Surely this one is easier than snot, thinks M&A. Which is sorta like when the weatherman says there's not a chance of rain all week. (i.e., Watch out.)
Well, rat fudge. Test-solver results on "Tee For Two" are pretty darn non-conclusive. Everything from: Teed-mn = clean solve in 5, to: Teed-off = BobK.
Anyhoo, congratz, to @Teedmn, on her solve time and kinda bein almost a title character in a runtpuz.
p.s. Had to re-post the runtpuz, becuz it had a minor typo, that probably wouldn't have even slowed test solvers down. But, the runts do strive for "dog-gone perfection".
Re: Keep It Real -- Hate to mention it, after all the trouble M&A had a week or so ago, but in the summary section of "Show Solvers" my comment, "Not in my vocabulary," which I had written about 4D, appears for both that and for 10D, where I had not written it. (I knew 10D, but not 4D. I hope you have googled 4D, George. Constructors are only very rarely wrong!)
@Bob It's because 10D and 4D are both ARE. Since it is extremely unusual to have duplicate answers in a puzzle I don't think that I will complicate my code handling this situation.
It was ok to have two AREs, I decided, cuz it was two totally different parts of speech. Plus, @BobK. and maybe @George got to learn something new, there.
I sorta now regret usin the term "weeject" in one of the Keep It Real runtpuz clues. I think it confused the snot out of @George. @George: To M&A, a "weeject" is any 3-letter word. Usually, it has something unusual about it, also. Like in the case of ERA, the unusual thing is how often it pops up in crossword grids. So … sorry, for the confusion.
p.s. Only 2 out of 5 clean test-solves. Maybe not as easy as M&A thought. Weird. Last time I advertised a runtpuz as a "biter", everybody cruised thru it unscathed. OK. Next one up's a definite "biter". Everybody feel better, now?
Yesterday I received an acceptance email from Joel Fagliano of the NYT. If all goes well, on some Monday in the next few months, I'll be able to cross off an item on my bucket list.
I just want to thank the Runt Puz group (especially M&A) for their invaluable feedback and inspiration.
@BG1! Stupendous news! Congratz! har! I think they are usually on the lookout for really good NYT MonPuz candidates, so it might turn up sooner than U think. Will U let us know, when it appears? [M&A shouldn't by rights probably request that sorta thing, as he don't do it.]
Proud of U. Let's do some sort of RuntPuz Pyrotechnics, to celebrate! This is the best. Has it got a lotta U's in it? No, wait -- don't tell us. (Just so darn excited.)
As the runts would say: Bowwowieeee! M&A
p.s. Re-post of previous message, as it needed extra appropriate gushin.
@r.alph: For what it's worth and it ain't much dept.: Noticed that I just passed the 750 runt puzzle barrier. (Built, but not necessarily all published.)
U did a totally amazin job on that NYT SunPuz. Man, U sure like to build huuuge puzs. U should now try buildin a runtpuz, and publishin it right here. Would give U time to get yer constructioneerin nerve back. Could call it "Snack Time", or somesuch.
Congratz! har. Talk about a bunch of high-credentialled runtpuz test solvers! … Keep it up, folks.
OK, let me just make sure I understand, I missed the fact that KNOW provides a syllable for T. Rex, and the circled letters, in order, represent the last letter of each word. Nicely done, and you're absolutely right, having co-constructed today's Sunday puzzle left a vacuum in my weekend routine which was nicely filled by your runt. Thanks!
Next week, M&A will boldly go, where no M&A has gone before. In honor of all these recent, marvelous, NYTimes-related milestones, M&A will endeavor to post NYT-Monday-thru-Saturday-difficulty-level puzs, but in the runt-size dimension, for each appropriate day of the week.
That may or may not have made any sense, but stay tuned, and hopefully you'll get the drift of it, eventually.
As of Sunday, BEQ has 1000-883 = 117 puzzles to go to reach 1000. At his current rate of production of 2 per week he will make it in 117/2 = 58.5 weeks.
M&A has 1000-708 - 292 puzzles to go. To tie BEQ he would have to produce 292/58.5 = 4.99 puzzles a week. It's a long shot but who would have thought that when he posted his first runts over at Rex Parker he would have made 700 puzzles?
@r.alph: Are U even countin that pure-German-bred runt? Are U countin the runtz contributed by other constructioneers? Should U also be countin the NYTPuzs written by M&A and BEQ? Have U considered that M&A might be a "conglomerate", and BEQ could be writin some of these runtz? Can U beat that the NYTPuz copied M&A's rhymin theme idea for the MonPuz? Who on earth out there is *seriously* considerin voting Trump in as a U.S. President? No earplug port? … has Apple lost its iMarbles? But, I digress.
Hard to evaluate the appropriateness of the Like NYTimes Runtpuz Week runts, difficulty-wise. Testsolve times only tell part of the story. There is also clean vs. unclean solves, to consider. One evaluation technique, of adding a 3-minute penalty for uncleanliness, yields these nanosecond totals*:
You may have to adjust my time on Thursday's runt. I tried to solve it immediately after doing Ian Livengood's NYT puzzle. My head was still spinning and I keep trying to use his gimmick on your clues.
Between dealing with puzzles for other venues and putting up with one or more personal trolls @Rex, I'm badly behind on runt puzzles. Could one of you be so kind and compile in a single e-mail (or post) links to all the runts that came up this week, and I'll commit to a marathon catchup solving session sometime on Saturday. Congratulations (or should it be condolences) to M&A for having several theme concepts pre-empted by the NYT.
@BG1: Thanx. But U ain't quite finished, yet. There's still the "Sunday twins" to contend with.
Sorta interestingly … there were actually two different Saturday runtpuzs in the pen, called "Little Devil". M&A wavered back and forth on which one was the toughest, and therefore best SatPuz runt entrant. Will maybe have to publish the other Little Devil sometime soon, and get yer opinions.
Primo solve time, @Teedmn. This puppy was about as challengin as M&A can make a themeless 7x7 (without resortin to anagrams, or somesuch). Note that it was weeject-less, just like the Friday Patrick Berry NYTPuz; comparisons pretty much end there, however. -- so that completes Monday through Friday. Any more for the weekend? (Summarize in a single e-mail, please) Nice experiment to have paired puzzles, and congratulations on a prolific week. Hopefully, some nuanced explanations will be forthcoming.
Sunday twins not included, as a little too funky, to compare them to traditional single-runtpuz solves.
I guess M&A is kinda happy with the day-to-difficulty match ups, altho for some reason, switchin Wednesday and Friday woulda evidently worked a lot better. Then again, the highs and lows are so all over the place, that I suspect a samplin of only 5 test solvers may not quite be sufficient to judge such things.
Anyhoo … Thanx to all for participating. Epic come-from-behind solve-blowout by @George, btw. He should now lie down, for a spell.
Thanks for the stats, M&A, and all your clever runting throughout the week! Yeah, I definitely need a nap now ... "Sack Time" is flourishing today in syndication-land. Oops, should that be an em-dash instead of a hyphen?
Been reading the rundowns with bated breaths. Caught up through Thursday. Thanks for all the effort to illuminate us (pronoun used generously, since most of the rest of the gang seems to have done substantially better than me).
M&A will probably slow things down, a runty little bit, until master test solver BobK. can get back in-country. BUT … not entirely, so don't go thinkin U got First Thou Champ wrapped up in the bank yet, BEQ. snort.
For completeness, here is that "other" Little Devil runt, that was the recent SatPuz's plan B. Which one is tougher, test solvers? (If this one is tougher, BobK. will be glad he is out-of-town.)
George, I think as soon as you ask for any help, the program counts it as "answer submitted," so you only get credit for what you had up to that point.
@George Anything you while solving that is not allowed at the ACPT automatically "hands in" the puzzle. You evidently asked for a letter or asked to be shown incorrect squares before you had any correct answers.
@George - Putting a single black square in the center of the 7x7 grid, representing my desert island -- and making the solve a whole lot easier, presumably.
Killer Shopping Center ---- Aargh! I have to get out of vacation mode. Started this morning, got called away for a long day of touring and dodging thunderstorms, and didn't have the patience to finish tonight.
Thank you for a beautiful puzzle crafted in a sense just for me. Sorry I couldn't do it justice.
@BobK. That pesky "Shopping Center" runt just made U draw (6) too many day-um random black squares onto yer homemade grid paper facsimile, there-bye losin U far too many precious nanoseconds.
Whatever U do, do not abandon "vacation mode".
Ve have vayz, to deal with them black-square-drawing woes …
Got pretty much nowhere on "desperate word square #3" but did ok on "up up up up up" -- please explain the title and answer the riddle posed along with my answer to one of the 7-letter downs.
@George: The M&A Stumpy Stumper Titling System usually involves snatchin choice words out of the clues, and plunkin them into the puz title. In the "Up Up Up Up Up" runtpuz's case, there happened to be five up's spread throughout the clues, which was too neat a chance occurrence to ignore.
I see one molecule in guacamole, if I am allowed to re-use the "le" letters.
I may have to do another marathon catchup session. Towards the end of the week, can one of you remind me on which ones I am outstanding (and by that, I mean the one dictionary definition, and not the other one).
As I was saying, George, click the notify me box, and then every time M&A publishes a new runt, you will get a notice with a link, which will stay in your inbox until you can get around to it.
I'll devote part of Saturday to catching up on backlog, if someone would be kind enough to list all the ones I haven't done in a single post and/or e-mail. Also, FWIW, I have a 7x11 puzzle that @Teedmn has already test solved ... will announce it as soon as I implement the final tweaks.
@BobK- Welcome home! For some weird reason, M&A had it in his head that you'd be gone for another week. Ergofore, I've got a whole, snarlin litter of "Desperate Word Square" runtz leftover. But, no problemo. Will give em all out to @George, for his Saturday solvefest.
Here's one of the lil darlins, relieving hisself on the welcoming red carpet, right now …
Runtpuzs that @George (and several others) has not solved yet, as far as I know... "No Uhs, Ums, or Ers" - 7x7 themeless: **gruntz** "Plan B-ogus" - 7x7 themed: **gruntz** "Rex Parkers" - 7x7 themed and 10th anniversary dedication: **gruntz** "Desperate Word Squares #5" - 7x7 sorta themed: **gruntz** "Desperate Word Squares #6" - 7x7 sorta themed: **gruntz**
Runtpuz Puny Recap for the solution to: "Puny & Anagramy".
"Grammar Nutzi" This one did not roll over and show its belly for me.
ReplyDelete does that keep me in the in crowd?
ReplyDeleteIs the clock on this PDT?
Delete@George, the runtz like it to appear like they get up real early in the mornin, even tho they don't. Hence the PDT clock setting, probably.
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Runty Little Box Gig" - 7x7 themeless:
"Runty Little Box Gig" --
"Runty Little Box Gig" Couldn't fight my way out of the Runty little box.
Surely this one is easier than snot, thinks M&A. Which is sorta like when the weatherman says there's not a chance of rain all week. (i.e., Watch out.)
ReplyDelete"Tee For Two" - 7x7 themed:
"Tee for Two"
"Tee For Two" --
Well, rat fudge. Test-solver results on "Tee For Two" are pretty darn non-conclusive. Everything from:
ReplyDeleteTeed-mn = clean solve in 5,
Teed-off = BobK.
Anyhoo, congratz, to @Teedmn, on her solve time and kinda bein almost a title character in a runtpuz.
Please don't take my comments too seriously. I just shouldn't try to solve too early in the morning.
DeleteAfter I posted, I regretted not having mentioned what a brilliant and well executed puzzle it was.
@BobK. - har. Nooo problemo. When have U known M&A to take much of anything too seriously?
Runtpuz Grammatically-Anal Recap for solution to: "Grammar Nutzi".
One with a gimme in it for @BobK. … ?
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Moon Porch" - 7x7 themeless:
Yes, there was one gimme for me! BTW, have I mentioned that in two weeks I will be back in Mall Orca for my Autumn visit?
ReplyDelete"Moon Porch" --
@BobK, you'll have to send us a photo of your favorite cactus. It is reminiscent of my Progress Graph for the "Moon Porch" runt!
Delete"Moon Porch" Nice grid.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSerious trouble brewin … M&A has a feelin this puppy might be one of the easiest runt puzzles of all time!
ReplyDelete"Keep It Real" - 7x7 themed:
Had to re-post the runtpuz, becuz it had a minor typo, that probably wouldn't have even slowed test solvers down. But, the runts do strive for "dog-gone perfection".
ReplyDeleteWith all due respect, my answer reflects frustration while solving the version originally posted. Glad you had a chance to fix the typos.
"Keep It Real" --
May not be the easiest runt, but definitely the realest.
"Keep It Real"
Re: Keep It Real -- Hate to mention it, after all the trouble M&A had a week or so ago, but in the summary section of "Show Solvers" my comment, "Not in my vocabulary," which I had written about 4D, appears for both that and for 10D, where I had not written it. (I knew 10D, but not 4D. I hope you have googled 4D, George. Constructors are only very rarely wrong!)
ReplyDeleteIt's because 10D and 4D are both ARE. Since it is extremely unusual to have duplicate answers in a puzzle I don't think that I will complicate my code handling this situation.
It was ok to have two AREs, I decided, cuz it was two totally different parts of speech. Plus, @BobK. and maybe @George got to learn something new, there.
ReplyDeleteI sorta now regret usin the term "weeject" in one of the Keep It Real runtpuz clues. I think it confused the snot out of @George.
@George: To M&A, a "weeject" is any 3-letter word. Usually, it has something unusual about it, also. Like in the case of ERA, the unusual thing is how often it pops up in crossword grids. So … sorry, for the confusion.
Only 2 out of 5 clean test-solves. Maybe not as easy as M&A thought.
Weird. Last time I advertised a runtpuz as a "biter", everybody cruised thru it unscathed. OK. Next one up's a definite "biter". Everybody feel better, now?
Yesterday I received an acceptance email from Joel Fagliano of the NYT. If all goes well, on some Monday in the next few months, I'll be able to cross off an item on my bucket list.
ReplyDeleteI just want to thank the Runt Puz group (especially M&A) for their invaluable feedback and inspiration.
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Delete@BG1! Stupendous news! Congratz! har!
DeleteI think they are usually on the lookout for really good NYT MonPuz candidates, so it might turn up sooner than U think. Will U let us know, when it appears? [M&A shouldn't by rights probably request that sorta thing, as he don't do it.]
Proud of U.
Let's do some sort of RuntPuz Pyrotechnics, to celebrate!
This is the best.
Has it got a lotta U's in it? No, wait -- don't tell us.
(Just so darn excited.)
As the runts would say: Bowwowieeee!
Re-post of previous message, as it needed extra appropriate gushin.
Thanks for the pyrotechnics! Six U's. I'll let you know when it is published.
DeleteWe temporarily suspend regular programming, for this here extra-credit celebratory runtpuz.
ReplyDelete"NY Times MonPuz Star Climber" - 7x7 we knew him back when themed:
"NY Times MonPuz Star Climber" --
Congratulations, bodgit1, and thanks, M&A.
I did the Moon one, was going to paste in the link, but something messed up. Hard to keep up with you guys.
ReplyDelete"Star Climber" Congratulations, bodgit1, may this be the first of many!
Biter runtpuz. The customary 15 minutes are provided, to factor in those precious nanoseconds expended for visits to the medicine cabinet.
ReplyDelete"U-Turns" - 7x7 themed:
"U-Turns" --
Thank U.
Stumpy Stumper: "Crash and Snarl" - 7x7 themeless:
"U Turns"
"Crash and Snarl" Thanks.
ReplyDelete -- hope one or more of you is kind enough to answer my numerous queries
ReplyDelete@George - Well, ok … Just for U. For educational purposes, only; no wagerin.
DeleteRuntpuz Snarly Recap for solution to: "Crash and Snarl" themeless.
Delete@George: To answer yer query, I think U are in pretty good shape on the runtpuz backlog, except U may still need to do this one:
"Star Climber" - 7x7 themed:
Runtpuz Exquisite Recap for solution to: "U-Turns".
Runtpuz Real Good Recap for solution to: "Keep It Real".
This runt is all BobK.'s fault.
ReplyDelete"The Martians" - 7x7 themed:
@r.alph: For what it's worth and it ain't much dept.:
ReplyDeleteNoticed that I just passed the 750 runt puzzle barrier. (Built, but not necessarily all published.)
"The Martians"
M&A, congrats. You are a runt-puzzle-making wonder. And you provide many nano-seconds of pleasure and entertainment for your loyal followers!
In my tally the Martian puzzle was the 707th one. You are coming up on number 714 which has special significance in baseball.
ReplyDelete"Crash and Snarl" --
"The Martians" --
"Jurassic Runts" - 7x7 themed:
ReplyDeleteAnd @George: ode to yer sparklin @RP blog review:
"Jurassic Runts" --
Thanks, M&A, and congrats, George.
ReplyDeleteDid I do that right? Thanks M&A
@George: Pretty good job, on the Jurassic Runts. U did overlook one syllable of the meta theme. Here is the early recap:
U did a totally amazin job on that NYT SunPuz. Man, U sure like to build huuuge puzs. U should now try buildin a runtpuz, and publishin it right here. Would give U time to get yer constructioneerin nerve back. Could call it "Snack Time", or somesuch.
Congratz! har. Talk about a bunch of high-credentialled runtpuz test solvers! … Keep it up, folks.
OK, let me just make sure I understand, I missed the fact that KNOW provides a syllable for T. Rex, and the circled letters, in order, represent the last letter of each word. Nicely done, and you're absolutely right, having co-constructed today's Sunday puzzle left a vacuum in my weekend routine which was nicely filled by your runt. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteU got it.
Next week, M&A will boldly go, where no M&A has gone before.
ReplyDeleteIn honor of all these recent, marvelous, NYTimes-related milestones, M&A will endeavor to post NYT-Monday-thru-Saturday-difficulty-level puzs, but in the runt-size dimension, for each appropriate day of the week.
That may or may not have made any sense, but stay tuned, and hopefully you'll get the drift of it, eventually.
"Jurassic Runts" Nice!
I was reading today, saw "tumult" and wondered if it had been used in a runt. I can't remember seeing it before in a puzzle.
@Teedmn: According to @r.alph's "Runt Corpus", TUMULT has been used one time in a runt.
DeleteIt had a clue of: {Kerfuffle}.
The runtpuz corpus now has all words used in puzzles up to 708. Jurassic Runts.
ReplyDeleteBEQ has published 873 puzzles on his web site. There is lot of betting action starting up over whether BEQ or M&A will reach 1000 first.
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DeleteYo, @r.alph: This gets M&A one puz closer…
ReplyDelete"AdVerse Runtology" - 7x7 Monday themed:
"Please, No Wagering"
"AdVerse Runtology" --
"AdVerse Runtology"
As of Sunday, BEQ has 1000-883 = 117 puzzles to go to reach 1000. At his current rate of production of 2 per week he will make it in 117/2 = 58.5 weeks.
ReplyDeleteM&A has 1000-708 - 292 puzzles to go. To tie BEQ he would have to produce 292/58.5 = 4.99 puzzles a week. It's a long shot but who would have thought that when he posted his first runts over at Rex Parker he would have made 700 puzzles?
@r.alph: Are U even countin that pure-German-bred runt? Are U countin the runtz contributed by other constructioneers? Should U also be countin the NYTPuzs written by M&A and BEQ? Have U considered that M&A might be a "conglomerate", and BEQ could be writin some of these runtz? Can U beat that the NYTPuz copied M&A's rhymin theme idea for the MonPuz? Who on earth out there is *seriously* considerin voting Trump in as a U.S. President? No earplug port? … has Apple lost its iMarbles?
ReplyDeleteBut, I digress.
"So Many Runt-Themes, So Little Time"
DeleteThinkin that this week's WedPuz runt might be one of them ".99" puzs. (Not quite all there.) Bettin the NYT won't copy it.
German runt included. BEQ has had guest constructors in the past.
Delete"Hey, Suits Us!" - 7x7 Tuesday themed:
"Hey, Suits Us!" --
"Hey, Suits Us!"
ReplyDeleteWow! You progress graph was three blips short of a flat line!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThanks, @r.alph, though it sounds like I might be nearly brain-dead! :-)
Delete"Constructioneer's Lament" - 7x7 Wednesday themed:
"Constructioneer's Lament" One for the "Best Of" Runt list!!
"Constructioneer's Lament" --
(Any credit due to John Underwood of Andover, Mass?)
"Pick Up The Pieces" - 7x7 Thursday themed:
"Pick Up The Pieces" --
"Pick Up The Pieces" like the pieces of my ego. The grid makes me think 'art deco', nice.
Hard to evaluate the appropriateness of the Like NYTimes Runtpuz Week runts, difficulty-wise. Testsolve times only tell part of the story. There is also clean vs. unclean solves, to consider. One evaluation technique, of adding a 3-minute penalty for uncleanliness, yields these nanosecond totals*:
ReplyDeleteMonday = 720 billion.
Tuesday = 840 billion.
Wednesday = 2160 billion.
Thursday = 1980 billion.
So … clearly, the WedRuntPuz was harder than M&A had figured on.
Still have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday's, ahead, to tally in.
* Totals do no include @George solve times, as he is nappin. So … results are not totally valid in Minnesota.
Cool stats. And as always, that Minnesota exceptionalism!
DeleteYou may have to adjust my time on Thursday's runt. I tried to solve it immediately after doing Ian Livengood's NYT puzzle. My head was still spinning and I keep trying to use his gimmick on your clues.
Delete"Shorter Than Snot" - 7x7 Friday themeless:
Contains no day-um anagrams.
"Shorter than Snot" Anagrams would have been easier for me.
Between dealing with puzzles for other venues and putting up with one or more personal trolls @Rex, I'm badly behind on runt puzzles. Could one of you be so kind and compile in a single e-mail (or post) links to all the runts that came up this week, and I'll commit to a marathon catchup solving session sometime on Saturday. Congratulations (or should it be condolences) to M&A for having several theme concepts pre-empted by the NYT.
ReplyDelete"Shorter than Snot" --
BTW, "Shorter than Snot" anagrams to "Ho! Short entrants?"
ReplyDeleteAlso: Thane short snort. Snot horn threats. Hot thorns astern. Antes troth horns. North nosh treats. Neath torn shorts [fave].
@George: Yer wish is the M&A H. D.'s command…
M&A Help Desk
"Little Devil" - 7x7 Saturday themeless:
"Little Devil"
Thank you for the week's worth of runts. I hope you'll consider doing it again some time. You're definitely overworked and underpaid!
@BG1: Thanx. But U ain't quite finished, yet. There's still the "Sunday twins" to contend with.
DeleteSorta interestingly … there were actually two different Saturday runtpuzs in the pen, called "Little Devil". M&A wavered back and forth on which one was the toughest, and therefore best SatPuz runt entrant. Will maybe have to publish the other Little Devil sometime soon, and get yer opinions.
"Little Devil" --
"Little Devil" @bodgit1, nice Bafflement map!
Primo solve time, @Teedmn. This puppy was about as challengin as M&A can make a themeless 7x7 (without resortin to anagrams, or somesuch). Note that it was weeject-less, just like the Friday Patrick Berry NYTPuz; comparisons pretty much end there, however.
Payback for my loser status on "Shorter than Snot", I guess. The way these things go is a wonderment.
Delete -- you guys all rock (my score was the worst of the bunch)
ReplyDelete@George: Pretty good start, to the week. My only tip: take a nap, before tryin the WedRuntPuz.
ReplyDeleteThis test solver crew does, indeed, rock.
Tuesday done: and I've taken a nap, so Wednesday is next
ReplyDeleteDid Thursday ... epic fail. I admire what you are able to do, but I often find it is over my head.
ReplyDelete -- so that completes Monday through Friday. Any more for the weekend? (Summarize in a single e-mail, please)
ReplyDelete@George: U are caught up, except for this one:
There will also be a Sunday edition, which will be posted later tonight.
Nice Friday runtpuz solve time!
"The Sunday Runt Twins" - two runtpuzs, that should be solved **together**, as a set:
ReplyDelete"Glass Half Empty" - 7x7 themed Sunday half:
"Glass Half Full" - 7x7 themed Sunday other half:
This concludes the "Like NYTimes Runtpuz Week" series. Final result statistics to be posted, later.
"Glass Half Empty" --
Half-way there . . .
. . . and done!
ReplyDelete"Glass Half Full" --
Thanks for a full week, and Monday morning I will be heading off to the wilds of the Med. Back in two weeks. hope to do better on the second part
ReplyDelete Nice experiment to have paired puzzles, and congratulations on a prolific week. Hopefully, some nuanced explanations will be forthcoming.
ReplyDelete"Glass Half Empty"
"Glass Half Full" Very clever!
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ReplyDeleteHave a great trip abroad, @BobK.
ReplyDeleteHere are the final stats, again adjusted with 3-minute dnf penalties, for Do It Like the NYT Runtpuz Week. High and low test solve times are included.
Runtpuz Day ……. Total Nanoseconds* …… Low Time …… High Time
Monday …………………. 1140 ………………….. 03 ……………. 07
Tuesday ………………… 1020 ………………….. 02 ……………. 06
Wednesday …………….. 3000 ………………….. 08 ……………. 14
Thursday ……………….. 2580 ………………….. 08 ……………. 10
Friday ……………………. 1980 ………………….. 04 ……………. 12
Saturday ………………… 2820 ………………….. 03 ……………. 18
* billions of nano-secs.
Sunday twins not included, as a little too funky, to compare them to
traditional single-runtpuz solves.
I guess M&A is kinda happy with the day-to-difficulty match ups, altho for some reason, switchin Wednesday and Friday woulda evidently worked a lot better. Then again, the highs and lows are so all over the place, that I suspect a samplin of only 5 test solvers may not quite be sufficient to judge such things.
Anyhoo … Thanx to all for participating. Epic come-from-behind solve-blowout by @George, btw. He should now lie down, for a spell.
Thanks for the stats, M&A, and all your clever runting throughout the week! Yeah, I definitely need a nap now ... "Sack Time" is flourishing today in syndication-land. Oops, should that be an em-dash instead of a hyphen?
ReplyDeleteRuntpuz MonPuz Recap for solution to: "AdVerse Runtology".
Runtpuz TuesPuz Recap for solution to: "Hey, Suits Us".
Runtpuz WedPuz Recap for solution to: "Constructioneer's Lament".
Runtpuz ThursPuz Recap for solution to: "Pick Up The Pieces".
RuntPuz FriPuz Recap for solution to: "Shorter Than Snot" themeless (Stumpy Stumper).
Been reading the rundowns with bated breaths. Caught up through Thursday. Thanks for all the effort to illuminate us (pronoun used generously, since most of the rest of the gang seems to have done substantially better than me).
ReplyDeleteRuntPuz SatPuz Recap for solution to: "Little Devil" themeless (Stumpy Stumper).
RuntPuz Sun Puz Recap for solution to the Glass Kit of Deplorables.
ReplyDeleteGlass Half Empty part:
Glass Half Full part:
M&A will probably slow things down, a runty little bit, until master test solver BobK. can get back in-country. BUT … not entirely, so don't go thinkin U got First Thou Champ wrapped up in the bank yet, BEQ. snort.
ReplyDeleteFor completeness, here is that "other" Little Devil runt, that was the recent SatPuz's plan B. Which one is tougher, test solvers? (If this one is tougher, BobK. will be glad he is out-of-town.)
"Little Devil (2)" - 7x7 Saturday themeless:
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ReplyDeleteToo hard for me, but I gave it a shot:
"Little Devil (2)" Twice as hard for me, seems appropriate!
Runtpuz Devilish Recap for solution to "Little Devil (2)" themeless (Stumpy Stumper).
Here I am on this desert island (okay, so it's raining today) with an iPad but no keyboard.
ReplyDeleteSo I drew a 7x7 grid on a pice of paper and solved the Little Devil in 7:43 with 2 erasures (actually write-overs): (2D/9A) and 12A/12/D).
@BobK. har. Verry resourceful. Will try to issue photogenic runtz this week, so they will be easy 4 U to draw.
DeleteNice solve time, under deserted island conditions. Hope yer iPad battery holds up.
Make that second erasure 13A/13D.
ReplyDeleteDesert-ed island-friendly grid layout …
ReplyDelete"Desperate Word Square No. 1" - 7x7 sorta themed:
Same conditions - DWS #1 - After 15 minutes, had some entries correct, but failed at 8A, 12A, 13A, 3D, 4D, and 6D.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pure 7x7 grid of the sort I had always wished for! Sorry I couldn't do better at it. Many thanks.
"Desperate Word Square #1" I expected a black square in the center to depict the desert island!
Ooooooh! ….
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ReplyDeleteMust. Find. Perfect. Desert. Island. Runtpuz …
ReplyDelete"Desperate Word Square #2" - 7x7 sorta themed:
You guys are so much better at this than I am:
Wow, you guys are good!
ReplyDeleteGeorge, I think as soon as you ask for any help, the program counts it as "answer submitted," so you only get credit for what you had up to that point. redemption
ReplyDeleteDWS #2 - Pen and paper - 3:30.
ReplyDeleteSo much easier than #1! And even without using Teedmn's suggestion.
One write over at 10A/6D.
The beach was fine, and so were the pizza and sangria. Then the thundershowers hit, and we made a quick retreat to the finca.
Hmmmm . . . Four cheese pizza . . . Cheeses is seven letters . . . So are fromage, cheddar, etc.
@Bob K. -- The cheeses are nice, but FINCA really caught M&A's eye...
ReplyDeleteAnything you while solving that is not allowed at the ACPT automatically "hands in" the puzzle. You evidently asked for a letter or asked to be shown incorrect squares before you had any correct answers.
Thanks for the clarifications, @Ralph and @M&A. What was @teedmn's suggestion referred to by @Bob?
ReplyDelete@George - Putting a single black square in the center of the 7x7 grid, representing my desert island -- and making the solve a whole lot easier, presumably.
ReplyDeleteRuntpuz desperate recap for the solution to: "Desperate Word Square #1".
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ReplyDelete"Desperate Word Square #2" Easier (more desperate?) than #1. @r.alph, thanks for the laugh on 6D.
"Island of Desperate Runts" - 7x7 themed:
Nice break after an all-nighter at work:
Island of Desperate Runts - pen on paper - 4:35, no erasures.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant as always! Perfect execution of the theme. (Yes, I got it this time!). (And I have been to the specific theme location!)
Runtpuz desperate recap for solution to: "Desperate Word Square #2".
Runtpuz desperately isolated recap for solution to: "Island of Desperate Runts".
"Island of Desperate Runts" Oof, now I know how @BobK felt after taking responsibility for inspiring a Runt. Love the grid!!
Stumpy Stumper: "Square Peg" - 7x7 themeless:
Square Peg - pen and paper - 5:04, no erasures.
ReplyDeleteThanks. -- back to chemistry
ReplyDelete"Square Peg" Almost there!
"Killer Shopping Center" - 7x7 themed:
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ReplyDeleteedited to include my name ... and I see that it's already been solved with spectacular results
"Killer Shopping Center" Thanks, @bodgit1, for explaining the meta.
Thanks, @Teedmn for pointing me back to @bodgit1 and the meta explanation
ReplyDeleteKiller Shopping Center ---- Aargh! I have to get out of vacation mode. Started this morning, got called away for a long day of touring and dodging thunderstorms, and didn't have the patience to finish tonight.
ReplyDeleteThank you for a beautiful puzzle crafted in a sense just for me. Sorry I couldn't do it justice.
@BobK. That pesky "Shopping Center" runt just made U draw (6) too many day-um random black squares onto yer homemade grid paper facsimile, there-bye losin U far too many precious nanoseconds.
DeleteWhatever U do, do not abandon "vacation mode".
Ve have vayz, to deal with them black-square-drawing woes …
"Desperate Word Square #3" - 7x7 sorta themed:
DWS #3 -- Pen and paper. -- 8:26, erasures at 10A/1D, 2D, 3D, 4D (I was thinking Dickens at first.)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, just enough "has ta be"s to make it solvable (like 3 and 5 D, 13A). Great grid.
"Desperate Word Square #3" Crazy fun.
Stumpy Stumper: "Up Up Up Up Up" - 7x7 themeless:
Got pretty much nowhere on "desperate word square #3" but did ok on "up up up up up" -- please explain the title and answer the riddle posed along with my answer to one of the 7-letter downs.
@George: The M&A Stumpy Stumper Titling System usually involves snatchin choice words out of the clues, and plunkin them into the puz title. In the "Up Up Up Up Up" runtpuz's case, there happened to be five up's spread throughout the clues, which was too neat a chance occurrence to ignore.
ReplyDeleteI see one molecule in guacamole, if I am allowed to re-use the "le" letters.
M&A, the answer is ... drumroll ... Avocado's number
ReplyDelete@George. Ahar. One guac mole's worth.
Up x 5 -- pen and paper -- 4:30, no erasures.
ReplyDeleteLovely grid, very solid fill.
"Up Up Up Up Up"
"Blankety-Blank Blanks" - 7x7 themed (15-minuter):
Blankety-Blank Blanks. -- pen and paper. -- 4:46.
ReplyDeleteClued easier than the 15 minute allotment would suggest.
Also, no erasures.
ReplyDelete"Blankety-Blank Blanks" Lots of back and forth, fun.
Runtpuz vacation mode recap for solution to: "Killer Shopping Center".
Runtpuz d3sp3rat3 recap for solution to: "Desperate Word Square No. 3".
Runtpuz uppity recap for solution to: "Up Up Up Up Up".
Stumpy Stumper: "No Uhs, Ums, or Ers" - 7x7 themeless:
No Uhs, Ums, or Ers -- pen on paper -- despite my obvious advantage! -- 11:13. Had problems (i.e. Write overs) at 2D, 5D, and 4A.
ReplyDeleteAgain, that lovely grid.
"No Uhs, Ums or Ers" but definitely hiccups.
Runtpuz blankety-blank recap of solution to: "Blankety-Blank Blanks".
I may have to do another marathon catchup session. Towards the end of the week, can one of you remind me on which ones I am outstanding (and by that, I mean the one dictionary definition, and not the other one).
ReplyDelete"Plan B-ogus" - 7x7 themed:
@George - You might try this to simplify your life: When you post a comment, check the "Notify me"
ReplyDeleteDamn iPad, gets me where I can't do what I want!
ReplyDeleteAs I was saying, George, click the notify me box, and then every time M&A publishes a new runt, you will get a notice with a link, which will stay in your inbox until you can get around to it.
That's the problem, I have notify me and am totally overwhelmed by the number of messages that I get.
ReplyDelete"Plan B-ogus" Nice B-onus answer, @bodgit1!
"Plan B-ogus" --
I'm home again, hope to resume my professional solving duties in a professional manner.
I'll devote part of Saturday to catching up on backlog, if someone would be kind enough to list all the ones I haven't done in a single post and/or e-mail. Also, FWIW, I have a 7x11 puzzle that @Teedmn has already test solved ... will announce it as soon as I implement the final tweaks.
ReplyDelete@BobK- Welcome home! For some weird reason, M&A had it in his head that you'd be gone for another week. Ergofore, I've got a whole, snarlin litter of "Desperate Word Square" runtz leftover. But, no problemo. Will give em all out to @George, for his Saturday solvefest.
ReplyDeleteHere's one of the lil darlins, relieving hisself on the welcoming red carpet, right now …
"Desperate Word Square No. 5" - 7x7 sorta themed:
@George: Will post yer "special" runtpuz list, later on tonite.
This is Comment #198!
ReplyDelete"Desperate Word Square No. 5" --
I said I would be professional, not necessarily good. Wish my time had been better on this one.
Kinda reminds me of the question: What do they call the guy or gal who graduates dead last in their medical school class?
@BobK. - Nice solve times for U and @BG1, on "Desperate WS 5", really. How'd U guys do that?
ReplyDelete@George - Really looking forward to yer 7x11 puz. Sorta like a runtpuz with a beer belly, or somesuch.
Runtpuzs that @George (and several others) has not solved yet, as far as I know...
ReplyDelete"No Uhs, Ums, or Ers" - 7x7 themeless:
"Plan B-ogus" - 7x7 themed:
"Rex Parkers" - 7x7 themed and 10th anniversary dedication:
"Desperate Word Squares #5" - 7x7 sorta themed:
"Desperate Word Squares #6" - 7x7 sorta themed: