Thanks, @r.alph. Dropped a not-so-subtle plug, at that other site.
@Ray J: Primo debut. Deft use of the double-??s. My time: 4:58. Musta tried out every other possible spellin of ___ Mara, first: day-um.
@muse: yer turn. Really really liked the last one; reminder me of the snot exhibit at the Albuquerque Natural History Museum.
@roo: wow. I had a "Pangram with a Snarl" runtpuz a while back, but had to really stoke up the desperation, to get that sorry one of mine to fly. Congratz! And thanx for the shout-out. My time: 6 kilosecs.
p.s. My best runtpainting at the recent watercolor class: "Planet of Clogged Plumbing (and its moon) Collides with Melvin 'This Sh*t Always Happens To Me' Baggowurtz. Clearly it was my masterpiece. But I digress, and no one here can stop me...
M&A, I was able to finish #36 and so happy to get 9A that I didn't mind not understanding why 16A is correct. I also was glad to see you back at Rex's site and to hear that you'd had a nice time Up North, as we say down here in the southern part of the state.
@Carola: Thanx for the kind words. Sure do like it here in r.alphville. Re: 16A... ID (Idaho) connects to WY (Wyoming), is what M&A was goin for, there. Kinda like MS snugglin up to AL, elsewhere in the puz. Thanx for playin.
Runner-up best runtpainting: "Barn Barn Quilt Quilt (think about it)" - shows an image of a barn quilt shown on a quilt that's hangin in a barn. Sorry, I digress, but that class was sure a darn lot of fun...
@r.alph: Believe me, they aren't worth a! I'd best stick to runtpuzs. Too bad crosswords can't have pics, tho, huh? But, many thanx, just the same. U sure are nice.
p.s. Did one slightly larger painting (4x5), called "Jaws Selfie". It was based on a photo under lot #7028 on this site:
@Carola: Hmmm... U propose an idea (word1 snugglin word2 = some surprise answer) with interesting theme possibilities... One would hafta hurry up and put it in a runtpuz, tho. Cuz Patrick Berry is out there, just itchin to come up with that perfecto runtpuz-theme, and get in the game... har.
@Ray J – really, really nice one. Loved the clues for 2D and 6D. And that reachy partial at 3D!
@M&A – yay! Welcome back – you were missed, buddy. Thanks for clearing up those two 2's for @Carola – I hadn't understood them, either. Hard solve here. I still don't get 9A, and the theme I still don't get… Loved, loved, loved your clue for 3D!!! One of your best. I have a runt that I ran by @Bob (ahem, since we can't runt them by you first, now, can we?) He solved it but didn't see the trick – fair enough. I may runt it past our @r.alph and see what he says.
@muse: U light up the runtblog with yer presence. Me, I just run my runts by everyone, at once. Want that fresh aura of desperation.
Lookin forward to that new muserunt with the mystery theme. Go for it.
"Wee Try Harder" was my themeless #36. But it looks like amorous state postal codes mighta turned out bein the subliminal-theme, for many solvers. Re: 9A... thinkin about the capital of Samoa might help.
Havin my "and" word remain in the 10A clue is crucial. Repositioning of the "that is" is more debatable, but I thought it sounded better, where it ended up. But -- maybe this discussion can serve as a minuscule hint, to some baffled solver?
I left the "and" out by mistake. Your theme clues are like cryptic charade clues without the real definition. The convention is that the clues for the pieces of the answer are arranged so that their answers form the desired complete answer in the correct order. I think that @Carola does a lot of cryptics and she can confirm this.
You might be interested in the Covert Operations puzzle George Barany posted at Rex Parker ( It is a hybrid of cryptic and regular clues like your latest runt.
Hey All! @lms, cool runt! I got the missing words, but am confused about the bottom one. Help? Or maybe it's my slow hampster on the brainwheel.
@M&A, I liked you runt also. I sent a similarly themed puz into the NYT, it was a 17x17, as the themers necessitated it.I got a respone from Shortenegger that they don't publish 17x, only 15x15s! Which seems odd after last Sundays(7/20) was 20x23!
@r.alph I did retype it one times, over at the Parker Ave site. So, almost as good, right? (Not quite sure how much to say over there about runtz and other-sorta-puzzle-related stuff, anymore. I don't want to be overly rude to all those unrude folks that feel I am rude when my mind starts to digress a bit. Kinda fun pushin the buttons a little, just to find out where the line is, tho...)
Outlaw M&A
OhByeTheHi, ... Really really really admired the latest @muse runtpuz about the Marginal Personalities and High Maintenance Acquaintances. Every entry was an actual thing! Standin O High!!! More, please.
Ohhhh, you misunderstand, Manda. It's not that you're rude; it's that you're boring.
Now, while you were gone, r.alph did the right thing and established this nice playground for you and your fellow runters. But if your true motivation is just 'pushin the buttons' and clogging up Michael's site, let the assholery begin!
@M&A - Loved the snuggly puzzle (and thanks for the nod, above). It took me a while to understand 10A (I hadn't seen your conversation with r.alph); after that, understanding 6D was easier. Thanks for the fun.
@r.alph (and @M&A), from yesterday, re: "Your theme clues are like cryptic charade clues without the real definition. The convention is that the clues for the pieces of the answer are arranged so that their answers form the desired complete answer in the correct order." - Yes, I agree that "that is" needed to be moved from the original version, where it was at the end of the clue. However, I'd also change "hugging" to "nuzzling," because "wrapped around and" isn't really hugging "that is" (in cryptics, that would mean enclosing, incorporating). (Sorry if I'm posting this comment in the wrong spot; I didn't know how to position it right under your comment, @r.alph.)
@Carola, Thanx for the inspiration. Glad U liked the result.
I have only ever worked thru a handful of cryptics, so I'm not real familiar with the word implications, like for hug. What U said sure makes sense, tho. "DAN + I.E., L" was definitely my most desperate Across entry. That's what I get, for bein bull-headed, and insisting that every Across answer be made a snuggler.
CAD + ETS? Good one. Wouldn't it be somethin, to have all snugglers in a runt, both Across *and* Down? On the other hand, might be impossible to solve. (Gotta give the solvers a fightin chance.)
Runtpuz factoid: Originally, I wasn't intendin to clue the 9-A entry as a snuggler, as it was runty and an odd number in length. But the clue for it as a nonsnuggler was a gut-wrenchingly dull fill-in-the-blanker, and then I suddenly noticed the xx + y possibility. Havin very little shame, I went with it.
Hey, M&A – your latest really, uh, fits the bill! As usual, your clues were so funny. I'm on to you now; got 8A immediately! I especially liked the Porta Potti clue, but that's really a lot to work with already. I'm going to have to work a Porta Potti clue into one soon. I love a good Porta Potti.
Sure wish I knew how to do those asymmetrical grids. . .
Ralph and I are just trying to figure out how to publish my next one. Stay tuned. . .
Day-um, @muse. Is yer new runtpuz in 3-D or somethin? Well, whatever it is, all the best wishes for gettin that puppy to hunt. Lookin forward to it.
We clearly think a lot alike; both of us like sayin/writin "Porta Potti" a lot, for instance. Maybe we oughta collaborate on a runtpuz someday. One dream up the themers, the other fill the grid, one do Across clues, the other do Down clues. Or somesuch. Could just fire stuff back and forth, via this site. Just have @r.alph create a special ***TOP SECRET -- CONSTRUCTIONEERS AT WORK *** comment-block on this site. People who wish to solve the puz without spoilers would just stay clear of that block of comments. Or they could, instead, check out that block, if they wanna see how sausage gets made... Might be entertainin...? Or not.
Love doin them 8-A-type clues. Have to start gettin sneakier with em, now, tho, huh? Thanx for workin anything called "Smelly Parts".
The simplest thing to do would be for M&A to create a gmail account and lie about all the information they want from him to keep his anonymity. May not be able to lie about the mobile phone though.
@muse, @r.alph -- Mehinks, if we did this, would rather go with a special comment block on this runt site. But hey, the runtcollaboration was just a notion...
@muse: Thanx, but U might want to delete your previous message with your cell phone number in it. Probably don't want it out there in public?
M&A - HI back! This time I looked at a map :) Except the N gave me HiNdER (talk about port-a-potty humor!) - I needed the crosses to get the correct smelly part.
@Roo – Nice job! This is my favorite of yours so far. I had a similar idea a couple of weeks ago, played around with it for a few minutes, gave up, and then went to take a nap.
Loved the clues for 8A and 11A. They're definitely not 14A!
Thanks loren! It's awesome when a relatively newer person, such as myself, is able to mesh well with the longer term people. I play well with others!! Still waiting on your mystery runt, I love @m&a comment about it being 3D! Good luck with your collaboration!
Welcome back M&A. Starting a new post to celebrate your return. Great tie in to today's NYT. People over at rex parker should know about this.
ReplyDeleteThanks, @r.alph. Dropped a not-so-subtle plug, at that other site.
ReplyDelete@Ray J: Primo debut. Deft use of the double-??s. My time: 4:58. Musta tried out every other possible spellin of ___ Mara, first: day-um.
@muse: yer turn. Really really liked the last one; reminder me of the snot exhibit at the Albuquerque Natural History Museum.
@roo: wow. I had a "Pangram with a Snarl" runtpuz a while back, but had to really stoke up the desperation, to get that sorry one of mine to fly. Congratz! And thanx for the shout-out. My time: 6 kilosecs.
p.s. My best runtpainting at the recent watercolor class:
"Planet of Clogged Plumbing (and its moon) Collides with Melvin 'This Sh*t Always Happens To Me' Baggowurtz. Clearly it was my masterpiece. But I digress, and no one here can stop me...
M&A, I was able to finish #36 and so happy to get 9A that I didn't mind not understanding why 16A is correct. I also was glad to see you back at Rex's site and to hear that you'd had a nice time Up North, as we say down here in the southern part of the state.
ReplyDelete@Carola: Thanx for the kind words. Sure do like it here in r.alphville.
ReplyDeleteRe: 16A... ID (Idaho) connects to WY (Wyoming), is what M&A was goin for, there. Kinda like MS snugglin up to AL, elsewhere in the puz. Thanx for playin.
Runner-up best runtpainting:
"Barn Barn Quilt Quilt (think about it)" - shows an image of a barn quilt shown on a quilt that's hangin in a barn. Sorry, I digress, but that class was sure a darn lot of fun...
If you have images of your paintings and would like to show them on runtpuz just let me know.
Delete@r.alph: Believe me, they aren't worth a!
DeleteI'd best stick to runtpuzs. Too bad crosswords can't have pics, tho, huh?
But, many thanx, just the same. U sure are nice.
p.s. Did one slightly larger painting (4x5), called "Jaws Selfie".
It was based on a photo under lot #7028 on this site:
M&A, thanks for explaining. The MS snuggler had puzzled me as well, but I thought I had it figured out; AL snuggles up to MS and makes ALMS.
ReplyDelete@Carola: Hmmm... U propose an idea (word1 snugglin word2 = some surprise answer) with interesting theme possibilities...
DeleteOne would hafta hurry up and put it in a runtpuz, tho. Cuz Patrick Berry is out there, just itchin to come up with that perfecto runtpuz-theme, and get in the game...
@Roo – nice pangrunt! Kudos to you!
ReplyDelete@Ray J – really, really nice one. Loved the clues for 2D and 6D. And that reachy partial at 3D!
@M&A – yay! Welcome back – you were missed, buddy. Thanks for clearing up those two 2's for @Carola – I hadn't understood them, either. Hard solve here. I still don't get 9A, and the theme I still don't get… Loved, loved, loved your clue for 3D!!! One of your best.
I have a runt that I ran by @Bob (ahem, since we can't runt them by you first, now, can we?) He solved it but didn't see the trick – fair enough. I may runt it past our @r.alph and see what he says.
@muse: U light up the runtblog with yer presence. Me, I just run my runts by everyone, at once. Want that fresh aura of desperation.
ReplyDeleteLookin forward to that new muserunt with the mystery theme. Go for it.
"Wee Try Harder" was my themeless #36. But it looks like amorous state postal codes mighta turned out bein the subliminal-theme, for many solvers. Re: 9A... thinkin about the capital of Samoa might help.
@loren - I loved your latest rip-snorter :). In "Dropping By" - I can't get how 10A works - help?
ReplyDeleteThink piano
DeleteYeah, @Carolo - think piano for that one - my favorite because it's so hard to see.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of piano, thanks for the hint, @M&A. I didn't know that!
So here's the one I was talking about. You should print it and solve it on paper. :-)
omg, I even have one! But I had to do the equivalent of run the alphabet:
Deletebbyagrand, baby...yes! Thanks to you and r.alph for the hint!
@muse: Got er done, in 6:29. And I get the theme -- I'm pretty sure. My personality type = low-hanging yellow fruit eater.
DeleteSpeakin of high-maintenance little friends, here's another runtpuz...
My sincere thanx to @Carola, for suggestin this puz's theme. @Patrick Berry: har! Beatcha to it again!
DeleteShould 10A be
"Wrapped around hugging, that is, K-M filler"
@r.alph: Thanx for looking it over.
DeleteHavin my "and" word remain in the 10A clue is crucial. Repositioning of the "that is" is more debatable, but I thought it sounded better, where it ended up. But -- maybe this discussion can serve as a minuscule hint, to some baffled solver?
Aimin to Please and Confuse,
"Wrapped around and hugging, that is, K-M filler"
DeleteI left the "and" out by mistake. Your theme clues are like cryptic charade clues without the real definition. The convention is that the clues for the pieces of the answer are arranged so that their answers form the desired complete answer in the correct order. I think that @Carola does a lot of cryptics and she can confirm this.
@r.alph: I'm cool with that. And 10A clue may sound slightly more desperate that way, too. Let's change that puppy.
DeleteNew, improved version of "Snuggle Up with M&A"...
That is, M&A, that is.
It's on
DeleteYou might be interested in the Covert Operations puzzle George Barany posted at Rex Parker ( It is a hybrid of cryptic and regular clues like your latest runt.
Hey All!
ReplyDelete@lms, cool runt! I got the missing words, but am confused about the bottom one. Help? Or maybe it's my slow hampster on the brainwheel.
@M&A, I liked you runt also. I sent a similarly themed puz into the NYT, it was a 17x17, as the themers necessitated it.I got a respone from Shortenegger that they don't publish 17x, only 15x15s! Which seems odd after last Sundays(7/20) was 20x23!
You definitely have the spirit of runtpuzzes. It is a DNF unless you understand every clue!
ReplyDeleteAssuming you mean the Personality Types puzzle think "Class of fish"
Please include the title of the runt.
ReplyDeleteType 100 times: :-)
The URL of the runtpuz site is not
DeleteI did retype it one times, over at the Parker Ave site. So, almost as good, right?
(Not quite sure how much to say over there about runtz and other-sorta-puzzle-related stuff, anymore. I don't want to be overly rude to all those unrude folks that feel I am rude when my mind starts to digress a bit. Kinda fun pushin the buttons a little, just to find out where the line is, tho...)
Outlaw M&A
OhByeTheHi, ...
Really really really admired the latest @muse runtpuz about the Marginal Personalities and High Maintenance Acquaintances. Every entry was an actual thing! Standin O High!!! More, please.
Ohhhh, you misunderstand, Manda. It's not that you're rude; it's that you're boring.
DeleteNow, while you were gone, r.alph did the right thing and established this nice playground for you and your fellow runters. But if your true motivation is just 'pushin the buttons' and clogging up Michael's site, let the assholery begin!
Delete@M&A - Loved the snuggly puzzle (and thanks for the nod, above). It took me a while to understand 10A (I hadn't seen your conversation with r.alph); after that, understanding 6D was easier. Thanks for the fun.
ReplyDelete@r.alph (and @M&A), from yesterday, re: "Your theme clues are like cryptic charade clues without the real definition. The convention is that the clues for the pieces of the answer are arranged so that their answers form the desired complete answer in the correct order." - Yes, I agree that "that is" needed to be moved from the original version, where it was at the end of the clue. However, I'd also change "hugging" to "nuzzling," because "wrapped around and" isn't really hugging "that is" (in cryptics, that would mean enclosing, incorporating). (Sorry if I'm posting this comment in the wrong spot; I didn't know how to position it right under your comment, @r.alph.)
ReplyDelete@Carola, Thanx for the inspiration. Glad U liked the result.
DeleteI have only ever worked thru a handful of cryptics, so I'm not real familiar with the word implications, like for hug. What U said sure makes sense, tho.
"DAN + I.E., L" was definitely my most desperate Across entry. That's what I get, for bein bull-headed, and insisting that every Across answer be made a snuggler.
Thanx again,
Hey, M&A - I really liked the trick of your Huggy runt. Man, the possibilities. . .
ReplyDeleteA jerk snuggling up to some Martians? 6 letters.
@muse: Thanx.
DeleteCAD + ETS? Good one. Wouldn't it be somethin, to have all snugglers in a runt, both Across *and* Down? On the other hand, might be impossible to solve. (Gotta give the solvers a fightin chance.)
Runtpuz factoid: Originally, I wasn't intendin to clue the 9-A entry as a snuggler, as it was runty and an odd number in length. But the clue for it as a nonsnuggler was a gut-wrenchingly dull fill-in-the-blanker, and then I suddenly noticed the xx + y possibility. Havin very little shame, I went with it.
Oh, man. You're so polite. I was thinking ASSETS.
DeleteI meant to mention your 9A!!! Thanks for reminding me! "Gut-wrenchingly dull fill-in-the-blankers" feed my soul, though. Sigh
I have another one ready but am waiting for Ralph to pull a rabbit out of the hat for its publication. It'll be Runt Puzzle History!
Wow! That runt I have tosee. Thanks for the anxiety!
What? Nothin here at all yet, today?
ReplyDeleteCan't have that.
Unlike @muse's upcoming history-maker, this one's pretty down and runty...
Hey, M&A – your latest really, uh, fits the bill! As usual, your clues were so funny. I'm on to you now; got 8A immediately! I especially liked the Porta Potti clue, but that's really a lot to work with already. I'm going to have to work a Porta Potti clue into one soon. I love a good Porta Potti.
ReplyDeleteSure wish I knew how to do those asymmetrical grids. . .
Ralph and I are just trying to figure out how to publish my next one. Stay tuned. . .
Day-um, @muse. Is yer new runtpuz in 3-D or somethin? Well, whatever it is, all the best wishes for gettin that puppy to hunt. Lookin forward to it.
DeleteWe clearly think a lot alike; both of us like sayin/writin "Porta Potti" a lot, for instance. Maybe we oughta collaborate on a runtpuz someday. One dream up the themers, the other fill the grid, one do Across clues, the other do Down clues. Or somesuch. Could just fire stuff back and forth, via this site. Just have @r.alph create a special ***TOP SECRET -- CONSTRUCTIONEERS AT WORK *** comment-block on this site. People who wish to solve the puz without spoilers would just stay clear of that block of comments. Or they could, instead, check out that block, if they wanna see how sausage gets made... Might be entertainin...? Or not.
Love doin them 8-A-type clues. Have to start gettin sneakier with em, now, tho, huh? Thanx for workin anything called "Smelly Parts".
I would love to collaborate with you, M&A! @Ralph - could that be easy to do - to create a separate Secret 007 comment block?
DeleteThe simplest thing to do would be for M&A to create a gmail account and lie about all the information they want from him to keep his anonymity. May not be able to lie about the mobile phone though.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@muse, @r.alph -- Mehinks, if we did this, would rather go with a special comment block on this runt site. But hey, the runtcollaboration was just a notion...
ReplyDelete@muse: Thanx, but U might want to delete your previous message with your cell phone number in it. Probably don't want it out there in public?
M&A - HI back! This time I looked at a map :) Except the N gave me HiNdER (talk about port-a-potty humor!) - I needed the crosses to get the correct smelly part.
ReplyDeleteFun to see Daniel back - I feel like old friends.
Thanx, @Carola. U are one of our best customers. U even solve the smelly puzs!
@Roo – Nice job! This is my favorite of yours so far. I had a similar idea a couple of weeks ago, played around with it for a few minutes, gave up, and then went to take a nap.
ReplyDeleteLoved the clues for 8A and 11A. They're definitely not 14A!
Thanks loren! It's awesome when a relatively newer person, such as myself, is able to mesh well with the longer term people. I play well with others!! Still waiting on your mystery runt, I love @m&a comment about it being 3D! Good luck with your collaboration!