT HAPPENS.
Stumpy Stumper: "Undue Flopping" - 7x7 themeless:
"Undue Flopping" --
Just BTW and apropos of nothing, this comes from a post today At Blaine's Puzzle Blog:
Sun Sep 04, 07:08:00 AM PDT
Some liberal arts majors think of these [the answers to today's NPR Challenge] as synonyms rather than opposites. ("Ah, synonym rolls! Like Grammar used to make!")"
yo, @BobK. And both SYNONYM and GRAMMAR are 7 letters long!
DeleteM by A
Mel Taub really makes some dynamite "variety" puzs, over at the NYT.
ReplyDeleteSince it's Sunday, here's a little salute to the Taubmeister. Thanx, Mel.
"Puny & Anagramy" - 7x7 variety:
M&A is me ... how can I get my name associated with it?
ReplyDelete"Puny & Anagramy" --
@r.alph - What is the definition of "letter map"?
ReplyDeleteLetter Map: I divide the letters entered into 3 groups based on the time that the final correct version of the letter was entered in the grid. The group with the smallest times is displayed using green, the group with the longest times is red and the middle group is not colored.
Stall map: Answers marked in red ended a stall (no correct answer for more than a minute), Answers marked with a brownish color ended a sputter (>30 secs but less than 60 seconds)
Bafflement map: The three answers marked in red remained incomplete the longest after the first letter of the answer went in. The three answers in green were completed in the shortest time.
Toeholds: Green marks the answers entered with no crosses
Progress graph. If you click this you will probably have to scroll down to see the output which is a graph. The average time to enter a correct letter is the total solve time divided by the number of letters. The vertical lines represent departures from the average (represented by the horizontal line). The largest upward spikes usually identify stalls or sputters.
"New runtpuzscript Function"
"Undue Flopping" Now there's the Saturday Stumper style Runt I've come to know and love!
"Puny & Anagramy" Thanks, Melled & TaUbonomoUs.
Congratz to @George, with that clean solve of "Puny & Anagramy" in "1145 minutes". Day-um. Way to hang in there, @George.
Er, @M&A, I had it in a shade under 3 minutes, working from a browser that I don't normally use, so it recorded me as Anonymous. By the time @teedmn explained to me how to get my real name to show, it was the next day and it seems to have counted all that extra time.
DeleteWell, all right, then. Good solve time. I had falsely assumed the bummer of all danglin office visits. har
Yeah, I do get caught up in my day job, night and day it seems. Keep those challenges coming.
DeleteI assume this runtpuz is going to be pretty easy. So, given the legendary M&A judgment, it'll probably take everyone around 1145 minutes.
ReplyDelete"Grammar Nutzi" - 7x7 themed:
"Grammar Nutzi" --
Oh -- Almost 200 comments agian.
Last comment here. New post started
ReplyDeletetest … do not view with the naked eye. No.
Test. No admittance.