Just had to post as I just encountered this runt from January. Looking at some old runts in my spare time.
Spoiler alert (until U have read the clues).
Spent some snowbird time in 1D last February, sampled some CRAFT beer there (tho not out of a PUNCH bowl). But still muffed on 1D. Tough! Hope the USA is still open for us Canadian snowbirds next year, if the pandemic subsides.
@Kirk - Re: Clunagrams -- Sorry, I didn't read all the clues first (omitting a longer story here) and only saw the last clue after breaking my teeth on all that came before. And the only clue I deciphered was 15 A. Kinda hoping we'll get a reveal on the others.
@Bob, A while back, I looked at some of your solves to see how you guys solve quicker than I, and noticed that you usually whiz through (compared to my pace) all the clues looking for toeholds. That's why I made my comment.
I am normally an untimed paper solver, usually look for one toehold, then study crosses without worrying about the clock. Usually lots of stare time on my solves, runts and otherwise. But I still have fun.
@BobK, next time you solve in the wrong browser, after solving, but before uploading your solution, go to options and change your name. You will have a different solver id, but can still have the same solver name. If you update options before opening the puzzle, the options do not get saved. (or try it on a puzzle you have already uploaded).
It's serious. I need to log into my server to start a component of the crossword puzzle program but the server is refusing connections. And there is an hour wait for tech support. If I can't get into my server the only option may be to reinstall everything which will take a long time.
To tide you over, I did find this site: https://icrossword.com/publish/upload.html which lets you upload .puz files for people to solve. Follow instructions there. When you get the message "On a Mac or PC, you can download the crossword (this is a link) to solve with Across Lite installed on your computer.", Ctrl click the crossword link on a Mac or right click it on PC and select "Copy ljnk address" and paste the address into a comment here or at rex parker. For instance I uploaded a puzzle by David Alfred Bywaters and got the link
@r.alph: I say: "No rush." Take yer time. When U get your primo server/site goin again, let us know. Meantime, M&A will enjoy a little vacation … and have more time to develop some really killer runtpuzs.
If all else fails, we oughta be able to go all-Mall Orca, and have a few runtz with very few black squares. Then I can just describe the puzgrid and list the clues, in a message here. And solvers can "runt-roll their own". No sweatavos…
(If U numbered the grid correctly, the last row starts with a 20.)
The clues: ACROSS. 1. Add a letter to 1 tropical grass plant to get 2 explosions? 8. x 8 9. Small metric sip [brief case] 10. State in mid grin?? 11. Add 1 letter to a poor pitiful person to get 2 Purell targets? 15. Team standings header letters 16. Metal in a big rush, atomic scoreboard-wise 17. "Hey ... for real!" 20. Add 1 letter to a charity race to get 2 distinctly different diversions?
1. Total flop 2. Free speech org. 3. Hi land? 4. Light-fingered second-story dude 5. Sheriff Andy's kid 6. With a runt-roll to the east: Football cheer in Argentina 7. Pronoun that's also a 10-Across cousin 12. Rocker Stefani 13. Pour 14. Dog breed of mystery 17. "___ the shoe fits ..." 18. Letter that rhymes with another answer in this puz which could've also been clued as a letter 19. Preceded by 7-Down: Chez Whatever handout
Once again, runtpuz solvers can give thanx for runtpuzs bein real small.
@BobK. - Impressive Build + Solve + Write-a-Reply time of 17 min. Glad to hear that it worked. This *was* kinda fun, actually. But … maybe too easy? [I guess I could, alternatively, give out most of the grid answers and have solvers dream up all the clues? har]
[If U have the grid numbered right, the last Across entry starts with a 17.]
Clues [You supply the clue, when there's nothing there now but a single "?". Your answer must tell us what yer suggested clues are, so we can try to solve yer puz. Then later after that, we may want to know your answers.]
ACROSS. 1. ? 4. Mud in the office break room 7. Loving 9. Words on a 60's protest sign 10. ? 11. ? 15. Sports success 16. ? 17. ___ carte DOWN. 1. ? 2. ? 3. Venice ride 4. World capital formerly known as Batavia 5, Half undone?? 6. "Outer Limits" crew 8. ? 11. ? 12. ? 13. Delta competitor [brief case] 14. Thing with cups and hooks that isn't a Tarot deck?
Thanx, for collaboratin with m&e. I'll publish my answers, eventually … once the angry mob disperses.
@BobK. - Real good job. Tough, but fair. U had quite a few different grid fillins, than M&A did on this puz. It will be interestin, to see what other regulars might come up with.
Kinda cool, cuz U get several different runtpuzs outta one. Thanx, M&A
p.s. @BobK. - U had different words for two of the seven-letter entries! Cool. Rex Parker might come after yer 10-A answer, but, hey -- mine was no prize there, either. This is a great way to run a temporary rodeo!
"Roll Your Own Runt" Forgot to time myself. Misread the clue for 19D, thought it was a runt-roll to the E. Scratched my head for a while, lost nanoseconds, but I think it all came out okay. That was fun!
I'm using a notebook that doubles as a passport to the Moon to graph my grids. Thanks, @r.alph!
1A) Mosquito control creation 10A) Twisty cell, for short 11A) Massage down under 16A) Ms. Leoni
1D) Whirligig act-alike 2D) Melville work that lost its last quarter 8D) Favorite morning entertainment morsels 11D) Yakkers like to chew it 12D) The last bite of Guac
@Teedmn: Ah yes -- Constructioneer's remorse, on clues; been there. Actually, I had (almost) no problem gettin yer 12-D one. Coulda rated a question mark or two at its end, I'd grant. U had one 7-letter answer different from my solution … and your choice on that one was the same as for BobK. … so I am outnumbered.
U scored the same 8-D as I did, btw. Yer 2-D was definitely a double-questionmarker. The staff decided not to subpoena it, however -- it was pretty funny.
Now … go try to solve BobK.'s version, if U haven't already. Ditto, for BobK. solvin yers!
"Masked & Collaborating"! - In the interest of public health, I wore a mask while making these clues.
@M&A, you turned the tables on us, having us make some clues for you to solve. I have wondered if I could ever build a crossword, so now I know I can if someone else does most of the work. Thanks for the fun!
Here are my entries -
1A. Container for 4A 10A. Genetic blueprint material 11A. Therapy after standing all day 16A. Farmyard welcome
1D. Superhero suffix 2D. Japanese herb 8D. Addiction for users of this blog 11D. Goes in the wash 12D. Greeting south of the border
"Masked & Collaborating" unpublished clues that M&A originally had, in the old runt pen:
ACROSS. 1. Flipper's top choice? 10. Coded stuff 11. Something often taken lying down 16. Info about what's in the bag? [brief case] DOWN. 1. Paler than snot 2. Sort of the opposite of "Not my thing"? 8. Little but feisty ones 11. Quite a way to go 12. Preceded by a runt-roll from out of the west: Bend over
"Super Socks" - 7x7 100 min. themeless: Hints … 1. This is a diagram-less runtpuzgrid. U have to figure out the black squares and grid numbering (almost) all by yourself. So, M&A allotted y'all a few extra solvequest nanoseconds. 2. There are five total black squares to be found. They are symmetrically placed in the puzgrid. 3. The 9-Across answer is 7 letters long. 4. No refunds. 5. All the clues you could possibly ever need are supplied, below:
ACROSS. 1. Dine 4. "Uh-uh" 7. "You bet!" 9. Examines, in a way 10. It can be special or physical 11. Symbol popular in math classes 12. Devoted follower 16. Less smooth, voice-wise 17. Man of mystery 18. Be a big old snoop DOWN. 1. Pitching preference 2. Tired old traveler from a lot of them? 3. Freshly produced chow, e.g. 4. Classic "super" game console 5. More crack 6. Socks, and then some more 8, With a runt-roll to the east: Guns N' ___ band 13. Mac platform 14. The central Alps?? 15. Sound out of a 3-Down
"Super Sock it to me" ;-) As usual, a bit slower than you pros, but I got'er done. Closer to an hour over 2 sessions. Easier once I made my 8D runt roll east, not west, and all the dark squares located.
About a month ago, our paper got the syndicated NYT puzzle messed up - the wrong clue list. I thought I could figure out where the black squares went from clue numbers, but no way. Easier on a runt with a few clues.
"Desperate Word Square #81" - 7x7 12 min. sorta themeless:
[Roll Yer Own Puzgrid. Grid has no black squares. Last row starts with the number 13.]
ACROSS. 1. Memoir written by Nobelist Wangari Maathai 8. Folks with fancy titles in the UK 9. Big name in TV dinners 10. With scant pizzazz 11. How to go beyond counting on both hands? 12. Youthful code-crackers pageant?? 13. Drum exam? DOWN. 1. Like Albany, to New Yorkers 2. It could lead to a patent pending 3. Challenger 4. Explosive French department store?? 5. Didn't need to keep at it 6. Not self-serving 7. Refuse to allow a certain admission exam??
Sorry, I gave up after 15 minutes with four words incomplete.
I don't think there are any spoilers involved in saying 1 A was no help at all. But if a clue involves a Nobel Prize, I guess solvers are expected to know the answer.
10 A perhaps I should have gotten, and 3 D is within the far boundaries of my vocabulary, so maybe I could have gotten it.
And, yes, 4 D well deserves its two question marks!
@BobK. - I'd have to say it was still a strong moral victory for U, if all U had to do was look up 1-A. [I wouldn't have known it, either.]
Glad U enjoyed 4-D's ??-clue. M&A was above-average-proud of it.
Stay tuned for another Fearless Daring Experiment runtpuz. Hope all these experiments are ok with all U nice test solvers, while the mighty @r.alph valiantly does battle with the wily wonky server problems.
This "lull" does at least maybe give us the unique opportunity to try out some new weirdball slants on runtdom [aka runtdumb]. Some for better, some for worse, but -- hey, that's how they discovered Cinnamon Rolls [best]. And kale [not best].
Thanx for all yer near-unfathomably great support … and well done, to all mask-wearin folks everywhere.
This runtpuz gives you the grid layout, plus all its clues. It's even given you a headstart on the fill, by already supplying 11 answer letters in the grid!
Only slight hitch: the Across clues and the Down clues are each presented unnumbered and in random order.
Clues: ACROSS. "___ Beso" (Paul Anka tune) Unleashes a twitter storm upon Boot's registered name How to write suggestive prose? To turn around?? "Couldn't happen to a nicer President!" [brief case] Initials on a bug Having successfully gotten one correct runt puzzle answer early on, say How to make money in paper publishing? Bites the head off of DOWN. Classic ones cruiser Bad thing to run out of, while on a roll? [for short] Home of the NCAA's Spartans How to give a novel a shadier feel? Gripping device in a workshop Random Roman numerals 101 Friday on TV, for instance Astatine, on the atomic scoreboard Where Davy Crockett was born, on the postal scoreboard [Hint: Altho it was actually part of NC at the time!] Part of a.k.a. Sushi bar fave Complication
"How To Book" I came in at 9 minutes plus or minus. I never know when to start timing - when I'm building the grid, or once I start on the clues. In this case, it was the latter.
I got stuck on 1A, 3D, 4D. after mega nanoseconds. I haven't asked google for help yet, trying desperately to figure out 4D on my own, but maybe a lookup will be needed.
I haven't looked at "how to book" yet. maybe later tonight. I read the description, and thought, good no random grid, but alas, random clues, looks much harder.
I think I am done, after an hour or more. Still hanging on a chad, to find out the long case of the nicer President's demise (assuming i got the rest of it correct).
Thanks to Bob's spoiler comment, I think I now understand the runt puzzler clue.
Thanks, M&A, for the variety in runt puzzle entertainment the past few days. I thought this last one would be impossible. I think there must be an art to make a puzzle tough, but (barely or almost) solvable!
ACROSS. Unleashes a twitterstorm upon How to write suggestive prose? Having successfully gotten one correct runt puzzle answer early on, say To turn around?? "Couldn't happen to a nicer President!" [brief case] Initials on a bug How to make money in paper publishing? Bites the head off of Boot's registered name "___ Beso" (Paul Anka tune) DOWN. Sushi bar fave How to give a novel a shadier feel? Where Davy Crockett was born, on the postal scoreboard [Hint: Altho it was actually part of NC at the time!] Astatine, on the atomic scoreboard Random Roman numerals 101 Part of a.k.a. Friday on TV, for instance Complication Gripping device in a workshop Home of the NCAA's Spartans Bad thing to run out of, while on a roll? [for short] Classic ones cruiser
If you numbered the grid correctly, the last Across answer is 17-Across. This is one of them uppity runtpuzs, with all question-marked clues. But, as a hint, all the vowels in the grid will occur in the circled squares. Except for the two Y's -- the runtz wished to avoid bein steeped in controversy.
ACROSS. 1. Holy Sox name? 4. Co. signs? 7. French toast setting? 8. Derby favorite, perhaps? 9. Having filled out the form? 11. Leave well shaken? 12. Type often sporting some arrows? 14. Preceded by a runt-roll from above: Slug of the rye, or a butter fly? 15. Past times? 16. Preceded by another runt-roll from above: Hair-raising experiences? 17. Average dude? DOWN. 1. No other choice? 2. Non-prophet endeavor? 3. Nut lovers? 4. Layaway plan regulars? 5. Victim of a failed line of pickups? 6. Hog heaven? 10. Runt punt? 12. What needs one cent to produce a degree of interest? 13. Line on sea craft?
No matter how many times I see 1A, I can never dredge it up. 13:08 so nearly into overtime. I blame not reading the note closely enough to realize that the Os in the provided grid were circles, so I was staring at a grid full of Os which was distracting. Thanks, that was fun, and almost as tough as today's NYTXWRD!
@r.alph: Lookin good, as far as runtpuz uploads and accessin the latest uploaded puz. So far, seems to still have a problem, when accessin any older runtpuzs [get an "internal server error"]. Look that way for U? Thanx, M&A
Now that I have seen the answers, I can report my "success" with this puzzle.
Noting the complexity of the grid, I drew my diagram before starting the stopwatch (what you can do with a phone these days!).
After twenty-five minutes, I had exactly eight correct answers, all of the three-letter variety, except for 5 Down. Then I gave up.
Seeing the desired answers today, I must say they are very clever, and I would not have gotten them in twenty-five days. A few I had to ponder awhile before I got the joke, and 13 D still eludes me!
But experiments are good, and I'll try the next one - but not too soon, I hope!
The mascot and the patron saint are back up. How did you upload mascot.png to the server? I need to fix however you did because it was saved with no read permissions.
@r.alph: Used UploadRunt app that also loads up the runtpuzs. I have used it in the past to load pics for illustrated runtpuzs. I just click on Choose File button, then give it the name of my jpeg file -- it then gives me back the name of the picture file that was placed on yer server.
I spent what seemed like hours staring at this one yesterday.... I had a couple of wrong answers in for the longest time at 9A and 11A, once I fixed them, got down to 2 guesses in the SE corner, which I found out today were wrong. Some fun, clever clues in this one.
@M&A - I had fun trying out your puntpuz solving variations during the downtime, but like the others here, glad the automated runtpuz machine is working again.
@r.alph - Thanks for fixing what was broke, and for your ongoing technical support for the runts!
I'm pretty sure this was one of the first 7x7 runt puzzles that old M&A ever made. I pitched it as dessert, after an especially challenging NYTPuz solvequest. Hint: 1-D refers to an award M&A used to give out, at the end of the year, to a NYTPuz with the most U's. It was non-monetary, in nature.
Notice it wasn't even officially called a "Runtpuz", yet. Them was the days.
And this was probably one of the first themed runt puzzles to ever hop the fence (I started numberin them at #101, so I could keep the themed and themeless pups in separate holdin pens).
This one is themed but no revealer. (this is Kiddie Pool Krossword #101 - blog puz titles don't quite match the stored puz file titles). @R.alph, you haven't posted a solution to this one. You might be thinking this is the Themeless #1. My comment about luck running out referred to the upside-down U (horseshoe) grid shape. Themeless was right-side up U grid shape, but still no luck.
@M&A - did U call your early puzzles "Kiddie Pool" puzzles before runtz?
Note to management : You probably already figured this out, but a reminder that the syndiland links in Rex's blog to runtz are 5 weeks old, and generate 500 server errors. There probably isn't a quick fix, tho, without a code change.
@Kirk: Well, M&A ain't exactly management material, but I had wondered about that -- and did leave a message out in the Rex Parker blog's syndicateland Comment Gallery today, to let em know what's what. Hopefully, bad news is better than no news, or somesuch.
@Kirk Good catch. The program now displays following helpful message instead of a stack dump: "Sorry. Runtpuz links posted in the comments section of Rex Parker by Masked & Anonymous prior to June 1, 2020 are no longer available. Wait for his blog entries for the June 1, 2020 puzzle or later; the links will work in those blogs."
Too see it try opening this URL in your browser: http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/CrowdSource/GetRunt?url=ThanksKirk.json
@Kirk I am Fortran class of 1968. I missed the first class because I had to appear in court because of a speeding ticket. In the second class I learned that = was an assignment operation and suddenly i=i+1 made sense and I was hooked. Question: was = also used for equality in the Fortran of that era?
That led to a job as a computer operator on an IBM 360 Model 50. People assumed that I knew a lot about programming because I worked in the machine room and I did not disabuse them of that and it got me programming jobs using BAL360 and PL/I. C, C++ followed in the 80s and 90s. Nowadays I program exclusively in Java and Javascript mainly on diagramming square dances. One thing missing in my education is system administration. I hate having to deal with file permissions and installing complex software.
I think that Teedmn also had a Fortran class as part of an engineering program. M&A once slipped and revealed he knew something about COBOL but that might have been a diversionary tactic.
I am glad you interested in runtpuzzes. You are a nice presence on this blog.
@r.alph: M&A actually was a computer programmer in army intelligence, for a year or so. Then a computer operator, at an army base stateside. Before all that, had learnt Fortran & IBM Assembler Lingo in college courses, and yep that there COBOL dealy, at an army school.
In civilian life, I had several interestin jobs. faves: Wrecker tow-truck driver. Engineering assistant. Math & comp-sci teacher. Artillery battery grunt soldier. Structured programming supervisor dude. Cartoonist. Apple II computer game builder [Basic & assembler lingoes]. Construction worker, specializin in runt puzzles. There were others, but they weren't faves.
Sat in on a Java programming course, once. Hurt my head, tryin to nest stuff like they thought I should.
Day-um … I'm suddenly feelin a little less Anonymous. Oh, well. Now y'all know.
@r.alph remembers correctly that my BChEn coursework required two quarters of Fortran in the late 70s, early 80s. I did okay until the very last assignment which involved programming a simplified chess game. I hate chess. I spent a lot of time in the card room because all of the more "sophisticated" computers available to the entire Univ. of Minn. student body were in high demand. For some reason, the card machines were more easily accessed :-).
Gee whizz, this turned into a nerd-style bio break.
Guess it's my turn.
I took a Fortran course as an option in first year university (in '72), and got hooked. Spent all my spare time at the computer centre. Next year they launched a Computer Science department, so that became my major. Learned PL/1 and a few other languages at school, no COBOL there.
First job after school was an operator at an IBM data centre (Cdn spelling!), then got assigned to a database project, so became an IMS (old IBM database from the 70's) DBA and systems programmer. Mostly did design work related to the data component of projects, in a large mainframe office environment. I did learn COBOL and had to write a few of those programs, but PL/1 and IBM assembler were more fun.
Never got into Java or the web side of programming. Java always looked like 'plumbing', didn't see any logic. I am an old fashioned procedural type thinker, not so much the object-oriented type.
I have been retired for about 6 years, and started doing the syndicated NYT times crossword in our paper. I always thought the NYT was too hard. I must have tried a Malesky era Saturday puzzle. Starting out, even Monday's seemed tough, and gradually got better at days after Wednesday. Discovered that Rex had the solution when I got stuck, so started reading his blog, where I found @M&A's little runtpuz world.
@r.alph - in fortran, the equal logical operator was .eq. (i had to look this up). In PL/1, you used =, <, >, etc.). I guess most languages use == for the logical op.
Please open http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/UploadRunt/FetchPage?id=MzgyOTY2MTEwODUzMzMzOQ&title=Stumpy_1_Stumper_7__1_Blimp_1_Shirt_1_-_1_by_1_M_1_and_1_A
Click Down Home Click Show Puzzle. You should get the message that the puzzle is complete. Click Show Solvers.
I am not sure how that happened. The gruntz link for the Chez Runt puzzle starts with http. If this happens again try going back to the original gruntz link and click it. You can then Show Solvers. I need to pay for a SSL certificate so the browser will use https and not display the "Not Secure" warning. And it will presumably fix the problem you had also.
@r.alph - I got the same message as Bob. If you use a 'GetSolution' link to show one solution, then click on 'show solvers', that is when the error occurs.
If you load the puzzle page from down home, (e.g. from a ** gruntz ** link), you can display the solvers OK from the puzzle page.
You are using the function module.getPuzzleID() when the error occurs.
That is very generous of you. An SSL certificate costs $70 for a year. But that is not why I haven't installed one. I loathe system administration. I am still recovering from getting puzzlecrowd back up but I will do it soon so you don't have any more problems.
@Kirk Thanks for telling me how to repeat Bob's problem. It appears to be caused by the default configuration of Apache.
A workaround to the problem is that when you click a link to show a solution, close the resulting solution window that appears to get back to the page showing all solvers. You can use Command-W (Mac) or Ctrl-W (PC) to do this. Do not click the Show Solvers button to get there.
I watched r.alph's "Swedes doing Runts" link. No one ever did that when I was in Stockholm! Wikipedia shows it started in Uppsala as a way for students to let off steam. I never heard anyone scream in Uppsala either, but I was never there at 10 PM. Crazy tradition.
New post. Thanks @Kirk
ReplyDelete"Add a Letter Theme" - 7x7 vintage themed:
"Add a Letter Theme" --
M&A has temporarily skipped a few of the DWS's in the pound, to show off this especially desperate pup.
ReplyDelete"Desperate Word Square #82" - 7x7 12 min. themed.
"Desperate Word Square #82" --
Um, thanks.
"Add A Letter Theme" Fun, thanks!
"Desperate Word Square #82" --
Yes @M&A, this little pup is a feisty one. Thanks for the runt puz double play today.
"Desperate Word Square #82" Cute, thanks.
"One Way or Another" - 7x7 themed:
"One Way or Another" --
"TP Shortages" - 7x7 themed:
"TP Shortages" --
"One Way or Another" --
Fun, thanks!
"One Way Or Another" Tricky!
"TP Shortages" Fun, thanks.
Stumpy Stumper: "Runts Yeech" - 7x7 themeless:
"Runts Yeech" --
"First and Foremost" - 8x8 themed [jumbo-sized]:
"First and Foremost" --
"First and Foremost" --
Thanks, another double play day!
"Fingers Crossed" - 7x7 themed:
"Fingers Crossed" --
Thanks! (No, really -- see, no crossed fingers!)
"Dangerfield Punch Lines #007" - 7x7 themed:
"Dangerfield Punch Lines #007 --
"Dangerfield Punch Lines #007 --
@r.alph, Speaking of Dangerfield, our Patron Saint avatar is just a ? , but I still see the Mascot.
@Kirk -- ". . . the cattle are lowing, the poor baby wakes . . ."
Delete"Crafty Punch" --
Just had to post as I just encountered this runt from January. Looking at some old runts in my spare time.
Spoiler alert (until U have read the clues).
Spent some snowbird time in 1D last February, sampled some CRAFT beer there (tho not out of a PUNCH bowl). But still muffed on 1D. Tough! Hope the USA is still open for us Canadian snowbirds next year, if the pandemic subsides.
"What Next?" - 7x7 themed:
"What Next?" --
"Runts Yeech", "First and Foremost", "Fingers Crossed", "Dangerfield Punchlines #007", "What Next?"
ReplyDeleteWhew, thanks, great stuff!!
@Teedmn: Wowzer. U binge-runted, all at once?
DeleteGood sign, that your reaction was "great stuff", rather than "runts yeech"!
Stumpy Stumper: "Ballpark Thinking" - 7x7 themeless:
"Ballpark Thinking" --
"Ballpark Thinking" Nice dessert runt, thanks.
"Ballpark Thinking"
I struck out compared to @bob and @teedmn. Slow-pitch, anyone?
"Ask Ice Landers" - 7x7 frigidly themed:
"Ask Ice Landers" -
Bone chilling! Thanks.
"Ask Ice Landers" Fun, thanks.
"Ask Ice Landers" --
Second in the series:
ReplyDelete"Ask High Landers" - 7x7 themed:
"Ask High Landers" --
Stumpy Stumper: "Runt Drips" - 7x7 sorta themeless:
"Runt Drips" --
Thank U!
Runt Drips - slightly more fun than post-nasal drips...
Thanks for the double play day, M&A!
"Ask High Landers" Fun, thanks!
"Runt Drips" Thanks!
Third and probably last in the series …
ReplyDelete"Ask Mars Landers" - 7x7 themed:
"Ask Mars Landers" --
Ask Mars Landers - Fun!
Did you know that Ann has a brother called Phil? ;-)
"Ask Mars Landers" Nice, thanks.
Slightly sadistic … ?
ReplyDelete"Clunagrams" 7x7 15 min. themed:
"Clunagrams" --
"Clunagrams" --
@Kirk - Re: Clunagrams -- Sorry, I didn't read all the clues first (omitting a longer story here) and only saw the last clue after breaking my teeth on all that came before. And the only clue I deciphered was 15 A. Kinda hoping we'll get a reveal on the others.
Delete@Bob, A while back, I looked at some of your solves to see how you guys solve quicker than I, and noticed that you usually whiz through (compared to my pace) all the clues looking for toeholds. That's why I made my comment.
DeleteI am normally an untimed paper solver, usually look for one toehold, then study crosses without worrying about the clock. Usually lots of stare time on my solves, runts and otherwise. But I still have fun.
@Bob, re reveal, I added some recap comments to my solution. (but still some blanks).
Delete"State Dinner" - 7x7 themed:
"State Dinner" --
Testing -- will this show?
Thanks anyway!
"Clunagrams" I was mostly clueless but it was fun.
"State Dinner" --
Good runtpuz, but too many speeches afterwards.
@BobK, next time you solve in the wrong browser, after solving, but before uploading your solution, go to options and change your name. You will have a different solver id, but can still have the same solver name. If you update options before opening the puzzle, the options do not get saved. (or try it on a puzzle you have already uploaded).
You can even change it after uploading. Just go to Options, put in your name, hit Summary, then upload again and the new name will appear.
Delete"State Dinner" Tasty, thanks!
Runtpuz caper recap for solution to: "Clunagrams".
Stumpy Stumper: "Brainfest" - 7x7 12 min. themeless:
"Brainfest" --
As waved around until now only as a mysterious binder, by the WH press secretary, on TV …
ReplyDelete"Four Phase Plan" - 7x7 themed:
"Brainfest" --
"Four Phase Plan" --
Thanks. Pass the bleach, please.
"Four Phase Plan"
No fake news here! Thanks!
Stumpy Stumper: "Kitchen Kissers" - 7x7 themeless:
"Kitchen Kissers" --
"oDD Ducks" - 8x8 12min. themed:
"oDD Ducks" --
"Desperate Word Square #80" - 7x7 12 min. sorta themed:
"Desperate Word Square #80" --
DWS #80 - Lots of desperation for me! Thanks.
"Brainfest" Thanks!
"Four Phase Plan" I feel safer already.
ReplyDeleteGreat observation, @Kirk!
"Kitchen Kissers" Fun, thanks!
"oDD Ducks" Nice!
"X-Factors" - 7x7 vintage themed:
"X-Factors" --
@r.alph: Is the puzzlecrowd server temporarily down? Was goin to splatz in an extra runt, but the bar seems to be closed. Perhaps in self-defense?
It's back up. Nothing I did. Maybe everybody zooming overwhelmed something.
ReplyDeleteWrong. Only some of the web site is back up. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
ReplyDeleteIt's serious. I need to log into my server to start a component of the crossword puzzle program but the server is refusing connections. And there is an hour wait for tech support. If I can't get into my server the only option may be to reinstall everything which will take a long time.
ReplyDeleteTo tide you over, I did find this site: https://icrossword.com/publish/upload.html which lets you upload .puz files for people to solve. Follow instructions there. When you get the message "On a Mac or PC, you can download the crossword (this is a link) to solve with Across Lite installed on your computer.", Ctrl click the crossword link on a Mac or right click it on PC and select "Copy ljnk address" and paste the address into a comment here or at rex parker. For instance I uploaded a puzzle by David Alfred Bywaters and got the link
When you put this link in your browser it will download the puzzle. You then open it in Across Lite.
Good luck.
@r.alph: I say: "No rush." Take yer time.
ReplyDeleteWhen U get your primo server/site goin again, let us know. Meantime, M&A will enjoy a little vacation … and have more time to develop some really killer runtpuzs.
If all else fails, we oughta be able to go all-Mall Orca, and have a few runtz with very few black squares. Then I can just describe the puzgrid and list the clues, in a message here. And solvers can "runt-roll their own".
No sweatavos…
Many thanx, for all your fine support,
Darin experiment … Roll Yer Own Runt! (no refunds)
ReplyDelete[ _ is a blank grid square, and # is a black-filled grid square.]
"Make Mine a Double" - 7x7 themed:
The puzgrid:
(If U numbered the grid correctly, the last row starts with a 20.)
The clues:
1. Add a letter to 1 tropical grass plant to get 2 explosions?
8. x 8
9. Small metric sip [brief case]
10. State in mid grin??
11. Add 1 letter to a poor pitiful person to get 2 Purell targets?
15. Team standings header letters
16. Metal in a big rush, atomic scoreboard-wise
17. "Hey ... for real!"
20. Add 1 letter to a charity race to get 2 distinctly different diversions?
1. Total flop
2. Free speech org.
3. Hi land?
4. Light-fingered second-story dude
5. Sheriff Andy's kid
6. With a runt-roll to the east: Football cheer in Argentina
7. Pronoun that's also a 10-Across cousin
12. Rocker Stefani
13. Pour
14. Dog breed of mystery
17. "___ the shoe fits ..."
18. Letter that rhymes with another answer in this puz which could've also been clued as a letter
19. Preceded by 7-Down: Chez Whatever handout
Once again, runtpuz solvers can give thanx for runtpuzs bein real small.
Answers tomorrow.
DeleteThe second group of clues should have a "DOWN." heading.
M&A Hint Desk
Roll Yer Own Runt! --
ReplyDeleteVery clever as usual! A real 20 A.
Done on paper, Mallorca style, so no time or score to post, but I'm sure I have all correct.
@BobK. - Impressive Build + Solve + Write-a-Reply time of 17 min.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that it worked.
This *was* kinda fun, actually.
But … maybe too easy? [I guess I could, alternatively, give out most of the grid answers and have solvers dream up all the clues? har]
"Make mine a Double"
ReplyDeleteFun solve... I did mine travel-style too, I have a program to build grids and solve on my Mac, for solving from PDF.
Another darin experiment … "Masked & Collaborating"!
ReplyDelete7x7 themeless.
[ _ is a blank square, # is a black-filled square.]
[If U have the grid numbered right, the last Across entry starts with a 17.]
Clues [You supply the clue, when there's nothing there now but a single "?".
Your answer must tell us what yer suggested clues are, so we can try to solve yer puz. Then later after that, we may want to know your answers.]
1. ?
4. Mud in the office break room
7. Loving
9. Words on a 60's protest sign
10. ?
11. ?
15. Sports success
16. ?
17. ___ carte
1. ?
2. ?
3. Venice ride
4. World capital formerly known as Batavia
5, Half undone??
6. "Outer Limits" crew
8. ?
11. ?
12. ?
13. Delta competitor [brief case]
14. Thing with cups and hooks that isn't a Tarot deck?
Thanx, for collaboratin with m&e.
I'll publish my answers, eventually … once the angry mob disperses.
No Refunds.
DeleteThe answers U supply right away are your suggested clues.
The answers U supply later, upon request, are your grid entries.
M&A Hint Desk
Dadgum, you know that the hard part of crosswords is writing the clues! This is no job for amateurs!
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, here goes --
1 A - ____ o' My Heart
10 A - Abbr. signifying a catchy name given to a shop actually run by Smith and Jones, Inc.?
11 A - Spa application?
16 A - Courtroom fig.
1 D - Honestly evaluate these clues
2 D - Music, fer cryin' out loud
8 D - Unspeakable politically incorrect term for persons living beyond city limits
11 D - Towers since 3/4/1902
12 D - Honorary degree conferred on Margaret Thatcher, Tim Caine, James Comey, et al. (Hint: not JD)
(float up and down) (ado)
@BobK. - Real good job. Tough, but fair. U had quite a few different grid fillins, than M&A did on this puz. It will be interestin, to see what other regulars might come up with.
DeleteKinda cool, cuz U get several different runtpuzs outta one.
Delete@BobK. - U had different words for two of the seven-letter entries! Cool.
Rex Parker might come after yer 10-A answer, but, hey -- mine was no prize there, either.
This is a great way to run a temporary rodeo!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWell, yeah, Michael Sharp, d.b.a. Rex Parker, does have certain lacunae in his vocabulary.
Delete@BobK, your clue for 2D is hilarious.
Delete"Roll Your Own Runt" Forgot to time myself. Misread the clue for 19D, thought it was a runt-roll to the E. Scratched my head for a while, lost nanoseconds, but I think it all came out okay. That was fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm using a notebook that doubles as a passport to the Moon to graph my grids. Thanks, @r.alph!
"Masked & Collaborating" clues:
ReplyDelete1A) Mosquito control creation
10A) Twisty cell, for short
11A) Massage down under
16A) Ms. Leoni
1D) Whirligig act-alike
2D) Melville work that lost its last quarter
8D) Favorite morning entertainment morsels
11D) Yakkers like to chew it
12D) The last bite of Guac
Just realized 12D makes little sense, sorry.
Delete@Teedmn: Ah yes -- Constructioneer's remorse, on clues; been there.
DeleteActually, I had (almost) no problem gettin yer 12-D one. Coulda rated a question mark or two at its end, I'd grant. U had one 7-letter answer different from my solution … and your choice on that one was the same as for BobK. … so I am outnumbered.
U scored the same 8-D as I did, btw.
Yer 2-D was definitely a double-questionmarker. The staff decided not to subpoena it, however -- it was pretty funny.
Now … go try to solve BobK.'s version, if U haven't already. Ditto, for BobK. solvin yers!
M&A Collusion Desk
"Masked & Collaborating"!
ReplyDelete- In the interest of public health, I wore a mask while making these clues.
@M&A, you turned the tables on us, having us make some clues for you to solve. I have wondered if I could ever build a crossword, so now I know I can if someone else does most of the work. Thanks for the fun!
Here are my entries -
1A. Container for 4A
10A. Genetic blueprint material
11A. Therapy after standing all day
16A. Farmyard welcome
1D. Superhero suffix
2D. Japanese herb
8D. Addiction for users of this blog
11D. Goes in the wash
12D. Greeting south of the border
Alt 11D. Four Liverpool lads
After reading some of the other clue lists and remarks, I believe I came up with @M&A's version of 7A.
DeleteI had thought of @Bob's 8D, 10A and 11A, but did not think 11A 'was a thing'. Alt @Bob 10A clue (Maybe only for @r.alph) - Dude that speaks SQL.
@Kirk: yep. That was my intended 7-A answer.
DeleteGood set of fillins [added an extra U!], and clues.
Y'all make runtpuz constructioneerin look easy! [So the secret is officially out.]
"Make Mine a Double" [posted at 11:43am, 27 May] answers:
"Masked & Collaborating" unpublished clues that M&A originally had, in the old runt pen:
1. Flipper's top choice?
10. Coded stuff
11. Something often taken lying down
16. Info about what's in the bag? [brief case]
1. Paler than snot
2. Sort of the opposite of "Not my thing"?
8. Little but feisty ones
11. Quite a way to go
12. Preceded by a runt-roll from out of the west: Bend over
My grid answers, tomorrow.
"Super Socks" - 7x7 100 min. themeless:
ReplyDeleteHints …
1. This is a diagram-less runtpuzgrid. U have to figure out the black squares and grid numbering (almost) all by yourself. So, M&A allotted y'all a few extra solvequest nanoseconds.
2. There are five total black squares to be found. They are symmetrically placed in the puzgrid.
3. The 9-Across answer is 7 letters long.
4. No refunds.
5. All the clues you could possibly ever need are supplied, below:
1. Dine
4. "Uh-uh"
7. "You bet!"
9. Examines, in a way
10. It can be special or physical
11. Symbol popular in math classes
12. Devoted follower
16. Less smooth, voice-wise
17. Man of mystery
18. Be a big old snoop
1. Pitching preference
2. Tired old traveler from a lot of them?
3. Freshly produced chow, e.g.
4. Classic "super" game console
5. More crack
6. Socks, and then some more
8, With a runt-roll to the east: Guns N' ___ band
13. Mac platform
14. The central Alps??
15. Sound out of a 3-Down
"Super Socks" -- 20 - 25 minutes. I was thinking of various ways of showing that I had it all, but I think we can just trust each other!
ReplyDelete@BobK. - yep. I will post a solution, once the usual suspects have had a shot at it.
DeleteThanx and congratz,
I had about the same time as @BobK. It took two grids but I got 'er done. That was fun, thanks.
ReplyDelete"Super Sock it to me" ;-)
ReplyDeleteAs usual, a bit slower than you pros, but I got'er done. Closer to an hour over 2 sessions.
Easier once I made my 8D runt roll east, not west, and all the dark squares located.
About a month ago, our paper got the syndicated NYT puzzle messed up - the wrong clue list. I thought I could figure out where the black squares went from clue numbers, but no way. Easier on a runt with a few clues.
Thanks for all the fun!
M&A solution to "Masked & Collaborating":
@BobK. Solution:
@Teedmn Solution:
@Kirk Soultion:
Congratz to all, on yer runtpuz constructioneerin debuts.
Runtpuz Super Solution to: "Super Socks":
Congratz to all who hung in there and somehow conquered this puppy.
"Desperate Word Square #81" - 7x7 12 min. sorta themeless:
ReplyDelete[Roll Yer Own Puzgrid. Grid has no black squares. Last row starts with the number 13.]
1. Memoir written by Nobelist Wangari Maathai
8. Folks with fancy titles in the UK
9. Big name in TV dinners
10. With scant pizzazz
11. How to go beyond counting on both hands?
12. Youthful code-crackers pageant??
13. Drum exam?
1. Like Albany, to New Yorkers
2. It could lead to a patent pending
3. Challenger
4. Explosive French department store??
5. Didn't need to keep at it
6. Not self-serving
7. Refuse to allow a certain admission exam??
Answers tomorrow.
"Desperate Word Square #81" --
ReplyDeleteSorry, I gave up after 15 minutes with four words incomplete.
I don't think there are any spoilers involved in saying 1 A was no help at all. But if a clue involves a Nobel Prize, I guess solvers are expected to know the answer.
10 A perhaps I should have gotten, and 3 D is within the far boundaries of my vocabulary, so maybe I could have gotten it.
And, yes, 4 D well deserves its two question marks!
Bob K.
@BobK. - I'd have to say it was still a strong moral victory for U, if all U had to do was look up 1-A. [I wouldn't have known it, either.]
ReplyDeleteGlad U enjoyed 4-D's ??-clue. M&A was above-average-proud of it.
Stay tuned for another Fearless Daring Experiment runtpuz. Hope all these experiments are ok with all U nice test solvers, while the mighty @r.alph valiantly does battle with the wily wonky server problems.
This "lull" does at least maybe give us the unique opportunity to try out some new weirdball slants on runtdom [aka runtdumb]. Some for better, some for worse, but -- hey, that's how they discovered Cinnamon Rolls [best]. And kale [not best].
Thanx for all yer near-unfathomably great support … and well done, to all mask-wearin folks everywhere.
(Another weird experiment alert.)
ReplyDelete"How To Book" - 7x7 60 min. themed:
This runtpuz gives you the grid layout, plus all its clues. It's even given you a headstart on the fill, by already supplying 11 answer letters in the grid!
Only slight hitch: the Across clues and the Down clues are each presented unnumbered and in random order.
Grid [ _ = blank, # = black square]:
"___ Beso" (Paul Anka tune)
Unleashes a twitter storm upon
Boot's registered name
How to write suggestive prose?
To turn around??
"Couldn't happen to a nicer President!" [brief case]
Initials on a bug
Having successfully gotten one correct runt puzzle answer early on, say
How to make money in paper publishing?
Bites the head off of
Classic ones cruiser
Bad thing to run out of, while on a roll? [for short]
Home of the NCAA's Spartans
How to give a novel a shadier feel?
Gripping device in a workshop
Random Roman numerals 101
Friday on TV, for instance
Astatine, on the atomic scoreboard
Where Davy Crockett was born, on the postal scoreboard [Hint: Altho it was actually part of NC at the time!]
Part of a.k.a.
Sushi bar fave
Answers tomorrow.
"How To Book" --
ReplyDeleteSorry, gave up after 18 minutes, with three letters missing or wrong.
Potential spoilers ahead!
Done in by a blankety-blank sports clue, and a homophone! (At least the latter turned out to be mildly amusing, though stupid on my part.)
Bob K
"Desperate Word Square #81" I might have finished within 12 minutes, but it was close. 12A was pretty weird.
ReplyDelete"How To Book" I came in at 9 minutes plus or minus. I never know when to start timing - when I'm building the grid, or once I start on the clues. In this case, it was the latter.
ReplyDelete"Desperate Word Square #81"
ReplyDeleteI got stuck on 1A, 3D, 4D. after mega nanoseconds. I haven't asked google for help yet, trying desperately to figure out 4D on my own, but maybe a lookup will be needed.
I haven't looked at "how to book" yet. maybe later tonight. I read the description, and thought, good no random grid, but alas, random clues, looks much harder.
Doesn't marquis de sade wear a mask?
'How to Book"
ReplyDeleteI think I am done, after an hour or more. Still hanging on a chad, to find out the long case of the nicer President's demise (assuming i got the rest of it correct).
Thanks to Bob's spoiler comment, I think I now understand the runt puzzler clue.
Thanks, M&A, for the variety in runt puzzle entertainment the past few days. I thought this last one would be impossible. I think there must be an art to make a puzzle tough, but (barely or almost) solvable!
Runtpuz desperate solution to: "Desperate Word Square #81" …
M&A Help Desk
Runtpuz How-To solution to: "How To Book" …
Clues, in correct order:
Unleashes a twitterstorm upon
How to write suggestive prose?
Having successfully gotten one correct runt puzzle answer early on, say
To turn around??
"Couldn't happen to a nicer President!" [brief case]
Initials on a bug
How to make money in paper publishing?
Bites the head off of
Boot's registered name
"___ Beso" (Paul Anka tune)
Sushi bar fave
How to give a novel a shadier feel?
Where Davy Crockett was born, on the postal scoreboard [Hint: Altho it was actually part of NC at the time!]
Astatine, on the atomic scoreboard
Random Roman numerals 101
Part of a.k.a.
Friday on TV, for instance
Gripping device in a workshop
Home of the NCAA's Spartans
Bad thing to run out of, while on a roll? [for short]
Classic ones cruiser
M&A Help Desk
"Equivoques & Paronomasias" - 7x7 15 min. sorta themed:
[ _ = blank square, # = black square, O = circled blank square.]
If you numbered the grid correctly, the last Across answer is 17-Across.
This is one of them uppity runtpuzs, with all question-marked clues. But, as a hint, all the vowels in the grid will occur in the circled squares. Except for the two Y's -- the runtz wished to avoid bein steeped in controversy.
1. Holy Sox name?
4. Co. signs?
7. French toast setting?
8. Derby favorite, perhaps?
9. Having filled out the form?
11. Leave well shaken?
12. Type often sporting some arrows?
14. Preceded by a runt-roll from above: Slug of the rye, or a butter fly?
15. Past times?
16. Preceded by another runt-roll from above: Hair-raising experiences?
17. Average dude?
1. No other choice?
2. Non-prophet endeavor?
3. Nut lovers?
4. Layaway plan regulars?
5. Victim of a failed line of pickups?
6. Hog heaven?
10. Runt punt?
12. What needs one cent to produce a degree of interest?
13. Line on sea craft?
Answers tomorrow.
No matter how many times I see 1A, I can never dredge it up. 13:08 so nearly into overtime. I blame not reading the note closely enough to realize that the Os in the provided grid were circles, so I was staring at a grid full of Os which was distracting. Thanks, that was fun, and almost as tough as today's NYTXWRD!
ReplyDeletePuzzlecrowd and UploadRunt appear to be working again. Please let me know if there are any problems.
ReplyDelete@r.alph: Lookin good, as far as runtpuz uploads and accessin the latest uploaded puz.
DeleteSo far, seems to still have a problem, when accessin any older runtpuzs [get an "internal server error"]. Look that way for U?
You will need to use UploadRunt to put them on the server again. Sorry about that.
Delete"Fictionary II" - 7x7 12 min. themed:
"Fictionary II" Woohoo, it works! Way to go, @r.alph! And thanks, M&A, for this and the other puzzles you provided during the down time.
"Fictionary II" --
What @Teedmn said!
I'll go ahead and post this recent runtpuz, so people can do it online, if they like:
ReplyDelete"Equivoques & Paronomasias" - 7x7 15 min. sorta themed:
Thanx again, to @r.alph, for all his behind-the-scenes hard work.
Whew -- M&A was runnin out of weirdball experimental runtpuz ideas.
"Equivoques & Paronomasias" --
ReplyDeleteNow that I have seen the answers, I can report my "success" with this puzzle.
Noting the complexity of the grid, I drew my diagram before starting the stopwatch (what you can do with a phone these days!).
After twenty-five minutes, I had exactly eight correct answers, all of the three-letter variety, except for 5 Down. Then I gave up.
Seeing the desired answers today, I must say they are very clever, and I would not have gotten them in twenty-five days. A few I had to ponder awhile before I got the joke, and 13 D still eludes me!
But experiments are good, and I'll try the next one - but not too soon, I hope!
@r.alph: I put a new copy of the runtpuz mascot pic out on the server, as:
I believe U did the runtpuz patron saint pic?
Not sure I have all the old runtpuzs, anymore. So, we may have "gotten rid of the incriminating evidence", there. har
As a wise man once said, "No refunds".
DeleteThe mascot and the patron saint are back up. How did you upload mascot.png to the server? I need to fix however you did because it was saved with no read permissions.
@r.alph: Used UploadRunt app that also loads up the runtpuzs. I have used it in the past to load pics for illustrated runtpuzs. I just click on Choose File button, then give it the name of my jpeg file -- it then gives me back the name of the picture file that was placed on yer server.
DeleteHope that helps.
"Equivoques & Paronomasias" --
ReplyDeleteI spent what seemed like hours staring at this one yesterday....
I had a couple of wrong answers in for the longest time at 9A and 11A, once I fixed them, got down to 2 guesses in the SE corner, which I found out today were wrong.
Some fun, clever clues in this one.
@M&A - I had fun trying out your puntpuz solving variations during the downtime, but like the others here, glad the automated runtpuz machine is working again.
@r.alph - Thanks for fixing what was broke, and for your ongoing technical support for the runts!
"Fictionary II"
Nice to see Will's smiling face again!
Too bad all the runtz got out of the pen while the fence was broke!
@Kirk: I'm gonna miss all the solvers' comments about them old runtpuzs, the most.
DeleteAt least, now M&A can reuse old runtpuz theme ideas, and no jury will be able to convict him.
M&A Archives Desk
Runtpuz questionable recap for solution to: "Equivoques & Paronomasias".
I'm pretty sure this was one of the first 7x7 runt puzzles that old M&A ever made. I pitched it as dessert, after an especially challenging NYTPuz solvequest. Hint: 1-D refers to an award M&A used to give out, at the end of the year, to a NYTPuz with the most U's. It was non-monetary, in nature.
ReplyDeleteNotice it wasn't even officially called a "Runtpuz", yet. Them was the days.
"Themeless One" - 7x7 vintage themeless:
M&A Archives Desk
And this was probably one of the first themed runt puzzles to ever hop the fence (I started numberin them at #101, so I could keep the themed and themeless pups in separate holdin pens).
ReplyDelete"Kiddie Pool Krossword One" - 7x7 themed:
M&A is gettin kinda all misty, now. Time for a beer, I reckon?
M&A Archives Desk
"Themeless One" And so it begins...Thanks!
"Themeless One" aka "Kiddie Pool Themeless #1"
This kiddie pool has a deep end! I needed a lifesaver to get out alive.
"Kiddie Pool Krossword One"
This one was a toughie, too! I noticed the puzgrid shape, I ran out of luck.
Huh? I scoured the puzzle and found no hint of a revealer. How about the title Mr Detoo?
DeleteThis one is themed but no revealer. (this is Kiddie Pool Krossword #101 - blog puz titles don't quite match the stored puz file titles). @R.alph, you haven't posted a solution to this one. You might be thinking this is the Themeless #1. My comment about luck running out referred to the upside-down U (horseshoe) grid shape. Themeless was right-side up U grid shape, but still no luck.
Delete@M&A - did U call your early puzzles "Kiddie Pool" puzzles before runtz?
New one …
ReplyDelete"Chez Runtz" - 7x7 themed:
Correction Puz: Minor correction made to a clue that was missin an "s".
Delete"Chez Runtz" - 7x7 themed, revised:
No refunds
"Themeless One" -- I was not off to a great start!
"Kiddie Pool Krossword One" --
ReplyDeleteI did it wrong, but the software thought I got it right!
"Chez Runtz" --
Good eatin"! Thanks!
"Chez Runtz"
My tip is as big as your refund! Har. Yum.
Note to management : You probably already figured this out, but a reminder that the syndiland links in Rex's blog to runtz are 5 weeks old, and generate 500 server errors. There probably isn't a quick fix, tho, without a code change.
@Kirk: Well, M&A ain't exactly management material, but I had wondered about that -- and did leave a message out in the Rex Parker blog's syndicateland Comment Gallery today, to let em know what's what.
DeleteHopefully, bad news is better than no news, or somesuch.
M&A Help Desk
DeleteGood catch. The program now displays following helpful message instead of a stack dump: "Sorry. Runtpuz links posted in the comments section of Rex Parker by Masked & Anonymous prior to June 1, 2020 are no longer available. Wait for his blog entries for the June 1, 2020 puzzle or later; the links will work in those blogs."
Too see it try opening this URL in your browser: http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/CrowdSource/GetRunt?url=ThanksKirk.json
BTW, are you a programmer?
@R.alph - Yup, started out with Fortran on cards back in '72. That was a quick fix you did.
DeleteI enjoy testing (finding problems) - I now see how your get runt works.
ReplyDeleteI am Fortran class of 1968. I missed the first class because I had to appear in court because of a speeding ticket. In the second class I learned that = was an assignment operation and suddenly i=i+1 made sense and I was hooked. Question: was = also used for equality in the Fortran of that era?
That led to a job as a computer operator on an IBM 360 Model 50. People assumed that I knew a lot about programming because I worked in the machine room and I did not disabuse them of that and it got me programming jobs using BAL360 and PL/I. C, C++ followed in the 80s and 90s. Nowadays I program exclusively in Java and Javascript mainly on diagramming square dances. One thing missing in my education is system administration. I hate having to deal with file permissions and installing complex software.
I think that Teedmn also had a Fortran class as part of an engineering program. M&A once slipped and revealed he knew something about COBOL but that might have been a diversionary tactic.
I am glad you interested in runtpuzzes. You are a nice presence on this blog.
@r.alph: M&A actually was a computer programmer in army intelligence, for a year or so. Then a computer operator, at an army base stateside. Before all that, had learnt Fortran & IBM Assembler Lingo in college courses, and yep that there COBOL dealy, at an army school.
ReplyDeleteIn civilian life, I had several interestin jobs. faves: Wrecker tow-truck driver. Engineering assistant. Math & comp-sci teacher. Artillery battery grunt soldier. Structured programming supervisor dude. Cartoonist. Apple II computer game builder [Basic & assembler lingoes]. Construction worker, specializin in runt puzzles. There were others, but they weren't faves.
Sat in on a Java programming course, once. Hurt my head, tryin to nest stuff like they thought I should.
Day-um … I'm suddenly feelin a little less Anonymous. Oh, well. Now y'all know.
"Kiddie Pool Krossword" Yeah, I sank to the bottom on this one.
@r.alph remembers correctly that my BChEn coursework required two quarters of Fortran in the late 70s, early 80s. I did okay until the very last assignment which involved programming a simplified chess game. I hate chess. I spent a lot of time in the card room because all of the more "sophisticated" computers available to the entire Univ. of Minn. student body were in high demand. For some reason, the card machines were more easily accessed :-).
"Chez Runtz" Yum, thanks!
Gee whizz, this turned into a nerd-style bio break.
ReplyDeleteGuess it's my turn.
I took a Fortran course as an option in first year university (in '72), and got hooked. Spent all my spare time at the computer centre. Next year they launched a Computer Science department, so that became my major. Learned PL/1 and a few other languages at school, no COBOL there.
First job after school was an operator at an IBM data centre (Cdn spelling!), then got assigned to a database project, so became an IMS (old IBM database from the 70's) DBA and systems programmer. Mostly did design work related to the data component of projects, in a large mainframe office environment. I did learn COBOL and had to write a few of those programs, but PL/1 and IBM assembler were more fun.
Never got into Java or the web side of programming. Java always looked like 'plumbing', didn't see any logic. I am an old fashioned procedural type thinker, not so much the object-oriented type.
I have been retired for about 6 years, and started doing the syndicated NYT times crossword in our paper. I always thought the NYT was too hard. I must have tried a Malesky era Saturday puzzle. Starting out, even Monday's seemed tough, and gradually got better at days after Wednesday. Discovered that Rex had the solution when I got stuck, so started reading his blog, where I found @M&A's little runtpuz world.
@r.alph - in fortran, the equal logical operator was .eq. (i had to look this up). In PL/1, you used =, <, >, etc.). I guess most languages use == for the logical op.
Stumpy Stumper: "Blimp Shirt" - 7x7 themeless:
Runtpuz gastronomic recap of solution for: "Chez Runtz".
"Blimp Shirt" --
When I hit the "Show solvers" button, I get the reply
ReplyDeleteGet comments failed with error:
Is this part of the ongoing problem, or something wrong at my end?
Could you try again. It works on my machine.
DeleteHit show solvers again, the box that comes up says
ReplyDeletePuzzleCrowd.com:8080 says
Get comments failed with error:
Please open http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/UploadRunt/FetchPage?id=MzgyOTY2MTEwODUzMzMzOQ&title=Stumpy_1_Stumper_7__1_Blimp_1_Shirt_1_-_1_by_1_M_1_and_1_A
ReplyDeleteClick Down Home
Click Show Puzzle. You should get the message that the puzzle is complete.
Click Show Solvers.
What happened?
Thank you. r.alph. Everything worked the way it used to.
ReplyDeleteOh, but then I went back to my solution of Chez Runt, and got the same error. Or did you expect that?
ReplyDeleteDoes your URL begin with https instead of http?
ReplyDeleteYes, I think so.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure how that happened. The gruntz link for the Chez Runt puzzle starts with http. If this happens again try going back to the original gruntz link and click it. You can then Show Solvers. I need to pay for a SSL certificate so the browser will use https and not display the "Not Secure" warning. And it will presumably fix the problem you had also.
ReplyDelete@r.alph - I got the same message as Bob. If you use a 'GetSolution' link to show one solution, then click on
Delete'show solvers', that is when the error occurs.
If you load the puzzle page from down home, (e.g. from a ** gruntz ** link), you can display the solvers OK from the puzzle page.
You are using the function module.getPuzzleID() when the error occurs.
And I can chip in on the SSL cert, too.
Thanks again, r.alph!
ReplyDeleteSay, how much is that certificate?
Are you accepting contributions?
That is very generous of you. An SSL certificate costs $70 for a year. But that is not why I haven't installed one. I loathe system administration. I am still recovering from getting puzzlecrowd back up but I will do it soon so you don't have any more problems.
ReplyDeleteIf I can cover part of it, just let me know how and where!
ReplyDelete@r.alph, count me in on the SSL cert. cost. I can do Paypal.
ReplyDelete"Bearing A Cross" - 7x7 themed:
p.s. Runtpuz test solvers are the nicest peoples.
"Bearing A Cross" --
Sorry, my imagination wasn't up to this one!
Runtpuz crossed-up recap for solution to: "Bearing A Cross".
"Blimp Shirt" - What you wear when full of hot air (no names needed).
Fun, thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks for telling me how to repeat Bob's problem. It appears to be caused by the default configuration of Apache.
A workaround to the problem is that when you click a link to show a solution, close the resulting solution window that appears to get back to the page showing all solvers. You can use Command-W (Mac) or Ctrl-W (PC) to do this. Do not click the Show Solvers button to get there.
"Bearing A Cross" --
No bull, this was a bear for me.
As i say, fun when it was over, (or after the aha). Thanx
The problem Bob and Kirk found has been fixed. Please let me know of anything else you find.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSounds of people doing a runtpuz in Sweden: https://www.wimp.com/listen-to-the-odd-night-screaming-tradition-in-sweden/
ReplyDelete"Blimp Shirt" Nice, thanks!
"Bearing A Cross" The bear got me this time. Fun, thanks!
"Hit and Miss" - 7x7 themed:
"Hit and Miss" --
"Hit and Miss" Fun, thanks!
I watched r.alph's "Swedes doing Runts" link. No one ever did that when I was in Stockholm! Wikipedia shows it started in Uppsala as a way for students to let off steam. I never heard anyone scream in Uppsala either, but I was never there at 10 PM. Crazy tradition.
While I was watching, I was thinking that coyotes must do runt puzzles, too!
Delete"Too Tall" - 7x7 themed:
"Too Tall" --
"Too Tall" - Fun, thanks!