@r.alph: Seen it. Thanx. No giant loss, that a few brave Rexites mighta missed out on a runtpuz with L-shaped farts, I reckon.
BTW: Speakin of gas, my records show that U missed out on workin the fabulous "Give 'Er Some Gas" runtpuz, somehow. It's the one with the grid design that has a foot and a gas pedal …
"Atomic Scoreboard Grand Finale" - My comments show up under Anonymous. I wasn't signed in to Gmail when I solved and re-uploading did not change it. I would prefer to remain Anonymous, given the poor showing :-).
A mere 50 (plus a few territories, etc) state codes! I, never one to be troubled by my lack of originality, dare to suggest that once all of those have been exhausted, you might consider working your way through the list of Internet country codes. ;>)
Ahar! The all-too-rare, double-?? cluing controversy! M&A lives for this!
Refresher course on yer double-?? clue ensues …
* Generally speakin, a double-?? runtpuz clue ending signals: trouble brewin. * "Trouble" can take on many forms, in a runtpuz … ** Weird-ball word play [Sometimes referred to in the literature as: Webawo-play]. ** Random appliqué of word parts. Includes ass-backwards stuff. ** Makin new word meanings or terminology up. [This here is yer culprit, in today's runtpuz 5-D clue.] ** Obscure rhyming references. ** Any other twitchy fillins that require the safe harbor of Double-?? Immunity. * Absolutely no refunds.
@Teedmn: A 2:40 outing, on "Vampire Voice Vote"!! Congrats. U really sunk yer fangs into this runt! har. M&A also has 0 tats, but ain't willin to do no full disclosure, on that.
Got an idea for a NYTPuz, so off to work on that, to see if it can become anything beyond the initial virus. In the meantime, here's a feisty lil pup …
"Runt Institute" - M&A, even with the bone you threw me at 15A, my ankles got nipped at. Had to pause due to co-worker not understanding Runt addiction.
Since … 1. @Teedmn is leaving soon on a roadtrip (have a fun safe one, darlin). So, needs a free parting gift. 2. The last runt was so day-um eazy-e. 3. M&A spouse is hostin a sit'n'sew group of ladies, right now -- so M&A is hold up in the runt room. … it is time to unloose the hounds of a recent @r.alph theme suggestion. This pup can not be muzzled.
"Conversational Implicature" - I'll be very interested in how much difficulty other solvers encounter. I spent 20 minutes but afterwards it seemed like I should have found it easier.
Re: Re-Cap of "Conversational Implicature" - Genuine laugh-out-loud at explanation of 5A, but then realized we have seen similar operations in published NYTXwds.
But I have to brush up on my Spanish. I always thought Miss = Senorita = SRTA and Mrs. = Senora = SRA.
Snarky Sparks http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/CrowdSource/GetSolution?id=MTQ4NzI3NTgyOTk1Mzg1Ng @bodgit1 Agree that M&A should be more widely known. From day one I have been comparing him to the surrealists in the art world
@r.alph: 500 runtz? Oh, man -- time flies, when you're in denial. That's quite a double-dip-?? gauntlet.
With some surreal Dali paintings, U can view them two different ways: one way it looks like a pose for a Dutch Masters commercial; the other way, it looks like a big old skull. That also woulda been a sorta neat runt surrealism theme -- but then I realized that most of the clues in the last 500 runtz are kinda like that, already.
I say we celebrate by immediately issuin runtpuz #501, before some runtfan does somethin crazy, and hurt themselves. This one oughta sober em up:
@bodgit1 Nice Saturday Stumper. Your ACPT score says that you asked to reveal incorrect letters but I don't see any {} s in your comments. Looking at the code shows that it happened at the very end. Did you accidentally click "mark incorrect letters" instead of "check solution" at the end?
@r.alph: Noticed that over at runtpuz.gov, U are now gearin up for some ACPT practice sessions. This is an absolutely primo idea. Only small concern, for M&A is: some of these all-in runtpuz solvers might find the size of ACPT puzs to be a sudden, rude, ice-water on the left atrium shock to their solvin systems.
I propose a transition puz, to help precious 7x7 runtpuz fans (individual fan's dimensions may vary) make a smooth & seamly transition to them jaw-droppinly-large ACPT crossword grids.
p.s. Solved the Saturday Stumper on paper, in tagteam mode with PuzEatinSpouse. I'm sure we took at least around an hour. We finished in the SW, where we had more numerous false starts.
So far, average "U-niversal Truth" solve time is around 33+ min. That's about 8+ minutes on average for each of its 4 runtpuzs. Interesting.
I had theorized that sector 3 might be the easiest runt, and sector 2 might prove to be the hardest. And sector 4 maybe the most spiritual-lookin. Having all these strange musings sorta makes M&A wonder if he has too much time on his hands.
@bodgit1: Perfect. I worked in on paper, but will post some comments later. My solve time won't be right, tho.
U are really gettin the runtpuz vibe down pat. Hopin U are younger than M&A, and be able to take over this pop stand, someday when he has to retire due to brain mushiness. (First sign: when U start repeatin ISO-country scoreboard clues.)
Also, really like yer slightly-expanded grid size -- all important, in weanin runt solvers off the 7x7 closet size and into the larger ACPT tourney harsh reality world of BobK bird shirts.
@bo dgit1: This is sorta an extra-credit runtpuz, dedicated to and inspired by U. M&A just did want to be out-stank. Solve times may be higher than snot and still be a perfectly competent solve.
"Fifty (approx.) Shades of 15-Down" - 7x7 stinker runt:
@r.alph has a rather minimalist stink countin routine, in his program. Once everybody has had a chance to solve, M&A will tally stuff up "properly". sniff.
The towel has been thrown in for the nonce. Tomorrow is another day (and probably another Runt). Thanks so much for the prolificity! (Not a real word, I see. Maybe I can get @LMS immunity on it.)
I created a 3D representation of my solution to "Big Plus for the Solver" http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/CrowdSource/GetSolution?id=NzY1NTYzNjI3ODcyNjQ2NQ
Here is a picture of it http://puzzlecrowd.com/3d.jpg The height of a stick is proportional to when the final letter in its square was entered. So for instance, the tallest stick is on the square where the last letter was entered.
Hope to 3D print these things at the push of a button and sell them here to fund M&A's retirement years.
Actually, there's something else unusual, if U actually get to solve the thing. I'm gonna guess it was the apostrophe in the title, and try this, instead:
@Teedmn - yep. Very nicely done, on the meta solve, second half.
Hope I'm not gettin too far ahead in the queue of runtz, for @bodgit and @r.alph. The runt pen here gets pretty stinky, if I don't keep lettin some of em loose, to stink up this place, instead …
I look forward to seeing if binge-solving Runts is as weird for @bodgit1 and @r.alph as it was for me. I need to make me one of @r.alph's 3D depictions of my different Runt solves, 6 or 7 in two days, whew.
@Teedmn - Remarkable demonstration of stamina, by U. U Minnesotans are toughies. Or gluttons for punishment.
I'll probably let one more runt out of the compound tonite, but then call a well-earned (by U and BobK) runt truce, until @r.alph and @bodgit can get back in the snipe hunt.
@bodgit: Since U are now an accomplished runtpuz constructioneer, M&A hereby proposes a First Annual Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge. Rules and regulations, below:
1. We each, alternatingly propose a runtpuz title, for the other to build a (probably themed) runtpuz based on that title. 2. We alternate back and forth three times on this, generating a total of six runtz (three runtz each). This is called "a litter". (Litter can be a littler bigger, if some third party constructioneer would like to come along for the ride.) 3. Titles should have lots of double-entendre-vous possibilities. 3.5. Each runtpuz has to have at least one U in it. [Hey -- as long as I'm writin the rules!] 4. Desperation is welcome. 5. M&A's first title challenge: "So Oddly Lettered". GO.
Such runtz would undoubtedly provide good, extra solver training, for the upcomin ACPT tourney.
@bodgit: p.s. In case those rules were as clear to U as they read to m&e, here is one bit of clarification …
step1. M&A issues title challenge A to @bodgit. step2. @bodgit issues title challenge B to M&A. step3. @bodgit publishes a runtpuz with title A. step4. M&A publishes a runtpuz with title B.
Steps 1-4 are then repeated, at least twice more, thereby producing a total of six runtz, with six different titles and themes: three runtz by @bodgit, and three runtz by M&A. All before the ACPT tourney, which starts on April 1.
@M&A Great idea for the contest. I am willing to offer the following prize to the winner: http://www.amazon.com/The-Galactic-Invaders-Laser-31/dp/0373720319
Since it is unlikely that either of you will reveal your location I will send it to Will Shortz and the next time you send in a puzzle ask him to send it to you along with the rejection letter.
Here is the first paragraph of The Galactic Invaders
Keith Cranston's muscles tightened as a chill shuddered up his backbone. He forced himself to take deep regular breaths - a precaution against even a hint of panic - as he searched for a scheme that would avoid their deaths. From behind the square pillar where he hid, he glanced at the figure lying four meters or so ahead of him.
The first sentence describes a typical solver reaction to a biter runt.
p.s. @r.alph: If @bodgit decides to do the Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge, M&A would consider it more of a "collaboration" than a "competition". But, cool Rex Parker-related book.
@M&A: Challenge accepted and it sounds like fun. I have two other projects I need to finish up so it may take a couple of days before I can really devote much time.
Great! Again, M&A's first Challenge title, for @bodgit to make a runtpuz out of, is: "So Oddly Lettered".
@bodgit: When U get ready to start makin your Challenge1 runt, fire back a Challenge title for M&A to start makin his runtpuz from. After U publish yer runtpuz, I'll wait a day, and then publish mine, followed by Challenge title for round #2. etc. ad finitum.
Note to the public: Please. We beg of U. No wagering.
So is the "winner" determined by the total minutes taken by all solvers for a given constructor? May the madruntiest puzzler win? I'm taking deep breaths and feeling the chills up my backbone a la Keith Cranston in anticipation. :-).
@r.alph - I recently got an iPad (for my 70th birthday, as it happens), my first computer that wasn't hard-wired. I would like to do runt puzzles on the road, but I can't figure out how. When I access the puzzle from "Down Home" I get a grid but I have no keyboard. When I click on Across Lite, I get a lot of stuff including what must be the least friendly keyboard I have ever seen, but I don't know how to connect to the puzzle!
I'm sorry if you have explained this before, but since I never had a portable device before, I wasn't paying attention.
P.s. - I think this is about comment #195 on this thread.
@BobK I have started a new post. Regarding using the iPad to solve the puzzle. You will needed to get a keyboard for the iPad. They cost about $100 but you can probably get one for less. You might want the keyboard for other things such as email. Open amazon.com and search for iPad keyboard to see the ones available.
ReplyDeleteSee previous blog posting for my post about the Rex Parker link problem.
@r.alph: Seen it. Thanx. No giant loss, that a few brave Rexites mighta missed out on a runtpuz with L-shaped farts, I reckon.
ReplyDeleteBTW: Speakin of gas, my records show that U missed out on workin the fabulous "Give 'Er Some Gas" runtpuz, somehow. It's the one with the grid design that has a foot and a gas pedal …
@bodgit -- UUO was dealt with, in #371 on @r.alph's runtpuz archive list. That lil darlin was called "Atomic Scoreboard Sense".
ReplyDeleteM&A Help Desk
Give 'ER the gas
Got to read the title!
I updated UploadRunt to try another way of generating the link. Below is a test. If it works I will post it on Rex Parker and see what happens.
"Atomic Scoreboard Grand Finale" - My comments show up under Anonymous. I wasn't signed in to Gmail when I solved and re-uploading did not change it. I would prefer to remain Anonymous, given the poor showing :-).
Atomic Scoreboard Grand Finale
Will check how many Greek letters have found their way into runt puzzles.
ReplyDelete**gruntz** link working as it should over at Rex Parker.
Well done, @r.alph!
DeleteLet me know, when I should start using the new/revised upload program, myself. Thanx.
Greek letter scoreboard? har. What, no postal state scoreboard?
A mere 50 (plus a few territories, etc) state codes! I, never one to be troubled by my lack of originality, dare to suggest that once all of those have been exhausted, you might consider working your way through the list of Internet country codes. ;>)
DeleteLet's try out this UploadRunt program here, first.
ReplyDelete"Non-ORGanic Sourl and Seoul Mates" - 7x7 themed:
"Non-ORGanic Sourl and Seoul Mates" -- Only now, after having uploaded my solution, do I "get it!"
Non-ORGanic Sourl and Seoul Mates
"Non-ORGanic Sourl and Seoul Mates" - The explanation of 8A takes an expertise in logic.
Non-ORGanic Sourl and Seoul Mates. I liked this. Right in my runthouse.
Wow! That there non-organic runt has already done all the test solvers, and M&A ain't even gone to sleep yet. Everybody gets tomorrow off, runt-wise!
ReplyDeleteThis puppy was a kinda challenging cur to tame, with @bodgit clearly gettin Best in Show, this time out.
Runtpuz Flatulent Recap for solution to: "Super Bow-L Blowout".
Runtpuz Mating Game Recap for solution to: "Non-ORGanic Sourl and Seoul Mates".
I just noticed that 7A and 8A could be related. Am I imagining things?
DeleteThat was my conclusion. I like it better than the Roman numeral idea.
Deletetest for Rex Parker comment:
ratfudge. Must notta saved it right, last night.
Stumpy Stumper: "Vampire Voice Vote" - 7x7 themeless:
(Note that I've gotten lazy now and use **gruntz** hotlink to the runtpuz, everywhere.)
"Vampire Voice Vote" --
"Vampire Voice Vote"
Vampire Voice Vote
Ahar! The all-too-rare, double-?? cluing controversy! M&A lives for this!
ReplyDeleteRefresher course on yer double-?? clue ensues …
* Generally speakin, a double-?? runtpuz clue ending signals: trouble brewin.
* "Trouble" can take on many forms, in a runtpuz …
** Weird-ball word play [Sometimes referred to in the literature as: Webawo-play].
** Random appliqué of word parts. Includes ass-backwards stuff.
** Makin new word meanings or terminology up. [This here is yer culprit, in today's runtpuz 5-D clue.]
** Obscure rhyming references.
** Any other twitchy fillins that require the safe harbor of Double-?? Immunity.
* Absolutely no refunds.
"Your ?? Hurts?"
"Vampire Voice Vote" - In my wheelhouse, for once.
@Teedmn: A 2:40 outing, on "Vampire Voice Vote"!! Congrats. U really sunk yer fangs into this runt!
ReplyDeletehar. M&A also has 0 tats, but ain't willin to do no full disclosure, on that.
"Appeal to the Base" - 7x7 with wee theme:
"Appeal to the Base"
"Appeal to the Base" --
"Appeal to the Base" - a more typical solve for me.
"Appeal to the Base"
Some runts have pedigrees; others, alas …
ReplyDelete"Masked and Anonymous, the Puzzle" - 7x7 themed:
"Masked and Anonymous, the Puzzle" --
"Masked and Anon"
"Masked and Anon"
Runtpuz Basic Recap of solution to: "Appeal to the Base".
"Masked and Anon" - Not so bad a solve that I have to wear a paper bag over my head.
ReplyDeleteRuntpuz Masking-taped Recap for solution to: "Masked and Anonymous, the Puzzle".
Got an idea for a NYTPuz, so off to work on that, to see if it can become anything beyond the initial virus. In the meantime, here's a feisty lil pup …
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Christie! Goes Underground" - 7x7 themeless:
"Christie! Goes Underground" --
"Christie! Goes Underground" --
Christie Goes Underground
Don't use the Italian crater lake in the NYT puzzle.
"My Runty Valentine" - 7x7 holiday runt:
"My Runty Valentine"
"My Runty Valentine" --
"My Runty Valentine"
"Christie Goes Underground" - That was fun. @Bob, awesome solve, no erasures. @bodgit1, you may have set a personal best in erasures but I win!
Runtpuz Holey Recap of solution to "Christie! Goes Underground".
"My Runty Valentine" - Happy Valentine's Day to you all.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's, y'all. And, by the way …
ReplyDelete"Nice Pants!" - 8x7 Frenchy-themed:
"Nice Pants!" --
Happy Valentine's Day, and Happy Washington's Birthday tomorrow!
Oh, roses and chocolate and Cupid!!!! I just got it! Did say I wasn't good at French!
Delete"Nice Pants!" - all Greek to me
Wow … Maybe M&A shoulda billed the "Nice Pants!" runt as: "MadFrenchDog I"? Looks like it might be bitin the pants offa people.
Nice Pants!
"Mad French Dog" aka "Nice Pants" A bete noire. Thanks, M&A (this is not sarcastic).
Time for the runtpuzs to become more scholarly …
ReplyDelete"Runt Institute" - 7x7 themed:
"Runt Institute" --
"Runt Institute" - grateful for the education
A Monday-level runtz....
ReplyDelete"Stone Faces" - 7x7 themed:
"Stone Faces" --
"Stone Faces" - luved it!
"Stone Faces"
Inside runtpuz joke
ReplyDeleteRunt Institute
Runtpuz Rosy Recap for solution to: "My Runty Valentine".
Runtpuz Beret-ed Re-Cap for solution to: "Nice Pants!"
"Stone Faces" - Thanks bodgit1!
ReplyDelete"Runt Institute" - M&A, even with the bone you threw me at 15A, my ankles got nipped at. Had to pause due to co-worker not understanding Runt addiction.
Stumpy Stumper: "Runt Hardball" - 7x7 themeless:
"Runt Hardball" --
"Runt Hardball" -- no as scary as the title might suggest
"Runt Hardball"
Right over the plate
"Runt Hardball" Played nice and soft.
Since …
ReplyDelete1. @Teedmn is leaving soon on a roadtrip (have a fun safe one, darlin). So, needs a free parting gift.
2. The last runt was so day-um eazy-e.
3. M&A spouse is hostin a sit'n'sew group of ladies, right now -- so M&A is hold up in the runt room.
… it is time to unloose the hounds of a recent @r.alph theme suggestion. This pup can not be muzzled.
"Conversational Implicature" - 7x7 biter runt:
"Conversational Implicature" - I'll be very interested in how much difficulty other solvers encounter. I spent 20 minutes but afterwards it seemed like I should have found it easier.
"Conversational Implicature" -- I was bit!
Conversational Implicature
har. Well, pretty fun readin, to view the "Implicature" puz critiques. Went well with popcorn and candy bar. Thanx, @r.alph.
ReplyDeleteBetter do an Emergency Early Re-Cap of solution to "Conversational Implicature", as questions of M&A's sanity have (once again) arisen.
Re: Re-Cap of "Conversational Implicature" - Genuine laugh-out-loud at explanation of 5A, but then realized we have seen similar operations in published NYTXwds.
DeleteBut I have to brush up on my Spanish. I always thought Miss = Senorita = SRTA and Mrs. = Senora = SRA.
Stumpy Stumper: "Snarky Sparks" - 7x7 themeless:
"Snarky Sparks" --
Another Monday-level runtz....
ReplyDelete"Past Prime Faces" - 7x7 themed:
"Past Prime Faces" --
"Snarky Sparks" - Another great runtpuz. Keep them coming!
Snarky Sparks
Agree that M&A should be more widely known. From day one I have been comparing him to the surrealists in the art world
M&A's surreal solve of "Past Prime Faces". Excellent puztitle.
Past Prime Faces
Runt Surrealism: "The Persistence of Tiny" - 7x7 themed:
"The Persistence of Tiny"
"The Persistence of Tiny" --
Persistence of Tiny
A worthy 500th runt! We have to celebrate somehow.
@r.alph: 500 runtz? Oh, man -- time flies, when you're in denial. That's quite a double-dip-?? gauntlet.
ReplyDeleteWith some surreal Dali paintings, U can view them two different ways: one way it looks like a pose for a Dutch Masters commercial; the other way, it looks like a big old skull. That also woulda been a sorta neat runt surrealism theme -- but then I realized that most of the clues in the last 500 runtz are kinda like that, already.
I say we celebrate by immediately issuin runtpuz #501, before some runtfan does somethin crazy, and hurt themselves. This one oughta sober em up:
"Sosh Meeds" - 7x7 themed:
p.s. @Tita darlin! Great to see U in the runt solution comments!
"Sosh Meeds" -- Happy 501!
"Sosh Meeds" -- Congratulations on 500th runt
Saturday Stumper
ReplyDeleteNice Saturday Stumper. Your ACPT score says that you asked to reveal incorrect letters but I don't see any {} s in your comments. Looking at the code shows that it happened at the very end. Did you accidentally click "mark incorrect letters" instead of "check solution" at the end?
I filled in the last square and didn't get the happy pencil so I thought I had a mistake. Instead it was just a case of solving platform confusion.
Delete"Saturday Stumper" Good job, both @bodgit1 and @r.alph. First "full oxygen" solve since I left CO this morning but my solution doesn't show it!
@r.alph: Noticed that over at runtpuz.gov, U are now gearin up for some ACPT practice sessions. This is an absolutely primo idea. Only small concern, for M&A is: some of these all-in runtpuz solvers might find the size of ACPT puzs to be a sudden, rude, ice-water on the left atrium shock to their solvin systems.
ReplyDeleteI propose a transition puz, to help precious 7x7 runtpuz fans (individual fan's dimensions may vary) make a smooth & seamly transition to them jaw-droppinly-large ACPT crossword grids.
Here it is:
"ACPT Practice Puzzle"
@bodgit: re: ACPT Practice Puz: Did U think the 30-A/16-D crossing was unfairly challenging?
"No Refunds, but Revisions Are OK"
After the fact, I think both clues are fair. I just could not see 16-D but all the necessary clue fragments were provided.
ReplyDeleteSolved the Saturday Stumper on paper, in tagteam mode with PuzEatinSpouse. I'm sure we took at least around an hour. We finished in the SW, where we had more numerous false starts.
U-Niversal Truth --
U-Niversal Truth
Groundbreaking puzzle!
So far, average "U-niversal Truth" solve time is around 33+ min. That's about 8+ minutes on average for each of its 4 runtpuzs. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteI had theorized that sector 3 might be the easiest runt, and sector 2 might prove to be the hardest. And sector 4 maybe the most spiritual-lookin. Having all these strange musings sorta makes M&A wonder if he has too much time on his hands.
@M&A - Not that you need any advice from me, but have you seen Hayley Gold's http://acrossanddown.net/ for 2/18?
ReplyDeleteA Sunday-sized (11x7) runtpuz for your enjoyment.
ReplyDelete"This Puzzle Really Stinks"
"This Puzzle Really Stinks" -- I wouldn't be so harsh! ;>)
@bodgit1: Perfect. I worked in on paper, but will post some comments later. My solve time won't be right, tho.
ReplyDeleteU are really gettin the runtpuz vibe down pat. Hopin U are younger than M&A, and be able to take over this pop stand, someday when he has to retire due to brain mushiness. (First sign: when U start repeatin ISO-country scoreboard clues.)
Also, really like yer slightly-expanded grid size -- all important, in weanin runt solvers off the 7x7 closet size and into the larger ACPT tourney harsh reality world of BobK bird shirts.
Thanx, and keep em comin!
This puzzle really stinks
Finally figured out the "Stink" part, thanx to @r.alphcomments.
DeleteDuh. Shades of an earlier M&A "sequel" runt.
Bodgit Stinker Runtpuz Recap:
Stumpy Stumper: "Supermarket Cliffhanger" - 7x7 themeless:
Supermarket Cliffhanger
@bo dgit1: This is sorta an extra-credit runtpuz, dedicated to and inspired by U. M&A just did want to be out-stank. Solve times may be higher than snot and still be a perfectly competent solve.
ReplyDelete"Fifty (approx.) Shades of 15-Down" - 7x7 stinker runt:
DeleteAbove should have read: "M&A just did not want to be out-stank".
Left out the "not" word -- another sign of the brain mushiness.
"Supermarket Cliffhanger"
"Conversational Implicature". Thanks M&A, sorry I ran out before seeing this Biter. Still not sure I get 5A even after the explanation.
"Fifty (approx.) Shades of 15-Down"
Fifty (approx.) Shades of 15-Down
@r.alph has a rather minimalist stink countin routine, in his program. Once everybody has had a chance to solve, M&A will tally stuff up "properly". sniff.
"Supermarket Cliffhanger" --
"Fifty (approx.) Shades of 15-Down" --
Runtpuz Smellathon Recap for solution to "Fifty Shades of 15-Down".
"Snarky Sparks" - An @Tita sighting, cool. I'm crawling out from behind the backlog here.
"Past Prime Faces" - Thanks @bodgit1, a confidence builder. And @r.alph for the 15A explanation.
"The Persistence of Tiny" - How many Runts can one person do in one day? I'm a guinea pig here.
@Teedmn - Exceedingly brave of U.
ReplyDeleteHate to pile more onto your backlog, but …
Stumpy Stumper: "Big Plus for the Solver":
The towel has been thrown in for the nonce. Tomorrow is another day (and probably another Runt). Thanks so much for the prolificity! (Not a real word, I see. Maybe I can get @LMS immunity on it.)
Delete"Big Plus for the Solver" --
"Big Plus for the Solver" -
2-D may be shapin up to be an accidental Meta-puz, in "Big Plus".
ReplyDelete(But I bet all U smarties can solve it.)
"This Puzzle Really Stinks" - Smelled like a rose. Nice.
"Supermarket Cliffhanger" - I hung there for way too long.
Big Plus for the Solver
"Fifty Shades of 15D" - Runt fun its best.
And now for something kinda different …
ReplyDelete"Ell Choppo" - 7x7 themed:
"Ell Choppo" --
Ell Choppo -- seems like it would be a bear to construct this. Needed extended time but no cheats.
har. Might be a bear for y'all to write lucid blow-by-blow comments, too.
"Big Plus for the Solver" - Nice.
"Ell Choppo" - It's enough to make one chew one's fingernails. :-).
I created a 3D representation of my solution to "Big Plus for the Solver"
Here is a picture of it
The height of a stick is proportional to when the final letter in its square was entered. So for instance, the tallest stick is on the square where the last letter was entered.
Hope to 3D print these things at the push of a button and sell them here to fund M&A's retirement years.
@r.alph, nice. It looks like a city skyline or a vertical Jenga game. I'd like to see your version of "Ell Choppo".
DeleteWork of art. What's the slot with no stick in it mean?
DeleteU will make millions, on this. Just the promise that M&A runtpuzs might someday be able to retire should flood the place with eager donors.
"What's Kinda Unusual, Here?" - 7x7 themed:
What's unusual is that I don't get linked to a puzzle!
ReplyDelete@BobK. - Yep! How'd U guess, so fast?!
DeleteActually, there's something else unusual, if U actually get to solve the thing. I'm gonna guess it was the apostrophe in the title, and try this, instead:
And good luck, to us both.
Yup, works now --
ReplyDelete"What's Kinda Unusual, Here?" --
@BobK. -- Good. Sorry for the inconvenience. No refunds.
DeletePrimo solve time. Yer preliminary meta-analysis has found half of what is unusual about this runtpuz.
DeleteThe fact that all runtpuzs are kinda weird/unusual does not count, in findin the other half of the "unusual" meta answer.
M&A Help Desk
DeleteM&A takes it as a real hopeful sign, that one person actually complained, when the runtpuz was **not** accessible.
Usually, most complaints come, when folks **can** access the runtpuz.
M&A Complaint Dept., section U
Runtpuz Drug-Crazed Choppy Recap of solution to: "Ell Choppo".
I found the explanation harder to follow than the puzzle. Thanks, M&A.
Delete"What's Kinda Unusual, Here?" - I think @Bob has it figured out. Though maybe I have the other half?
@Teedmn: Re: "What's Kinda Unusual, Here?" --
DeleteI think you are right, and by far a more significant observation in the Runtpuz Universe!
@Teedmn - yep. Very nicely done, on the meta solve, second half.
DeleteHope I'm not gettin too far ahead in the queue of runtz, for @bodgit and @r.alph. The runt pen here gets pretty stinky, if I don't keep lettin some of em loose, to stink up this place, instead …
"Word-Eating Ladder" - 7x7 themed:
"Word-Eating Ladder" --
SPOILER ALERT re:"Word-Eating Ladder" -- Do not read beyond this point if you have not yet done the puzzle --
ReplyDeleteRegarding my comment on 4 D, although I may not have been in the right ballpark, was I at least in the right league? --
***SPOILER ALERT - Word-Eating Ladder**
DeleteHey! I said no peeking!!
@BobK. - Yer comment on 4-D started out on the right scent, but U didn't "double down" on it.
"Word Eating Ladder"
I look forward to seeing if binge-solving Runts is as weird for @bodgit1 and @r.alph as it was for me. I need to make me one of @r.alph's 3D depictions of my different Runt solves, 6 or 7 in two days, whew.
@Teedmn - Remarkable demonstration of stamina, by U. U Minnesotans are toughies. Or gluttons for punishment.
DeleteI'll probably let one more runt out of the compound tonite, but then call a well-earned (by U and BobK) runt truce, until @r.alph and @bodgit can get back in the snipe hunt.
"Too Many Strays Soil the Sidewalks"
Stumpy Stumper: "2000 Year Old Cinnamon Roll" - 7x7 themeless:
"2000 Year Old Cinnamon Roll" - Clean solve, no cheats, fun.
"2000 Year Old Cinnamon Roll" --
ReplyDeleteDare I say. "Amen!" Sure I do.
Ell Choppo
What's kinda unusual here?
Word-eating ladder
2000 year old Cinnamon Roll
What's kinda unusual here?
Word-eating ladder
2000 year old Cinnamon Roll
Runtpuz Brain-Eating Recap for solution to: "Word-eating Ladder".
Runtpuz Unusual-ish Recap of solution for "What's Kinda Unusual Here?".
A very Monday-ish runt.
ReplyDeleteMarch In and Out - 7x7 Themed
March In and Out…
March In and Out --
March In and Out - Nice! Thanks, bodgit1.
Stumpy Stumper: "Plunker's Planet" - 7x7 themeless:
"Plunker's Planet"
"Plunker's Planet" --
@bodgit: Since U are now an accomplished runtpuz constructioneer, M&A hereby proposes a First Annual Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge. Rules and regulations, below:
ReplyDelete1. We each, alternatingly propose a runtpuz title, for the other to build a (probably themed) runtpuz based on that title.
2. We alternate back and forth three times on this, generating a total of six runtz (three runtz each). This is called "a litter". (Litter can be a littler bigger, if some third party constructioneer would like to come along for the ride.)
3. Titles should have lots of double-entendre-vous possibilities.
3.5. Each runtpuz has to have at least one U in it. [Hey -- as long as I'm writin the rules!]
4. Desperation is welcome.
5. M&A's first title challenge: "So Oddly Lettered". GO.
Such runtz would undoubtedly provide good, extra solver training, for the upcomin ACPT tourney.
In case those rules were as clear to U as they read to m&e, here is one bit of clarification …
step1. M&A issues title challenge A to @bodgit.
step2. @bodgit issues title challenge B to M&A.
step3. @bodgit publishes a runtpuz with title A.
step4. M&A publishes a runtpuz with title B.
Steps 1-4 are then repeated, at least twice more, thereby producing a total of six runtz, with six different titles and themes: three runtz by @bodgit, and three runtz by M&A. All before the ACPT tourney, which starts on April 1.
M&A Help Desk
"Plunker's Planet" - a sweet little Runt.
March In and Out
Plunker's Planet
Great idea for the contest. I am willing to offer the following prize to the winner:
Since it is unlikely that either of you will reveal your location I will send it to Will Shortz and the next time you send in a puzzle ask him to send it to you along with the rejection letter.
Here is the first paragraph of The Galactic Invaders
ReplyDeleteKeith Cranston's muscles tightened as a chill shuddered up his backbone. He forced himself to take deep regular breaths - a precaution against even a hint of panic - as he searched for a scheme that would avoid their deaths. From behind the square pillar where he hid, he glanced at the figure lying four meters or so ahead of him.
The first sentence describes a typical solver reaction to a biter runt.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNote: previous comment deleted, because gruntz hotlink had an apostrophe in it, and wouldn't work.
ReplyDelete"Don't Take This Lying Down" - 7x7 themed:
@r.alph: If @bodgit decides to do the Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge, M&A would consider it more of a "collaboration" than a "competition". But, cool Rex Parker-related book.
@M&A: Challenge accepted and it sounds like fun. I have two other projects I need to finish up so it may take a couple of days before I can really devote much time.
Great! Again, M&A's first Challenge title, for @bodgit to make a runtpuz out of, is: "So Oddly Lettered".
Delete@bodgit: When U get ready to start makin your Challenge1 runt, fire back a Challenge title for M&A to start makin his runtpuz from. After U publish yer runtpuz, I'll wait a day, and then publish mine, followed by Challenge title for round #2. etc. ad finitum.
Note to the public: Please. We beg of U. No wagering.
So is the "winner" determined by the total minutes taken by all solvers for a given constructor? May the madruntiest puzzler win? I'm taking deep breaths and feeling the chills up my backbone a la Keith Cranston in anticipation. :-).
Delete@M&A The title for your first Challenge runtpuz is "earth-worm-hole". I'm planning on a release date of Monday or Tuesday for "So Oddly Lettered"
ReplyDelete@r.alph - I recently got an iPad (for my 70th birthday, as it happens), my first computer that wasn't hard-wired. I would like to do runt puzzles on the road, but I can't figure out how. When I access the puzzle from "Down Home" I get a grid but I have no keyboard. When I click on Across Lite, I get a lot of stuff including what must be the least friendly keyboard I have ever seen, but I don't know how to connect to the puzzle!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry if you have explained this before, but since I never had a portable device before, I wasn't paying attention.
P.s. - I think this is about comment #195 on this thread.
"Don't take this lying down"
ReplyDeleteI have started a new post. Regarding using the iPad to solve the puzzle. You will needed to get a keyboard for the iPad. They cost about $100 but you can probably get one for less. You might want the keyboard for other things such as email. Open amazon.com and search for iPad keyboard to see the ones available.
Thanks, r.alph. For now, I guess I will have to do runts in the privacy of my own home, which is really the decent thing anyway. :>)
ReplyDeletetest only. not worth looking.
test. don't worry 'boutit.