@muse: Looking forward to this collaboration. I suspect I'm about to learn a lot. Will try my utter best to talk more U.S.D.A. normally than usual here, so it won't be as painful for you to figure out what I'm saying. (Believe it or not, I can do this.)
I'll try to come up with a few runtpuz-theme ideas, and you can do the same. No pressure. No deadlines. No bosses. No pay. Some fun.
Do you like pun themes? Some other theme category you've always wanted to try out?
OK. Idea #1: How about runty little pictures, drawn with letters? Surely no one would have done this on a regular-sized crossword, because the themers would all be microscopic. Example: O O O V (Triple-scooped treat?) or H S H H (Snake eloping?) or UUUU (Cow on a cold morning?) [my fave, so far] or O Y (Common sight for Arnold Palmer?) har.
Oh. Ok. Well, it worked. I can't comment on the main site; my words just disappear into cyberspace.
I love this idea! My favorites are ice cream and the golf tee. I've tried to come up with others but can't. I'm not artistic or imaginative. I have thought before of one where you had to turn the puzzle upside down to see the trick, whatever it could be, but MOM being WOW is about as far as I got.
Hey peeps! Not sure if I'm butting in where I don't belong, but if I am 1) I'm sorry 2) you needn't include me in your collaboration. I just read lms' post, and I was reminded of a puzzle (albeit not a crossword, runt or otherwise) in GAMES mag, that had you fill in a row of spaces and when you were done, had to turn the page upside down to see the answer. Will see if I can find it somewhere in cyberspace! Now, back to your regular collab!
@M&A - We have such different styles – I'm afraid any theme idea I have won't tickle your funny bone! Here are some things I've thought about in the past – be it a 15x15 or a runt – you'll see why I never got anywhere with them. Maybe you can add a twist to take one to a better place. . .
"Vanishing act" with things like IMP for impact, TILE for tactile, PRICE for practice, TIC for tactic, COMP for compact, ION for action. . . "Short hellion?" LOW IMP
"Broadband connections" NO BIGGIE, TWO BIT, NO BITING (See, an OBI is a broad band, as it were)
"Imaginary number" I "Two cubed" EIGHT "Totality" SUM "Circle ratio" PI And when you read I EIGHT SUM PI out loud. . . (I like strawberry rhubarb, myself.)
@muse: har. Nice passel of theme ideas, especially for the big boyz. Vanishing Act one would work pretty good as a runttheme, too, tho!
I try to "think small" when ferreting out a runtpuz theme. Something that no one would consider doing as a theme in the NYT, because the themers would mostly end up being real short. Kinda makes the runt rumble down its own private road, as it were.
How about a "Just Call Me " theme? Themers could be all 3-letter nicknames, that relate to the person's claim to fame... FLO = First name in white water rafting expertise? ART = First name in Renaissance painting? JOE = First name in Starbucks queues? etc. Probably would need some work...
This is more fun than making the puz! M&A
p.s. A O O J (Possum wearing a dunce cap?) or ELLD (Eastbound bullet train with room for two adults and two children?) M W (Lakeside view of the mountains?) [U made me think of that one] U O Q (Cat in the middle of brain surgery?)
@M&A – see, I knew you could do more. On the pictures, I actually thought of a dunce cap, but didn't think to use the A. The idea of a possum wearing a dunce cap made me laugh!
I love the "Just Call Me" idea!
Dee – First name in boob jobs? Stu – First name in anxiety management ? Matt – First name in area rugs? Bill – First name at the US Mint? Bob – First name in fishing gear? Dick – First name in, well, insurance or law? John – First name in Porta Potti rentals? Sue – First name in personal injury law? Lance – first name in dermatology?" Van – first name in moving companies?
@muse: Just to expand on your Vanishing Act idea, a bit:
How about all sorts of "Magic Tricks" ?... LOWIMP = Vanishing act with minimal stress?? KYSEX = Disappearing ink with X-rated results?? WON = Woman sawed in half?? HARABBIT = Rabbit in the hat illusion?? SINTAX = Satanic levy-tation?? DRAC = Card alteration trick?? FOXNEWS = Talk with the far side?? [possible controversy flag] ... etc. (Shoot, so far nothing's the same length!)
p.s. I I O (Toy with its ups and downs?) or P D L (Expectant good-posture poster model?) or BBBDB (Assembly line at a brassiere factory?) [with defect] or F F E (Empty set of bookshelves in the Library of Congress?) or O I I O (Weight lifting equipment?)
Liked the yo-yo and the barbell! I didn’t get the bookshelf, though. Am I just being dense? Expectant super model I I D I I
Hey – you're onto something with the whole slew of magic tricks. (And just so you know, I was thinking "Kentucky" with that KY. Sheesh. I can't believe I didn't see the other meaning!) For the woman sawed in half, her middle doesn't really disappear, right? WO MAN. I don't know how that could work, though And the rabbit comes out of the hat
I can't get RABBIT to come down over the T.
Fox News – Hah! Yeah, the AM RADIO people will take issue with that one What could we do with "escape artist?"
Har. Like the super model. WON is half of a WOMAN, if n is viewed as half an m. This is how the M&A thinks -- it is unfortunately often not the way the solving public at large thinks, however. The shelves were kind of like a side view. All I got for "escape artist" is PABLO PCKEY, which is clearly chillingly desperate...
@muse: I think we have a winner, with your added "Just Call Me" themers. It would be criminal, if DICK never saw the light of day. Want to make that the first collabpuz theme? (Not that we couldn't do another runtproject, someday.)
Well, if this weren't a runt, I could hear Chen say, "There are too many possibilities. You should tighten it up. Like Walmart employees? Nah. Uh, well, we could just choose the ones we like the most and go from there.
My son and husband share the same name, so my husband is "Big Gardiner" and my son is "Little Gardiner." Feel sorry for that Richard senior and junior pair. . .
OK. Usually if 1/3 of the runtpuz squares are theme material, that's pretty much a healthy challenge for m&e. 1/3 of a 7x7 would be around 16 squares of themers. Could go a little bigger, since we could split the fill work along the longest side's equator -- say 7x11 (just to name a "convenient' example). 1/3 of 77 would then be around 25 squares of themers.
I really so far like: DEE - First name in boob jobs? STU - First name in anxiety management? DICK - First name in insurance sales and lawyering? JOHN - First name in Porta Potti rentals? LEW - First name in British Porta Potti rentals? VAN - First name in moving company execs? That's a matching themer set that totals 20. Two more three-long ones, maybe?
Good grief, you're fast! Sorry I bagged out – nice visit with the kids, though. Hey, we thought of three more names:
RALPH – first name in Ipecac syrups? GALE – first name in weather forecasting? PHIL – first name in dentistry?
I like what you've done with the magic puzzle so far. Hurray for the RABBIT coming out of that HAT!! But. . . any way to get the sawed off person to be divided as WOM AN? That still feels sawed-offier than just losing that middle. Oh – liked CLAMATO crossing TAPIOCA. Two icks, imo. ELY, Minnesota is where I do my dog sledding. Good times.
(Also – at first I was confused by the lack of clues, and it reminded me of a theme I tossed around where answers like ASEA, LOST, CONFUSED, PERPLEXED had not clues, were "clueless." Then I noticed some mean, hateful person did that years ago in the LAT. Sigh. All my greatest ideas were stolen by the ancients. In fact, I just started a grid for AGELESS with themers like BEAUTY PANT and HOST CRISIS only to see someone else had beaten me to the punch.)
No prob, on the rest period. Nice name additions. JUSTIN = first name in newspersons? I think we have a pretty good selection. Some more "firsts" themers may pop up, as we get desperate in the later constructioneering steps.
One thought: Altho Jeff Chen might suggest we pare the list down, it might be good to just have all those extra themers on hand, so we can cram as many as possible into the runtiest grid possible. The ultimate would be a 7x7 grid with every entry a themer. Such a feat might well get us into "Laughs & Chuckles". Kinda gives one chills.
******** crossword project divider line *********
Back to sawing gals in half. This is getting kinda grisIy, but I would lean toward cutting people up more precisely in the middle than WOM AN, if advertising it as "in half". Maybe if the clue says "in two"? Or maybe the severed sections could look like one of these: LA DY GI RL DA ME FEM ALE MAI DEN DAM SEL.
By the way, I left the other clues as "?", in case you wished to supply them, on this "extra credit" or "collateral damage" runtpuz.
Hey-- What if the clue for WON says "With NAN, woman-sawed-in-half illusion (N = .5M, right? Right??)" Too desperate to save the existing grid? Thought so...
So what did Jeff Chen say, back when U asked him to post your first runt? He's one of my very favest puzzle makers.
Wow – having every entry be a themer would be really cool. Right – goosebumps! Love, love, love JUSTIN.
I think dividing the women exactly in half is so right. I could add LA SS MI SS SIS TER
I didn't understand your WON NAN N= .5M question, and I read it and reread it!
Way back when I asked Jeff about posting a runt, he was helpful and polite but didn't seem really interested or encouraging. Hey, at least he wasn't annoyed! Yeah, I adore his puzzles, (did you see his LAT's "elements of style" one? Unbelievable.) and he is Such. A. Nice. Guy to boot. Early on, I actually thought you were Jeff Chen! I even emailed him and asked him if he liked cinnamon buns. Then I thought you were Gareth Bain and emailed him and asked if he was married and liked cinnamon buns.
Now I have to email Mary Lou Guizzo and explain why I cannot fill a corner of a grid we're working on. Embarrassing. I stink at filling.
My WON/NAN illusion of sawing a WOMAN in half probably is too far out there for decent human consumption. If you can refill that Magic Tricks grid with one of the other alternatives, please feel free to proceed. (I'll give it a try, too.)
Do U use Crossword Compiler to help fill your grids? (I use Graph Paper.) My fave parts of construction, in order of preference... 1. Coming up with ideas. (like the most) 2. Developing a killer puz title. 3. Cinnamon rolls. 4. Developing themer entries. 4. Writing desperate clues for poor fill entries. (tie with above) 5. Writing other clues. 6. Filling the grid. (like the least)
**************** cpdl ****************
I'll also try working on a "Just Call Me..." grid that's all themers. (gulp)
I found a way to saw that woman precisely in half, in pretty much the same Magic Tricks grid...
p.s. In other puz news, the best I've been able to do so far is a yield of 15 themers out of 27 total answers, in a "Just Call Me..." grid. My problem is a lack of enough theme-appropriate first names that start/end with vowels.
Cool collaboration puz title... "Clobber-ation". Could have themers like POWER and BAMA and WHAM-O. And BOOMERS. And BANGLES.
I once tried to make a runtpuz with all E's, in every grid square. But the Across Lite software saw it and flagged the whole thing as being in error. Cool. Made Across Lite barf.
Hey – Well, you had asked me what my favorite parts of puzzle making were. I'm with you – coming up with the theme idea is number one. Last on the list is filling the grid, and. I. stink.
I really like SKIP and NORM and their clues, by the way! I'm so impressed that you got this far with the "just call me" one! I played around with it just a bit yesterday, but I see no way around that CCUP, ETO, LETR, ASI. . . if we really want every entry to be a themer. But you're much better than I am, so never say never. Would a smaller grid help? I think that if we take the funnier ones and put'em symmetrically, it'd still be good, though. I love, love, love JUSTIN, so I'll try to think of another six today.
I'm being dense – explain EGGSHAM? I like the idea of a "breakfast test" theme, be it full of gross entries "test" with funny riddles that result in breakfast items?
And a "Clobber-ation" idea is great! CLOCK, SMACK, SLAP. . .
An E in every single square? Wow! How on earth were you going to clue them?
Actually, I have completed a little "Breakfast Test" puz, and will "serve it up" soon.
OK. I'll let U work on the "Just Call Me..." grid for a while, and see if U can help it out. Thanx.
example: EEE = {Capital of Libya?} another example: EEEE = {Air raid siren?} ok, one more: EEEEE = {Five ways to start engines?}
****** cpdl ********
I think U should go ahead and clue up the rest of the "Magic Tricks" puz. If U agree, U might want to also include clues for one or more of these three recently discovered magic tricks: * 2-Down = {Watch closely: a mere farce, but with a hidden card!} * 4-Down = {Out of this world: gravity-defying transport} * 15-Down = {Cheap trick: the amazing cheer that turns into a laugh?}
MARIAN (or variant) – first name in wedding planning? CARMEN – first name in autosales? EILEEN – first name in Pisa, Italy? IRENE (5)- common Japanese misconception of first name in Pisa? Just kidding TRUDY (5) first name in the Anti Boob Job movement? Just kidding CAROLYN (7) – first name in Yuletide singing? LOUISE – first name in Porta Potti comfort? LUCILLE (7) – first name in making Porta Potties airtight?
Look. I don't believe you were at the ACPT at all. I just think you're messing with me! FWIW, I think I facebooked Roy Leban and asked him if he liked cinnamon buns!
I wasted a lot of time yesterday trying to get Crossword Compiler to replicate your grid, but I just can't figure out how to get asymmetrical black squares. Anyway, here's a start to the clues for the magic puz. It's hard for me, because I find your clues to be the best out there! Please, please, please change whatever you want. My internet is being stupid today, but I'll do as much as I can.
ACROSSES 4 UR ___ 2 gr8t! OMG! 6 SHY Tra follower?? ///// One sandwich ___ of a picnic? 7 FOR 22nd word of The 59th Street Bridge Song ///// coordinating conjunction really only used in fairy tales now /// because
9 TAPIOCA ____ pudding 11 REM "Mine Smell Like Honey" band 12 KB The backbone of any rockband, really, or of any backbone for that matter?? 14 PROB
U are thinking along the same lines as me, for the UR clue. Take your time on the clues. They are sometimes hard to do, but seem like the most important part of a puz... along with its theme. ...And its fill. I always try to sneak in a couple of gimme clues here and there, so that the solver has a fighting chance. If WEY gives U trouble, use "Wob wood??" as a fallback clue. M&A has confidence in U; has seen your clues in action, several times in past excellent runtpuzs.
It occurs to me that I have an escape route technicality, on this "cinnamon buns" question, since what I like are "cinnamon rolls", in my book. har
After I finish a set of clues, I usually let them ferment for a day, then revisit them, to add extra little polishing touches.
I made a 7x7 "Just Call Me..." grid that has synchronous black squares and placement of themers. Has only 8 first names, but Justin and Marion were able to come along for the ride. But want to see what U can do on building a grid, too. Know how much U enjoy that fill phase.
And remember... these are runtpuzs. Perfection is inconsistent.
Hey! Sorry I missed this one. Many times when I try to access the comments part, I get nothing. Liked your grid art, esp 14 and 17D. I've never done anything but the slots, but I really appreciated 14D's picture! Yeah, because of the conversation, 12A and 1D were gimmes. You use cheese to fish??? We're a worm and lure family here.
Did you go to Lollapuzzoola?
@Roomonster, ahem, was nice enough to email me with instructions on how to do an asymmetrical grid, so I'll continue cluing that other puzzle. I hated doing it on a word document. Sorry I don’t work as fast as you do, but I hate sitting at a computer for long periods of time! Plus, I have this garden and a ton of corn and green beans to blanch and freeze.
I use cheese mostly for mice catching. @Roomonster seems like a real nice fellow. No, on Lollapuzzoola. Sounds like a real fun event, tho. No rush, on the cluing. Thanx, M&A
Hey. Sorry I've disappeared. My cat died a few days ago, and school has started back, so in addition to mourning the loss of a dear furry friend, I'm up to my eyepits in work.
We drive to Pittsburgh this weekend to take my daughter back to college, so I won't even be able to work on those clues this weekend. Why don't you take my name off and call it your own? I really wouldn't mind at all. I just don't feel the creative bug to clue right now. I'll be up and running here soon, I hope!!
Losing a good pet is really the pits. Sorry you had to go through that. Consider yourself appropriately hugged, in sympathy.
You all be safe, in your travels, and just let me know whenever you get back to a collaboration mindset. Absolutely nooooo rush. I always aim to be a very low-pressure runt partner.
I have a couple other personal-demon runtpuzs percolating, so I'll probably work on those, for now. Turns out, the last few days I've been attending several funerals for good friends, so some distractions here, too. One of the troubles with getting to be an old fart.
My sympathies, LMS, I was wondering where you were. Good luck with the kids, and everything. And M&A, same for you. It sucks getting older. I think it's one of the reasons I don't want any close friends!
@M&A – wow. Seriously? You can do all that with a compass, too? Look – I have 30 unruly eighth-graders, and the thought of passing out compasses (that I don't have) with those sharp points. . .well, hmm. I was able to dodge doing protractors yesterday, but I really have to step up today and face teaching how to rotate a figure on our nifty Cartesian coordinate system. And here's the thing. I STILL DON'T GET HOW TO DO IT. The other middle school math teachers are really busy, and I hate to hijack someone's morning to teach me a math lesson. So I just sat down and cried when I got home last night. Get your violin out, I know. Gotto go look at some youtube clips now. Maybe I can see how to do this there.
Day-um. Thirty eighth graders in one spot? -- sounds like an unlawful assembly, to me. Give them all extra sharp compasses, divide them into groups of five, and have each group's survivor report back to U, later.
Would heap advice on about "rotation", but don't know much about that. Wikipedia says it involves trig functions, which seems way past 8th grade geometry class knowledge. Have students read the rotation material ahead of time, and then have Joey demo how he thinks it is done, in a simple case, like rotate a figure 180 degrees. Surely that's plenty good, for eighth grade level. (If Joey starts crying, bad sign for rotation as an eighth grade subject -- segue immediately to a wordplay lesson. Maybe teach class how to build a 3x3 runtpuz.)
Compasses are grrrreat for bi-secting angles, or eighth grade students. In theory, tri-secting an angle is impossible. There are exceptions for certain angles, such as 90 degrees, but students need trig to understand why/how that works.
I feel for a word person teaching such a large wild pack how to do complex math stuff. Hopefully U-tube or other website will help.
p.s. Yep. Checked via Google, and there are several "rotation with protractor" demos out there. So hopefully, you'll do fine.
M&A rotation demo: draw figure on graph paper. Cut out figure, using scissors. Paste rotated figure back onto graph paper. Mash figure firmly against graph paper, using protractor, until paste dries. QED.
In other news, M&A just endured his second NYT puz rejection. Thought I could wear that Anna down, but then they switched over to Joel. Well, ok, Joel... I've got another idea that's even more killer than today's NYT PO-boxes... so watch out! snort. Wonder if Joel is a somewhat more permanent assistant, as he is arriving, as school starts up again?
M&A "Advocate for non-protracted protractor lessons"
M&A – There are so many problems at this school in this extremely poor county – my classes have no textbooks, so they can't read anything ahead of time. I'm working off a stapled hand out that doesn't include the word "slope" or the formula that my daughter and husband keep insisting we have to know:
But you suggested my plan exactly – cut out little triangles and have them rotate them physically on the grid! I think on a test, they just have to recognize a rotation and measure the degree, so that's a little easier.
Not only 30 8th graders for this geometry stuff, but 29 7th graders for adding negative numbers and 25 6th graders for factoring. At least I can handle this other material!
The good news is that they've found a teacher for the math starting Monday. The bad news is I could find myself next "teaching" five different classes: US History, WV History, Contemporary Studies (I don't make this stuff up), and TWO different art classes. At least these topics don't build on themselves. I can fake it better.
Thanks for all your help about the protractor, though. It sounds like you know your way around linear functions. Pretty cool for such a talented wordsmith! I absolutely cannot imagine arming these 8th graders with compasses, though I probably don't give them enough credit. It's too bad that 99% of these guys will finish school and either go "work on the pipeline" or do something else; college is not something they consider.
I've received about 10 Theme Just Didn't Excite Will letters. It seems that lots of people get letters that explain the issue in more detail, so knowing that mine were so summarily dismissed stings even worse. FWIW, the rejections from the LAT are much more helpful and informative. I had a BROKEN BONES (BATPHONE, BOXED WINE, BONAFIDE, BON VOYAGE. . .) rejected by both, but only the LAT told me it felt too gruesome.
I'm sure you'll get one accepted soon. I really am.
Thanks again for your suggestions. Sometimes it just feels so lonely out here in the country, and I meant what I said at Rex – so many of you feel like my best friends. I wish there were some better way to chat without annoying others!
I feel for students who have no books. Or compasses. That poor school is very lucky to have a switch-hitting teacher like you. Teaching art class sounds fun, btw. Do the students have any art supplies, tho?
My latest NYT rejection notice had the definite bouquet of form letter, complete with that old faithful "didn't excite him enough" dealy. Actually, runtpuzs are somehow more fun to produce -- but now, the NYT has evidently come to realize that, too. Haven't actually seen a NYT runt grid yet, tho; seems to require "Ios" for viewing. I did not pray to that particular goddess much, as a lad, so I may be s.o.l. I was more of a Vulcan fan, in my "little toughie" days...
Doug – fair enough. I do exchange emails with several people on the blog, but that feels different somehow. Now that I'm subbing every day, the time I can devote to anything on the computer is greatly reduced! Hey – I'll stop whining, though, and just readjust. Now there are two words I have to go back and examine –" just readjust." "Flat fall flat" " then strengthen"
@M&A – subbing for an art class is one of the hardest assignments because of all the gloriously messy supplies. I don't know if there is paint, clay, etc. I mean, crap, if there aren't textbooks. . . Just last night I checked out the new Times small puzzle thing.
@muse: Since you're pretty strapped for time, I went ahead and mashed together some clues of yours and mine into this runtpuz:
I think it came out pretty good. Let me know, what improvements you'd like to make, and then we'll put it out for consumption? 15-D clue definitely needs more cowbell, somehow. Sorry -- I wasn't able to work a vanishing spellcaster into it, tho... :)
Just a cute answer to what was likely a rhetorical question, Loren. You guys have found a nice space over here for sideways conversations, while still offering pertinent and peppy participation on the Rex blog.
I'm not a runter, but the Times mini-puzzle looks absurdly elementary in comparison to the work you and Manda produce.
Your students are fortunate to have you. Sounds like the prison gig was a stroll in the park (compound?) compared to your current assignment. Here's a good teacher editorial:
Hey everyone. Busting into the Top Secret site again! (Speaking of Top Secret, awesome, corny, mind bending, funny, movie. They've been running it lately on the Encore channels, love that movie! The bookstore scene is crazy wacky until you figure it out! Then it gets wackier!)
Anyway, wanted to comment in the NYT rejection front. Loren, had no clue (no pun...) that you had offered 10 puz's to NYT! As a strange happenstance, that is the exact number I have had rejected! Mostly "didn't excite", one was too many threes, one was a 17x17, NYT doesn't do that size. M&A, I'm sure yours were probably better than mine, so if he rejected yours, what chance do I have? :-) I actually have 3 (count 'em) in the mail or already at Wills' abode. Plus, submitted one to LAT and Games mag, waiting to hear on all. By golly, I'll get one in somewhere!!
Oh, and hang in there Loren, with your wacky teaching duties. They must think you're Superwoman!! I have great appreciation for teachers, especially for you trying to do it without books and basic needs! Wow.
I also sneakily did the collab runt, (tee hee), and I have to say, that is the greatest runt I've ever seen! Just A+ stuff crammed in that little space!
Evil, you're phone call, e-mail response, priceless!! Was LOLing!!
@Darrin – it sure feels like more than 10 smackdowns. I have yet to receive anything much more than "just didn't excite Will." Let's just keep at it. Jeff Chen told me he had over 20 rejected before he was ever published!
@M&A – hey – like the new grid! Please don't add my name to this as I really didn't collaborate. I have my integrity.
I didn't understand 19A and its clue? LOVE the clue for 13D!!! Well, heck. The two FOR songs are problematic. I get a different count for each whenever I check. Are contractions just one word? I can overthink the crap out of stuff like that. I always like a song clue like this, though. Shamelessly stole the idea from BEQ. We could, though, revert to the old "Start to give?" shtick, I guess, huh?
Until I find my sea legs again, I'll mostly be away from this site. The AC at the school is broken, so when I get home from teaching, I just collapse on the couch and play this mindless game, QuizUp (I do grammar), until I fall asleep. It's so humbling how exhausted I am. One student has already called me "old." Sheesh.
That's pretty cool that the NYT has started runts, too. Once you get into them, you can see how quick and fun they can be. Theirs are a lot smaller, though, and not as irreverent and blatantly rule-breaking. I've never been a part of anything underground, but this site may start to smack of that, huh?!
@muse: har. Well, I get pretty much the same thing from Patrick Berry, on my runtpuz collabs with him... "Leave my name off of all them M&A runtpuzs, dude! I was never here! I've got my integrity!" When U think about it, M&A has his integrity, too. U think "Masked and Anonymous" is my real name?!?
OK. I will work something out, there, on that authoressship issue. But, since it was mostly your idea, half the themers (including that 13-D one) were yours, 1/3 of the clues were at least 3/4 yours, U rode me so hard to modify the woman sawed in half answer, U insisted on a rabbit pulled out of a hat, and at a minimum suggested an escape artist trick, U must accept some meager responsibility for the consequences. I have full documentation on this. No good deed goes completely unpunished.
I see YEW clued as "Bow wood" a lot, at the NYT. Whence 19A. Now, see?... That's why PB1 simply will not share the M&Arquee, around here!
Hey! I've only got 18 more NYT rejections to go?! No sweat. I'll send them 18 used runts, along with my next full-sized.
Yep. I'll try to put a suitably desperate disclaimer in, with that "words in a song" clue.
Sorry about all the conditions at your school. Yet... if U teach them how to build runtpuzs, and to always always keep up with the Kardashians, the rest is surely gravy. And with U teaching them, there'll be plenty of (evidently warm) gravy to go around. Stay kookie. Don't be a stranger. (At least not stranger than me.)
And a big Thanx for "not collaboratin" with m&e... :)
M&A - Oh NOOOOOO!! You misunderstood the "integrity" comment! I didn't mean that I didn't want to be associated with the puzzle! I meant that it wouldn't be fair to list me as a collaborator as you did 99% of the work! So I have my integrity that I don't share credit!! I'm so sorry it came across as snarky and uppity! Sheesh! Please tell me you understand and forgive me! I think it, like all your runts, is great. I feel awful that I wasn't clearer. . .
har. No problems, here. I was over 95% sure that's what U meant, in the first place. Only, I was plumb determined to give U some kind of credit for your contribution. After all, the "Musing on M&Agic" runtpuz would never have existed, had it not been for a certain "Lovely Mysterious Stranger", who originally brought up the whole LOWIMP = Vanishing Act idea.
I was able to get ROCKOLA from the crosses but the "magic" in the clue prevented me from googling it because I thought that some manipulation had been done on the answer like on the actual theme answers.
In your opinion is 5D a theme answer? Or is it both theme and non-theme, which is a runtish violation of the law of excluded middle. If so, I doubt whether this has been done before. In every puzzle that has ever been constructed the law of excluded middle has been observed w.r.t. to what is part of the theme.
@r.alph: Ah, yes... the philosophical conundrum always proposed by Magic: Is it real, or is it illusion? Is it physical or is it mental? Is it a big guy in a monster suit, or is it CGI? Is it live, or is it Memorex? Is it a themer, or is it an unthemer? Is it prix fixe, or is it a la carte? And what of that mysterious for-runts-only stuff that lies in between?
Questions only the runtpuz constructioneer-meister could possibly answer for sure... and then, only if he is real...
M&A – whew. I'm so glad you understood, amigo! Hey – gotta go, but I had forgotten about this one, one that I hope makes history. Solve it, but the big hint is that you have to check both solutions. Ralph's on the job of putting both solutions in one puz.
Also – I don't like my cluing for 17D. Suggestions?
Twi-Runt Zone indeed! The following dream woke me up this morning. I was in a car with M&A, my wife and another person (Loren?). Unfortunately I was in the back seat and could only see the back of his head. He seemed to be in his thirties. We were discussing whether http://www.xwordinfo.com/Solve?id=5932&id2=600 was a Schroedinger puzzle or not. I was arguing that it was. If you put your attention on ROCKOLA then its clue was one that could appear in a Frank Longo themeless. But if you instead focused on the puzzle title then the 5D's clue made it part of the theme. This flipping back and forth between the wholeness of the puzzle and a single answer ROCKOLA reminds me of how Eastern philosophy explains the emergence of matter from consciousness. Consciousness collapses onto a point value without losing its wholeness.
The term hermaphroditic was also suggested in the dream.
I woke up when my dream wife told me to stop talking about crossword puzzles.
Shout out to M&A! Hey there, Roo here. I just did your latest runt and see you have circles, also have them on previous runtz. I was wondering..., how do you do that? The last runt I did (Remember Diractional? It seems ages ago...) was supposed to have the circles in it, also the 4 rebus squares, but it came through as a normal puz. Is there a way to send me a play-by-play, as it were, of getting a puz in there correctly? I have a runt waiting in the wings, but 1) it won't go in right (more circles), and 2) (if you're also reading this Ralph) I have two answers on one line using the same letter (no block)(example: FORD DOOR would be FORDOOR {with a circle on D}) and it won't let me create a .puz file. Help! :-)
@Roo -- First, U need to understand that I don't use anything but a .txt file input to AcrossLite to create my .puz files. I don't own any crossword-making software.
That said, here is the .txt file (with a slight modification in order to get blogger to print it here) that I used to make my latest runt puzzle:
$ACROSS PUZZLE V2$ $TITLE$ KIDDIE POOL THEMELESS #43 "Mini Mousse" $AUTHOR$ M and A and NYT Sunday Mini Puzzle -- (Had to do it, just this once!) $COPYRIGHT$ 2014 Ahar Moments, Inc. $SIZE$ 07x07 $GRID$ ..MoP.. .OGLES. CAM.REV aT.R.To PHI.DUN .SLEEP. ..AnY.. $REBUS$ Mark ; 1:NO:N $ACROSS$ Swabber's tool Views the wrong way? Era opening in photography?? Increase the turnovers on? If circled letters and black squares are switched: "Fortuneteller's deck" Fro's bro ___ Beta Kappa Harass, especially for payment Where to see one's dream team? Word with how or old time $DOWN$ Movie line? If circled letters and black squares are switched: "Michaels of S.N.L." Common element in r.p.m. and d.p.i. Old cusses? Patsy's maker? Baseball mitt go-with German handle part She or Man ender? Actress of "L.A. Law" Something Ringo and Santa have in common?
That's it, except each opening $ on a .txt file line should be replaced by a "less than" sign, and each closing $ on a line should be replaced by a "greater than" sign. I had to do this substitution in this comment, or blogger would think I was giving it special instructions.
It's the non-capitalized GRID letters that become circled letters, in the final puz.
The 1:NO:N line is an example of implementing a rebus. Each 1 placed in the GRID area becomes a "NO" in the final puz, with N being the acceptable one-letter substitute answer. You can have many such lines: 1:NO:N 2:YES:Y etc. In this puzzle, I had no rebus, but the rebus line had no effect, because no 1's were placed in the GRID area.
Hope that helps somewhat. Let me know, if you have questions about my approach, rudimentary tho it is...
@muse: Sorry about the sad situation for your students. Is there a way we could make a modest contribution, to help make your classes a little more well-supplied? Take care.
@muse: Looking forward to this collaboration. I suspect I'm about to learn a lot.
ReplyDeleteWill try my utter best to talk more U.S.D.A. normally than usual here, so it won't be as painful for you to figure out what I'm saying. (Believe it or not, I can do this.)
I'll try to come up with a few runtpuz-theme ideas, and you can do the same. No pressure. No deadlines. No bosses. No pay. Some fun.
Do you like pun themes? Some other theme category you've always wanted to try out?
ReplyDeleteIdea #1: How about runty little pictures, drawn with letters? Surely no one would have done this on a regular-sized crossword, because the themers would all be microscopic. Example:
(Triple-scooped treat?)
(Snake eloping?)
(Cow on a cold morning?) [my fave, so far]
(Common sight for Arnold Palmer?)
Test. I can't seem to enter a comment
DeleteOh. Ok. Well, it worked. I can't comment on the main site; my words just disappear into cyberspace.
DeleteI love this idea! My favorites are ice cream and the golf tee. I've tried to come up with others but can't. I'm not artistic or imaginative. I have thought before of one where you had to turn the puzzle upside down to see the trick, whatever it could be, but MOM being WOW is about as far as I got.
Hey peeps! Not sure if I'm butting in where I don't belong, but if I am 1) I'm sorry 2) you needn't include me in your collaboration. I just read lms' post, and I was reminded of a puzzle (albeit not a crossword, runt or otherwise) in GAMES mag, that had you fill in a row of spaces and when you were done, had to turn the page upside down to see the answer. Will see if I can find it somewhere in cyberspace! Now, back to your regular collab!
Hey, @Roo - no problem. We can all collaborate!
ReplyDelete@M&A - We have such different styles – I'm afraid any theme idea I have won't tickle your funny bone! Here are some things I've thought about in the past – be it a 15x15 or a runt – you'll see why I never got anywhere with them. Maybe you can add a twist to take one to a better place. . .
"Vanishing act" with things like IMP for impact, TILE for tactile, PRICE for practice, TIC for tactic, COMP for compact, ION for action. . . "Short hellion?" LOW IMP
"Broadband connections" NO BIGGIE, TWO BIT, NO BITING (See, an OBI is a broad band, as it were)
"Imaginary number" I
"Two cubed" EIGHT
"Totality" SUM
"Circle ratio" PI
And when you read I EIGHT SUM PI out loud. . . (I like strawberry rhubarb, myself.)
"Eye to eye" ANTI ITCH is as far as I got
"Disappearing ink" KY SEX, THING CAP, ST BUG
@muse: har. Nice passel of theme ideas, especially for the big boyz. Vanishing Act one would work pretty good as a runttheme, too, tho!
ReplyDeleteI try to "think small" when ferreting out a runtpuz theme. Something that no one would consider doing as a theme in the NYT, because the themers would mostly end up being real short. Kinda makes the runt rumble down its own private road, as it were.
How about a "Just Call Me " theme? Themers could be all 3-letter nicknames, that relate to the person's claim to fame...
FLO = First name in white water rafting expertise?
ART = First name in Renaissance painting?
JOE = First name in Starbucks queues?
Probably would need some work...
This is more fun than making the puz!
(Possum wearing a dunce cap?)
(Eastbound bullet train with room for two adults and two children?)
(Lakeside view of the mountains?) [U made me think of that one]
(Cat in the middle of brain surgery?)
@M&A – see, I knew you could do more. On the pictures, I actually thought of a dunce cap, but didn't think to use the A. The idea of a possum wearing a dunce cap made me laugh!
DeleteI love the "Just Call Me" idea!
Dee – First name in boob jobs?
Stu – First name in anxiety management ?
Matt – First name in area rugs?
Bill – First name at the US Mint?
Bob – First name in fishing gear?
Dick – First name in, well, insurance or law?
John – First name in Porta Potti rentals?
Sue – First name in personal injury law?
Lance – first name in dermatology?"
Van – first name in moving companies?
@muse: Just to expand on your Vanishing Act idea, a bit:
ReplyDeleteHow about all sorts of "Magic Tricks" ?...
LOWIMP = Vanishing act with minimal stress??
KYSEX = Disappearing ink with X-rated results??
WON = Woman sawed in half??
HARABBIT = Rabbit in the hat illusion??
SINTAX = Satanic levy-tation??
DRAC = Card alteration trick??
FOXNEWS = Talk with the far side?? [possible controversy flag]
etc. (Shoot, so far nothing's the same length!)
(Toy with its ups and downs?)
(Expectant good-posture poster model?)
(Assembly line at a brassiere factory?) [with defect]
(Empty set of bookshelves in the Library of Congress?)
(Weight lifting equipment?)
Liked the yo-yo and the barbell! I didn’t get the bookshelf, though. Am I just being dense?
DeleteExpectant super model
Hey – you're onto something with the whole slew of magic tricks. (And just so you know, I was thinking "Kentucky" with that KY. Sheesh. I can't believe I didn't see the other meaning!)
For the woman sawed in half, her middle doesn't really disappear, right?
WO MAN. I don't know how that could work, though
And the rabbit comes out of the hat
I can't get RABBIT to come down over the T.
Fox News – Hah! Yeah, the AM RADIO people will take issue with that one
What could we do with "escape artist?"
Har. Like the super model.
DeleteWON is half of a WOMAN, if n is viewed as half an m. This is how the M&A thinks -- it is unfortunately often not the way the solving public at large thinks, however.
The shelves were kind of like a side view.
All I got for "escape artist" is PABLO PCKEY, which is clearly chillingly desperate...
@muse: I think we have a winner, with your added "Just Call Me" themers. It would be criminal, if DICK never saw the light of day.
ReplyDeleteWant to make that the first collabpuz theme? (Not that we couldn't do another runtproject, someday.)
If so, what should we do next?
Well, if this weren't a runt, I could hear Chen say, "There are too many possibilities. You should tighten it up. Like Walmart employees? Nah. Uh, well, we could just choose the ones we like the most and go from there.
ReplyDeleteMy son and husband share the same name, so my husband is "Big Gardiner" and my son is "Little Gardiner." Feel sorry for that Richard senior and junior pair. . .
OK. Usually if 1/3 of the runtpuz squares are theme material, that's pretty much a healthy challenge for m&e. 1/3 of a 7x7 would be around 16 squares of themers. Could go a little bigger, since we could split the fill work along the longest side's equator -- say 7x11 (just to name a "convenient' example). 1/3 of 77 would then be around 25 squares of themers.
DeleteI really so far like:
DEE - First name in boob jobs?
STU - First name in anxiety management?
DICK - First name in insurance sales and lawyering?
JOHN - First name in Porta Potti rentals?
LEW - First name in British Porta Potti rentals?
VAN - First name in moving company execs?
That's a matching themer set that totals 20.
Two more three-long ones, maybe?
DeleteOr a five-long one, instead, along the grid equator, perhaps?
Some more first nickname possibilities...
The mind boggles...
DeleteZED ("Pulp Fiction"... "Zed's dead, baby..."
... day-um...
NICK - razor guy? ROB - mugger guy? BUD - weed dealer?
ReplyDeleteHey - two college kids (daughter SAGE!) just arrived for the weekend. More later!
Oops... U left M&A alone for too long, and this "extra credit" skeletal runtpuz dropped out:
Themers are all marvelously equally desperate.
Good grief, you're fast! Sorry I bagged out – nice visit with the kids, though. Hey, we thought of three more names:
ReplyDeleteRALPH – first name in Ipecac syrups?
GALE – first name in weather forecasting?
PHIL – first name in dentistry?
I like what you've done with the magic puzzle so far. Hurray for the RABBIT coming out of that HAT!! But. . . any way to get the sawed off person to be divided as WOM AN? That still feels sawed-offier than just losing that middle. Oh – liked CLAMATO crossing TAPIOCA. Two icks, imo. ELY, Minnesota is where I do my dog sledding. Good times.
(Also – at first I was confused by the lack of clues, and it reminded me of a theme I tossed around where answers like ASEA, LOST, CONFUSED, PERPLEXED had not clues, were "clueless." Then I noticed some mean, hateful person did that years ago in the LAT. Sigh. All my greatest ideas were stolen by the ancients. In fact, I just started a grid for AGELESS with themers like BEAUTY PANT and HOST CRISIS only to see someone else had beaten me to the punch.)
No prob, on the rest period. Nice name additions. JUSTIN = first name in newspersons?
DeleteI think we have a pretty good selection. Some more "firsts" themers may pop up, as we get desperate in the later constructioneering steps.
One thought: Altho Jeff Chen might suggest we pare the list down, it might be good to just have all those extra themers on hand, so we can cram as many as possible into the runtiest grid possible. The ultimate would be a 7x7 grid with every entry a themer. Such a feat might well get us into "Laughs & Chuckles". Kinda gives one chills.
******** crossword project divider line *********
Back to sawing gals in half. This is getting kinda grisIy, but I would lean toward cutting people up more precisely in the middle than WOM AN, if advertising it as "in half". Maybe if the clue says "in two"? Or maybe the severed sections could look like one of these:
By the way, I left the other clues as "?", in case you wished to supply them, on this "extra credit" or "collateral damage" runtpuz.
Hey-- What if the clue for WON says "With NAN, woman-sawed-in-half illusion (N = .5M, right? Right??)" Too desperate to save the existing grid? Thought so...
So what did Jeff Chen say, back when U asked him to post your first runt? He's one of my very favest puzzle makers.
Wow – having every entry be a themer would be really cool. Right – goosebumps! Love, love, love JUSTIN.
I think dividing the women exactly in half is so right. I could add
I didn't understand your WON NAN N= .5M question, and I read it and reread it!
Way back when I asked Jeff about posting a runt, he was helpful and polite but didn't seem really interested or encouraging. Hey, at least he wasn't annoyed! Yeah, I adore his puzzles, (did you see his LAT's "elements of style" one? Unbelievable.) and he is Such. A. Nice. Guy to boot. Early on, I actually thought you were Jeff Chen! I even emailed him and asked him if he liked cinnamon buns. Then I thought you were Gareth Bain and emailed him and asked if he was married and liked cinnamon buns.
Now I have to email Mary Lou Guizzo and explain why I cannot fill a corner of a grid we're working on. Embarrassing. I stink at filling.
My WON/NAN illusion of sawing a WOMAN in half probably is too far out there for decent human consumption. If you can refill that Magic Tricks grid with one of the other alternatives, please feel free to proceed. (I'll give it a try, too.)
DeleteDo U use Crossword Compiler to help fill your grids? (I use Graph Paper.) My fave parts of construction, in order of preference...
1. Coming up with ideas. (like the most)
2. Developing a killer puz title.
3. Cinnamon rolls.
4. Developing themer entries.
4. Writing desperate clues for poor fill entries. (tie with above)
5. Writing other clues.
6. Filling the grid. (like the least)
**************** cpdl ****************
I'll also try working on a "Just Call Me..." grid that's all themers. (gulp)
I found a way to saw that woman precisely in half, in pretty much the same Magic Tricks grid...
In other puz news, the best I've been able to do so far is a yield of 15 themers out of 27 total answers, in a "Just Call Me..." grid. My problem is a lack of enough theme-appropriate first names that start/end with vowels.
"Just Call Me..." rough draft grid is attached. Might need some work. Have a look.
Someday there ought be a runtpuz with the title "Breakfast Test".
Primo "Breakfast Test" puz themer: EEGSHAM.
ReplyDeleteCool collaboration puz title... "Clobber-ation". Could have themers like POWER and BAMA and WHAM-O. And BOOMERS. And BANGLES.
I once tried to make a runtpuz with all E's, in every grid square. But the Across Lite software saw it and flagged the whole thing as being in error. Cool. Made Across Lite barf.
But I digress...
Make that "EGGSHAM".
ReplyDeleteHey – Well, you had asked me what my favorite parts of puzzle making were. I'm with you – coming up with the theme idea is number one. Last on the list is filling the grid, and. I. stink.
DeleteI really like SKIP and NORM and their clues, by the way! I'm so impressed that you got this far with the "just call me" one! I played around with it just a bit yesterday, but I see no way around that CCUP, ETO, LETR, ASI. . . if we really want every entry to be a themer. But you're much better than I am, so never say never. Would a smaller grid help? I think that if we take the funnier ones and put'em symmetrically, it'd still be good, though. I love, love, love JUSTIN, so I'll try to think of another six today.
I'm being dense – explain EGGSHAM? I like the idea of a "breakfast test" theme, be it full of gross entries "test" with funny riddles that result in breakfast items?
And a "Clobber-ation" idea is great! CLOCK, SMACK, SLAP. . .
An E in every single square? Wow! How on earth were you going to clue them?
EGGSHAM sounds sorta like exam, no?
DeleteActually, I have completed a little "Breakfast Test" puz, and will "serve it up" soon.
OK. I'll let U work on the "Just Call Me..." grid for a while, and see if U can help it out. Thanx.
example: EEE = {Capital of Libya?}
another example: EEEE = {Air raid siren?}
ok, one more: EEEEE = {Five ways to start engines?}
****** cpdl ********
I think U should go ahead and clue up the rest of the "Magic Tricks" puz. If U agree, U might want to also include clues for one or more of these three recently discovered magic tricks:
* 2-Down = {Watch closely: a mere farce, but with a hidden card!}
* 4-Down = {Out of this world: gravity-defying transport}
* 15-Down = {Cheap trick: the amazing cheer that turns into a laugh?}
Too funny on the EEEE!
DeleteI'll start working on magic clues this afternoon.
Some longer names:
MARIAN (or variant) – first name in wedding planning?
CARMEN – first name in autosales?
EILEEN – first name in Pisa, Italy?
IRENE (5)- common Japanese misconception of first name in Pisa? Just kidding
TRUDY (5) first name in the Anti Boob Job movement? Just kidding
CAROLYN (7) – first name in Yuletide singing?
LOUISE – first name in Porta Potti comfort?
LUCILLE (7) – first name in making Porta Potties airtight?
Just released the "Breakfast Test" puz, in the uppermost blog comment block.
ReplyDeleteSo, if someone comes up to m&e at the ACPT and asks if I'm married and like cinnamon rolls, the jig may be up? Scares the M&A.
Look. I don't believe you were at the ACPT at all. I just think you're messing with me! FWIW, I think I facebooked Roy Leban and asked him if he liked cinnamon buns!
ReplyDeleteI wasted a lot of time yesterday trying to get Crossword Compiler to replicate your grid, but I just can't figure out how to get asymmetrical black squares. Anyway, here's a start to the clues for the magic puz. It's hard for me, because I find your clues to be the best out there! Please, please, please change whatever you want. My internet is being stupid today, but I'll do as much as I can.
4 UR ___ 2 gr8t! OMG!
6 SHY Tra follower?? ///// One sandwich ___ of a picnic?
7 FOR 22nd word of The 59th Street Bridge Song ///// coordinating conjunction really
only used in fairy tales now /// because
9 TAPIOCA ____ pudding
11 REM "Mine Smell Like Honey" band
12 KB The backbone of any rockband, really, or of any backbone for that matter??
U are thinking along the same lines as me, for the UR clue.
ReplyDeleteTake your time on the clues. They are sometimes hard to do, but seem like the most important part of a puz... along with its theme. ...And its fill.
I always try to sneak in a couple of gimme clues here and there, so that the solver has a fighting chance.
If WEY gives U trouble, use "Wob wood??" as a fallback clue.
M&A has confidence in U; has seen your clues in action, several times in past excellent runtpuzs.
It occurs to me that I have an escape route technicality, on this "cinnamon buns" question, since what I like are "cinnamon rolls", in my book. har
After I finish a set of clues, I usually let them ferment for a day, then revisit them, to add extra little polishing touches.
I made a 7x7 "Just Call Me..." grid that has synchronous black squares and placement of themers. Has only 8 first names, but Justin and Marion were able to come along for the ride. But want to see what U can do on building a grid, too. Know how much U enjoy that fill phase.
And remember... these are runtpuzs. Perfection is inconsistent.
Here's a runtpuz, just for @muse.
ReplyDeleteProbably has a bit of a headstart, on solvin it...
Hey! Sorry I missed this one. Many times when I try to access the comments part, I get nothing. Liked your grid art, esp 14 and 17D. I've never done anything but the slots, but I really appreciated 14D's picture! Yeah, because of the conversation, 12A and 1D were gimmes. You use cheese to fish??? We're a worm and lure family here.
ReplyDeleteDid you go to Lollapuzzoola?
@Roomonster, ahem, was nice enough to email me with instructions on how to do an asymmetrical grid, so I'll continue cluing that other puzzle. I hated doing it on a word document. Sorry I don’t work as fast as you do, but I hate sitting at a computer for long periods of time! Plus, I have this garden and a ton of corn and green beans to blanch and freeze.
I use cheese mostly for mice catching.
Delete@Roomonster seems like a real nice fellow.
No, on Lollapuzzoola. Sounds like a real fun event, tho.
No rush, on the cluing.
Hey. Sorry I've disappeared. My cat died a few days ago, and school has started back, so in addition to mourning the loss of a dear furry friend, I'm up to my eyepits in work.
DeleteWe drive to Pittsburgh this weekend to take my daughter back to college, so I won't even be able to work on those clues this weekend. Why don't you take my name off and call it your own? I really wouldn't mind at all. I just don't feel the creative bug to clue right now. I'll be up and running here soon, I hope!!
So sorry, Loren.
Losing a good pet is really the pits. Sorry you had to go through that. Consider yourself appropriately hugged, in sympathy.
DeleteYou all be safe, in your travels, and just let me know whenever you get back to a collaboration mindset. Absolutely nooooo rush. I always aim to be a very low-pressure runt partner.
I have a couple other personal-demon runtpuzs percolating, so I'll probably work on those, for now. Turns out, the last few days I've been attending several funerals for good friends, so some distractions here, too. One of the troubles with getting to be an old fart.
Take care,
Sounds like a rough time for you all over here. Sorry for the passing of your friends, M.
Relentlessly becoming an 'older fart' as we speak....
My sympathies, LMS, I was wondering where you were. Good luck with the kids, and everything. And M&A, same for you. It sucks getting older. I think it's one of the reasons I don't want any close friends!
@M&A – wow. Seriously? You can do all that with a compass, too? Look – I have 30 unruly eighth-graders, and the thought of passing out compasses (that I don't have) with those sharp points. . .well, hmm. I was able to dodge doing protractors yesterday, but I really have to step up today and face teaching how to rotate a figure on our nifty Cartesian coordinate system. And here's the thing. I STILL DON'T GET HOW TO DO IT. The other middle school math teachers are really busy, and I hate to hijack someone's morning to teach me a math lesson. So I just sat down and cried when I got home last night. Get your violin out, I know. Gotto go look at some youtube clips now. Maybe I can see how to do this there.
ReplyDeleteDay-um. Thirty eighth graders in one spot? -- sounds like an unlawful assembly, to me. Give them all extra sharp compasses, divide them into groups of five, and have each group's survivor report back to U, later.
DeleteWould heap advice on about "rotation", but don't know much about that. Wikipedia says it involves trig functions, which seems way past 8th grade geometry class knowledge. Have students read the rotation material ahead of time, and then have Joey demo how he thinks it is done, in a simple case, like rotate a figure 180 degrees. Surely that's plenty good, for eighth grade level. (If Joey starts crying, bad sign for rotation as an eighth grade subject -- segue immediately to a wordplay lesson. Maybe teach class how to build a 3x3 runtpuz.)
Compasses are grrrreat for bi-secting angles, or eighth grade students. In theory, tri-secting an angle is impossible. There are exceptions for certain angles, such as 90 degrees, but students need trig to understand why/how that works.
I feel for a word person teaching such a large wild pack how to do complex math stuff. Hopefully U-tube or other website will help.
DeleteYep. Checked via Google, and there are several "rotation with protractor" demos out there. So hopefully, you'll do fine.
M&A rotation demo: draw figure on graph paper. Cut out figure, using scissors. Paste rotated figure back onto graph paper. Mash figure firmly against graph paper, using protractor, until paste dries. QED.
In other news, M&A just endured his second NYT puz rejection. Thought I could wear that Anna down, but then they switched over to Joel. Well, ok, Joel... I've got another idea that's even more killer than today's NYT PO-boxes... so watch out! snort.
Wonder if Joel is a somewhat more permanent assistant, as he is arriving, as school starts up again?
"Advocate for non-protracted protractor lessons"
M&A – There are so many problems at this school in this extremely poor county – my classes have no textbooks, so they can't read anything ahead of time. I'm working off a stapled hand out that doesn't include the word "slope" or the formula that my daughter and husband keep insisting we have to know:
But you suggested my plan exactly – cut out little triangles and have them rotate them physically on the grid! I think on a test, they just have to recognize a rotation and measure the degree, so that's a little easier.
Not only 30 8th graders for this geometry stuff, but 29 7th graders for adding negative numbers and 25 6th graders for factoring. At least I can handle this other material!
The good news is that they've found a teacher for the math starting Monday. The bad news is I could find myself next "teaching" five different classes: US History, WV History, Contemporary Studies (I don't make this stuff up), and TWO different art classes. At least these topics don't build on themselves. I can fake it better.
Thanks for all your help about the protractor, though. It sounds like you know your way around linear functions. Pretty cool for such a talented wordsmith! I absolutely cannot imagine arming these 8th graders with compasses, though I probably don't give them enough credit. It's too bad that 99% of these guys will finish school and either go "work on the pipeline" or do something else; college is not something they consider.
I've received about 10 Theme Just Didn't Excite Will letters. It seems that lots of people get letters that explain the issue in more detail, so knowing that mine were so summarily dismissed stings even worse. FWIW, the rejections from the LAT are much more helpful and informative. I had a BROKEN BONES (BATPHONE, BOXED WINE, BONAFIDE, BON VOYAGE. . .) rejected by both, but only the LAT told me it felt too gruesome.
I'm sure you'll get one accepted soon. I really am.
Thanks again for your suggestions. Sometimes it just feels so lonely out here in the country, and I meant what I said at Rex – so many of you feel like my best friends. I wish there were some better way to chat without annoying others!
Maybe try a phone call? Email? Telex?....
I feel for students who have no books. Or compasses.
DeleteThat poor school is very lucky to have a switch-hitting teacher like you.
Teaching art class sounds fun, btw. Do the students have any art supplies, tho?
My latest NYT rejection notice had the definite bouquet of form letter, complete with that old faithful "didn't excite him enough" dealy. Actually, runtpuzs are somehow more fun to produce -- but now, the NYT has evidently come to realize that, too. Haven't actually seen a NYT runt grid yet, tho; seems to require "Ios" for viewing. I did not pray to that particular goddess much, as a lad, so I may be s.o.l. I was more of a Vulcan fan, in my "little toughie" days...
Doug – fair enough. I do exchange emails with several people on the blog, but that feels different somehow. Now that I'm subbing every day, the time I can devote to anything on the computer is greatly reduced! Hey – I'll stop whining, though, and just readjust. Now there are two words I have to go back and examine –" just readjust." "Flat fall flat" " then strengthen"
Delete@M&A – subbing for an art class is one of the hardest assignments because of all the gloriously messy supplies. I don't know if there is paint, clay, etc. I mean, crap, if there aren't textbooks. . .
Just last night I checked out the new Times small puzzle thing.
Hmm. Think that's been in the works for a while?
My spellcaster seems to have vanished.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI see "it" as ti and ETON as note. Ti is a note. If this is correct, this is arguably the best TI clue ever and I should know!
ReplyDeleteThat's a QED, good buddy.
DeleteWelcome back!
@muse: Since you're pretty strapped for time, I went ahead and mashed together some clues of yours and mine into this runtpuz:
I think it came out pretty good. Let me know, what improvements you'd like to make, and then we'll put it out for consumption?
15-D clue definitely needs more cowbell, somehow.
Sorry -- I wasn't able to work a vanishing spellcaster into it, tho... :)
DeleteDoh. Just realized, that a much much better contribution to your 7-A clue would be:
{... or 39th word of "Sixteen Candles"}
Even then, I like your half of that clue better. What can I say... "19th Nervous Breakdown" just wasn't cooperating...
I only checked the bridge song but find that it is the 21st word in that song not the 22nd.
DeleteWow, thanks @Numinous. We shall double check ours nums!
Makes me wonder, if they have these kind of discussions, while editing/crosschecking the NYT puzs.
Just a cute answer to what was likely a rhetorical question, Loren. You guys have found a nice space over here for sideways conversations, while still offering pertinent and peppy participation on the Rex blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a runter, but the Times mini-puzzle looks absurdly elementary in comparison to the work you and Manda produce.
Your students are fortunate to have you. Sounds like the prison gig was a stroll in the park (compound?) compared to your current assignment. Here's a good teacher editorial:
I miss our own e-mail conversations, back when you had a little "me time". Hope life is good.
Hey everyone.
ReplyDeleteBusting into the Top Secret site again! (Speaking of Top Secret, awesome, corny, mind bending, funny, movie. They've been running it lately on the Encore channels, love that movie! The bookstore scene is crazy wacky until you figure it out! Then it gets wackier!)
Anyway, wanted to comment in the NYT rejection front. Loren, had no clue (no pun...) that you had offered 10 puz's to NYT! As a strange happenstance, that is the exact number I have had rejected! Mostly "didn't excite", one was too many threes, one was a 17x17, NYT doesn't do that size. M&A, I'm sure yours were probably better than mine, so if he rejected yours, what chance do I have? :-) I actually have 3 (count 'em) in the mail or already at Wills' abode. Plus, submitted one to LAT and Games mag, waiting to hear on all. By golly, I'll get one in somewhere!!
Oh, and hang in there Loren, with your wacky teaching duties. They must think you're Superwoman!! I have great appreciation for teachers, especially for you trying to do it without books and basic needs! Wow.
I also sneakily did the collab runt, (tee hee), and I have to say, that is the greatest runt I've ever seen! Just A+ stuff crammed in that little space!
Evil, you're phone call, e-mail response, priceless!! Was LOLing!!
@Darrin – it sure feels like more than 10 smackdowns. I have yet to receive anything much more than "just didn't excite Will." Let's just keep at it. Jeff Chen told me he had over 20 rejected before he was ever published!
ReplyDelete@M&A – hey – like the new grid! Please don't add my name to this as I really didn't collaborate. I have my integrity.
I didn't understand 19A and its clue? LOVE the clue for 13D!!!
Well, heck. The two FOR songs are problematic. I get a different count for each whenever I check. Are contractions just one word? I can overthink the crap out of stuff like that. I always like a song clue like this, though. Shamelessly stole the idea from BEQ. We could, though, revert to the old "Start to give?" shtick, I guess, huh?
Until I find my sea legs again, I'll mostly be away from this site. The AC at the school is broken, so when I get home from teaching, I just collapse on the couch and play this mindless game, QuizUp (I do grammar), until I fall asleep. It's so humbling how exhausted I am. One student has already called me "old." Sheesh.
That's pretty cool that the NYT has started runts, too. Once you get into them, you can see how quick and fun they can be. Theirs are a lot smaller, though, and not as irreverent and blatantly rule-breaking. I've never been a part of anything underground, but this site may start to smack of that, huh?!
@muse: har. Well, I get pretty much the same thing from Patrick Berry, on my runtpuz collabs with him... "Leave my name off of all them M&A runtpuzs, dude! I was never here! I've got my integrity!"
DeleteWhen U think about it, M&A has his integrity, too. U think "Masked and Anonymous" is my real name?!?
OK. I will work something out, there, on that authoressship issue. But, since it was mostly your idea, half the themers (including that 13-D one) were yours, 1/3 of the clues were at least 3/4 yours, U rode me so hard to modify the woman sawed in half answer, U insisted on a rabbit pulled out of a hat, and at a minimum suggested an escape artist trick, U must accept some meager responsibility for the consequences. I have full documentation on this. No good deed goes completely unpunished.
I see YEW clued as "Bow wood" a lot, at the NYT. Whence 19A. Now, see?... That's why PB1 simply will not share the M&Arquee, around here!
Hey! I've only got 18 more NYT rejections to go?! No sweat. I'll send them 18 used runts, along with my next full-sized.
Yep. I'll try to put a suitably desperate disclaimer in, with that "words in a song" clue.
Sorry about all the conditions at your school. Yet... if U teach them how to build runtpuzs, and to always always keep up with the Kardashians, the rest is surely gravy. And with U teaching them, there'll be plenty of (evidently warm) gravy to go around. Stay kookie. Don't be a stranger. (At least not stranger than me.)
And a big Thanx for "not collaboratin" with m&e... :)
M&A - Oh NOOOOOO!! You misunderstood the "integrity" comment! I didn't mean that I didn't want to be associated with the puzzle! I meant that it wouldn't be fair to list me as a collaborator as you did 99% of the work! So I have my integrity that I don't share credit!! I'm so sorry it came across as snarky and uppity! Sheesh! Please tell me you understand and forgive me! I think it, like all your runts, is great. I feel awful that I wasn't clearer. . .
DeleteNo problems, here. I was over 95% sure that's what U meant, in the first place. Only, I was plumb determined to give U some kind of credit for your contribution. After all, the "Musing on M&Agic" runtpuz would never have existed, had it not been for a certain "Lovely Mysterious Stranger", who originally brought up the whole LOWIMP = Vanishing Act idea.
We're still good, mon amiga.
@r.alph: The magic "box" full of disembodied entertainers is a ROCKOLA jukebox, full of songs.
I was able to get ROCKOLA from the crosses but the "magic" in the clue prevented me from googling it because I thought that some manipulation had been done on the answer like on the actual theme answers.
DeleteIn your opinion is 5D a theme answer? Or is it both theme and non-theme, which is a runtish violation of the law of excluded middle. If so, I doubt whether this has been done before. In every puzzle that has ever been constructed the law of excluded middle has been observed w.r.t. to what is part of the theme.
@r.alph: Ah, yes... the philosophical conundrum always proposed by Magic:
DeleteIs it real, or is it illusion? Is it physical or is it mental? Is it a big guy in a monster suit, or is it CGI? Is it live, or is it Memorex? Is it a themer, or is it an unthemer? Is it prix fixe, or is it a la carte? And what of that mysterious for-runts-only stuff that lies in between?
Questions only the runtpuz constructioneer-meister could possibly answer for sure... and then, only if he is real...
[We call this area "The Twi-Runt Zone".]
M&A – whew. I'm so glad you understood, amigo! Hey – gotta go, but I had forgotten about this one, one that I hope makes history. Solve it, but the big hint is that you have to check both solutions. Ralph's on the job of putting both solutions in one puz.
Also – I don't like my cluing for 17D. Suggestions?
Yo! -- True Twi-Runt Zone material!
DeleteOne of an infinity of 17-D clues: "They're apt to be raised, at a major-league barfing competition"
Congratulations on being so historical. Really liked 15-A, btw.
6:32 on the first one. 0:45 on the second one.
Twi-Runt Zone indeed! The following dream woke me up this morning. I was in a car with M&A, my wife and another person (Loren?). Unfortunately I was in the back seat and could only see the back of his head. He seemed to be in his thirties. We were discussing whether http://www.xwordinfo.com/Solve?id=5932&id2=600 was a Schroedinger puzzle or not. I was arguing that it was. If you put your attention on ROCKOLA then its clue was one that could appear in a Frank Longo themeless. But if you instead focused on the puzzle title then the 5D's clue made it part of the theme. This flipping back and forth between the wholeness of the puzzle and a single answer ROCKOLA reminds me of how Eastern philosophy explains the emergence of matter from consciousness. Consciousness collapses onto a point value without losing its wholeness.
ReplyDeleteThe term hermaphroditic was also suggested in the dream.
I woke up when my dream wife told me to stop talking about crossword puzzles.
Yep, I get that a lot, from my dream wife, too...
DeleteMan, far out dream. I hardly ever have a dream with a full runtpuz url address in it. Classic.
How about a multi-layer puzzle featuring birds?
ReplyDeleteCould be a real egg-layer, @r.alph.
DeleteShout out to M&A!
ReplyDeleteHey there, Roo here. I just did your latest runt and see you have circles, also have them on previous runtz. I was wondering..., how do you do that? The last runt I did (Remember Diractional? It seems ages ago...) was supposed to have the circles in it, also the 4 rebus squares, but it came through as a normal puz. Is there a way to send me a play-by-play, as it were, of getting a puz in there correctly? I have a runt waiting in the wings, but 1) it won't go in right (more circles), and 2) (if you're also reading this Ralph) I have two answers on one line using the same letter (no block)(example: FORD DOOR would be FORDOOR {with a circle on D}) and it won't let me create a .puz file. Help!
@Roo -- First, U need to understand that I don't use anything but a .txt file input to AcrossLite to create my .puz files. I don't own any crossword-making software.
ReplyDeleteThat said, here is the .txt file (with a slight modification in order to get blogger to print it here) that I used to make my latest runt puzzle:
M and A and NYT Sunday Mini Puzzle -- (Had to do it, just this once!)
2014 Ahar Moments, Inc.
Mark ;
Swabber's tool
Views the wrong way?
Era opening in photography??
Increase the turnovers on?
If circled letters and black squares are switched: "Fortuneteller's deck"
Fro's bro
___ Beta Kappa
Harass, especially for payment
Where to see one's dream team?
Word with how or old time
Movie line?
If circled letters and black squares are switched: "Michaels of S.N.L."
Common element in r.p.m. and d.p.i.
Old cusses?
Patsy's maker?
Baseball mitt go-with
German handle part
She or Man ender?
Actress of "L.A. Law"
Something Ringo and Santa have in common?
That's it, except each opening $ on a .txt file line should be replaced by a "less than" sign, and each closing $ on a line should be replaced by a "greater than" sign. I had to do this substitution in this comment, or blogger would think I was giving it special instructions.
It's the non-capitalized GRID letters that become circled letters, in the final puz.
The 1:NO:N line is an example of implementing a rebus. Each 1 placed in the GRID area becomes a "NO" in the final puz, with N being the acceptable one-letter substitute answer. You can have many such lines:
In this puzzle, I had no rebus, but the rebus line had no effect, because no 1's were placed in the GRID area.
Hope that helps somewhat. Let me know, if you have questions about my approach, rudimentary tho it is...
ReplyDeleteThanks. I will put this on the FAQ link at runtpuz.org
Aha, so to get < and > you need to type
ReplyDelete< and >
@muse: Sorry about the sad situation for your students. Is there a way we could make a modest contribution, to help make your classes a little more well-supplied?
ReplyDeleteTake care.
Former Collaborator, Current Friend