@Teedmn - M&A didn't even suspect this runt was gonna be a biter. Only defense was he did caution people to try and ignore any BO in it that they detected.
Fearless forecast: "Closet Justice" should be much easier, in theory.
As we turn the page to still another fresh block of runtpuz.gov comments, I'd just like to pause, to gush and marvel at the fabulous lil website that @r.alph has provided, for us all to play in.
That "Down Home" program is amazin, dude!
Thanx don't hardly get it, @r.alph.
p.s. Sorry about them runt bites. (Product of poor potty trainin.)
On Jeff Chen's website, an annual membership now includes a searchable list of 160000 words plus his own personal list of another 32000 words. I paid my money and decided to try out some of the new words. The result is the 64-word themeless below. It started out life as a 15x7 Sunday-size runt and hence it has an unusual grid pattern. It's clued at probably a Wednesday level.
Jeff's list worked well although only 16- and 57-across appear on his personal list. 12-down doesn't appear on any list that I have but was needed to fill up that area of the puzzle. 11-down was a suggested word (because it appeared in the NYT puzzle in 1998) and I thought it was a brand of yogurt but that word has another i in it. By the time I discovered my mistake it was too hard to fix.
@bodgit: Solved "full-size" on paper, in roughly 23 minutes. Tense moment at: 46-a/49-D crossing, but otherwise pretty steady progress, with the usual false start entries, here and there.
Disclaimer: Some runtz put up a fight, even in the constructioneering phase. Ended up with two clones of this puppy. The one on display here didn't quite have the themers old M&A was shootin for, but at least ain't shamefully desperate, fill-wise. The other snarlin furbag of mongrelism (with the desired themers, tho) will be released soon, just for academic comparison purposes. So, kinda different rollout strategy, here; suitably schizophrenic.
Har! At last! An epic double-?? clue that really gets people stirred up! USA Today will want nothin at all to do with this clue! These double-?? pups had clearly become too tame, for runtpuz test solvers. Sorta an M&A dream come true!
9-Across, in Cheep Date. Sample primo quotes: * "Huh?" * "Really?" * "Needed all the crosses."
OK, so … even tho M&A's day was made by the infamous Cheep Date double-?? clue incident, he has to admit that the runtpuz as a whole mighta been an egg-layer. (yo, @r.alph)
No refunds, but M&A humbly offers this "nice" runtpuz, with powder-puff resident double-?? clue, in hopes of overall appeasement …
Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge, round #2. Proposed title for @bodgit's runtpuz: "Runty Pet Tricks".
p.s. Pretty solid pair of runtz, in round #1, other than that M&A couldn't spell "emperor". Perhaps too close to call, so far. Wagering still strongly discouraged. Here were some M&A-rejected "Earthworm" versions, from round 1, for possible academic analysis usage …
@BobK. -- yep. I figured both the reject versions were trouble brewin, for the solver. That was why I soldiered on, until I came up with the selected round #1 runtpuz.
The trick of the "hard" reject just seemed like something that people might never quite be able to figure out. I wasn't able to put what I wanted into the central grid square (AcrossLite balked) -- and what I had to settle for instead was harder to deduce. End product just didn't work well, to me.
"Soft" reject's trick was maybe gettable (I thought), but too day-um loopy. By "soft" I meant not a very solid premise. But, as U point out, "hard" may again apply, here. Better choice of words is probably "too loopy". Anyway, this was my second shot at "Earth-Worm-Hole", and I didn't like it much better.
Maybe I shouldn't air out all the dirty runt laundry, by trotting out my two flop versions. Didn't know what else to do with em -- perhaps the answer shoulda been "incinerate". Decided to turn em loose here, in case there was any interest or gluttony for punishment.
Thanx for tryin em out, so that my suspicions about their problems could be confirmed.
POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT regarding "Earth - Worm - Hole" (the final version) -
@M&A - OMG! How could I be so blind (well, because I almost always am, metaphorically)! I was just doing my morning chores, thinking, as often, about runtpuzzes, when it finally hit me: 10 A in "E - W - H" describes the entire grid exactly! I was so comfortable with the answer word as a noun that I never parsed it as a two word verb phrase, or possibly an adjectival phrase.
@bodgit1: Should I go first, publishin a challenge runtpuz for round #2? I don't really care much, but it occurred to me that it might be unfair, to make U hafta go first, in all three rounds. Up to U. If U like goin first, tho, hang on to it, by all means.
Also, what would be a good timeframe, for trottin out the round 2 runty dog and pony show? That way I'll know, if I should interject an intermediate neutral runt or two, during the mid-round lull.
@BobK The missing comments are my fault. Sorry. Will fix the bug. There is a short cut to entering comments that works. After entering a comment hold down the shift key and hit return. You will advance to the next answer without having to click on the answer list.
Wow. @r.alph just paid off like a slot machine. Super-impressive @r.alph solve time, on "Dark Side Polyhedron", even if drug-enhanced. (@r.alph: Hope U are feelin aok, btw.)
Here is a new biter runt, with extra-sharp teeth. Next, will take some time off, to catch up on Runtpuz Recaps and housecleanin.
Old M&A really sat on the "Give Us Some Credit" runt for a looong time, before publishing it. Might have set a record, for time spent sittin in the dogpen. Almost forgot about him.
M&A still subscribes to the theory that *theme-d* runtpuzs are usually much harder to solve than *theme-less" runtpuzs. Especially if there are four or more themers in the themed ones, or something real weird is going on in the theme (you know … the usual).
I reckon it is still theoretically possible to create a nice, themeless runtpuz, with mostly real words in it (yo, @BobK.), that is an out-and-out biter runt. The clues would all need to be NYTSatPuz tough, maybe. HiYo! Since we're now all into stealin stuff from the NYT Crossword, anyhoo … How'bout if we steal a bunch of their SatPuz clues [FriPuz or SunPuz, if no SatPuz instance], and apply em to an oldie but goodie runtpuz? That way, it's 2-way thievery! (From both NYTPuz and the runtpuz archives.)
Here yah go …
Stumpy Stealer: "Deja Vu Brigandage" - 7x7 biter themeless:
p.s. Actually, I guess I could also try changin the day-um French title, in the runtpuz itself. Sounds like @bodgit1 actually was able to link to the puzfile, but that it had morphed into something nasty.
Will try that next, if @bodgit still having a problem.
I was able to download the across lite file and solve the puzzle. Maybe my inability to solve using the normal method is something unique to my computer (a cookie file, etc)
Deja Vu Brigandage http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/CrowdSource/GetSolution?id=NTEwMTM5MTkzMDg2MTE0
No trouble here either. I noticed a couple of anonymous solvers. Is that @bodgit1 trying another browser? BTW @bodgit1 what browser are you using? Also, re half-completed replay. Is there a back button at the top? Try clicking it to get to the puzzle.
As it happens, I did the WSJ at lunch today (3/11/16) and got the meta without too much trouble. Some credit due to runts, no doubt, although I have also been doing Matt Gaffney's weekly metas for years and that may have helped a bit, too.
@r.alph: OK. I will ceasefire on putting out more links to this same "Deja Vu Brigandage" runt until further action might be required. Glad that's over.
Could the fact that there is an old runtpuz in the archives with *exactly* the same grid layout and answers be a factor, in any of these "anonymous" solves? Did @r.alph inadvertently install a brigandage-detector, in his runtpuz app? Should M&A swear off (or in?) French forever? Stay tuned.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive!
@M&A Brilliant! You ripped off the grid of one of your own puzzles (#424 Bank Phobia) and ripped off the clues from hard working NYT constructors. And you figured out that that is the problem that @bodgit1 is having. You are having a good day.
The reason this happens is because a puzzle is identified by its grid (not by the answers). I create the key used to store a puzzle in my database by concatenating all the letters in the grid. At the time, this seemed like a safe way to uniquely identify a puzzle.
@bodgit. You must have solved puzzle 424 when it came out and are seeing the solution you did for that one. Your browser remembers that you finished that puzzle and does not show the puzzle but rather the comments you made. If you hit the back button (in the top left corner of the page, not the browser back button) you should get the puzzle back and if you hit the clear button your will be able to do it again.
Well, my Stumpy Stealer fell kinda flat yesterday, as far as being a challenging solve. Test solvers did very good on it. I guess even "reverently borrowed" NYT SatPuz clues can't turn a themeless runt into a biter.
Here's one M&A just finished. It was slightly inspired by that primo WSJPuz I mentioned, yesterday. M&A finds that he is most proud of a puz, right after he completes it. If M&A lets the puppy sit around for too long, it starts to acquire a stink.
p.s. This runtpuz is guaranteed to not use the exact same grid as any other crossword in the history of the Universe. And there are very persuasive reasons, for this.
From Fred Piscop's web site Editor's note from Universal Press Syndicate: "Monday we shared that Tim Parker has temporarily stepped back from his editorial role for both USA Today and Universal Crosswords while Universal Uclick continues to investigate allegations that some puzzles edited by Tim contained similarities to puzzles edited by others.
"Constructor Fred Piscop will temporarily step in to handle the Universal Uclick and USA Today crosswords. Fred is former crossword editor at the Washington Post, the published author of several crossword puzzle books, and a highly respected constructor.
"Again, we sincerely regret any inconvenience this issue may have caused clients and their readers, and we know crossword enthusiasts will enjoy Fred's puzzles."
What do you call a cross between a cow and a yak? Answer: DZO. Just one pearl of NYTPuz-unused wisdom M&A learned, in researchin @bodgit1's suggested "What Do You Call a Cross Between a ___ and a ___" runtpuz title. Liked the suggestion. It was fun to explore and subvert.
Speakin of subvert, I used the entire gist of the title in this here runt, but I skipped the "___" part in the actual runtpuz title, as I was afraid that it might spook the *gruntz* hotline's html.
Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge - round two.
"What Do You Call a Cross Between …" - 7x7 themed:
@bogit1: Congrats, on yer round 2 runt. Very runty! Your Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge title for the final (third) round will be: "Lost In Space".
Having absolutely no respect for the Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge tournament, PuzEatinSpouse has scheduled a one-week getaway trip, beginnin this Thursday. Will let U know when we get back, so U and I can schedule the grand finale unveiling date/time.
Hey--extra time, to plan the shootoff of yer last challengerunt. Thanx.
@BobK. There's an "Analyze Puzzle" option at xwordinfo, that I normally use to check over the runt, before unleashing it on the public. On this one, it failed with an "unable to parse" error message. A first. Perhaps there are runtpuz weirdness limits that a self-respectin analyzer just will not tolerate. (I know I've gotten that occasionally, from solvers. har)
Unfotunately, no hint as to which particular weirdness got its goat.
Thanx, for trying it out. U are braver than an analyzer page.
@r.alph: I hadn't thought of that, for what xwordinfo blew up over; seems like I've pulled that kind of stuff, before, but maybe not.
Anyhoo … Here is the next M&A runtpuz, which will have to last y'all for about a week, while M&A goes on spring vacation. Hopefully @bogdit1 may have a runt or two of his own, that he can let out into the yard to bark, during the lull?
Sassafras Teams http://puzzlecrowd.com:8080/CrowdSource/GetSolution?id=MzUyNjA1ODIzNjY1MDc3Nw
@M&A I am sure that you have analyzed a puzzle with duplicate answers before. My guess is that xwordinfo is evolving to check more possible errors in the puzzle.
I created this puzzle when I was attempting to find themes that were "outside the box". It is based on a poem that I read as a child. Even if you've never read the poem, you should get the "gimmick" without much problem (I hope). Enjoy
Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. I find them very useful. Hopefully M&A will be back soon. Filling in for him makes it clear to me how much time and effort he puts in to keep our group going.
p.s. Made this runtgrid, while on the road, inspired by a recent NYTPuz theme. Just call me "M&USA Today"! Fairly easy runtpuz, but not sure about the meta part's toughness? …
"First in Tastiness" - 7x7 themed, with meta answer:
@bodgit1: Take as much time as U need, to get your challenge runt done; I'll post mine (which is no great shakes, I suspect), after whenever I see yours appear.
Stumpy Stumper: "Closet Justice" - 7x7 themeless:
"Don't Take This Lying Down" - No warning on this biter!
@Teedmn - M&A didn't even suspect this runt was gonna be a biter. Only defense was he did caution people to try and ignore any BO in it that they detected.
DeleteFearless forecast: "Closet Justice" should be much easier, in theory.
"Closet Justice" --
Closet Justice
@bodgit1: "Earth-Worm-Hole". Check.
Folks around here at this point might be lookin forward to some nice, gentle runts, for a change. har. M&A really knows how to warm up a crowd …
As we turn the page to still another fresh block of runtpuz.gov comments, I'd just like to pause, to gush and marvel at the fabulous lil website that @r.alph has provided, for us all to play in.
ReplyDeleteThat "Down Home" program is amazin, dude!
Thanx don't hardly get it, @r.alph.
Sorry about them runt bites. (Product of poor potty trainin.)
Closet Justice - Crunchy but nice. I enjoyed it. I still think my answer to 1-across should be acceptable.
On Jeff Chen's website, an annual membership now includes a searchable list of 160000 words plus his own personal list of another 32000 words. I paid my money and decided to try out some of the new words. The result is the 64-word themeless below. It started out life as a 15x7 Sunday-size runt and hence it has an unusual grid pattern. It's clued at probably a Wednesday level.
ReplyDeleteJeff's list worked well although only 16- and 57-across appear on his personal list. 12-down doesn't appear on any list that I have but was needed to fill up that area of the puzzle. 11-down was a suggested word (because it appeared in the NYT puzzle in 1998) and I thought it was a brand of yogurt but that word has another i in it. By the time I discovered my mistake it was too hard to fix.
Solve at your own risk and feel free to skip it.
"full-size" --
@bodgit: Solved "full-size" on paper, in roughly 23 minutes. Tense moment at: 46-a/49-D crossing, but otherwise pretty steady progress, with the usual false start entries, here and there.
ReplyDeleteThanx. themelessthUmbsUp.
"Closet Justice" - Rats.
Disclaimer: Some runtz put up a fight, even in the constructioneering phase. Ended up with two clones of this puppy. The one on display here didn't quite have the themers old M&A was shootin for, but at least ain't shamefully desperate, fill-wise. The other snarlin furbag of mongrelism (with the desired themers, tho) will be released soon, just for academic comparison purposes. So, kinda different rollout strategy, here; suitably schizophrenic.
ReplyDelete"Swirl Squirrel" - 7x7 lightly themed:
"Swirl Squirrel" --
Well, all right, then. We have a "Swirl Squirrel" solver. So, time to release the "Swirl Squirrel Squirrel" version …
ReplyDelete"Destination: Desperation" - 7x7 themed step clone of "Swirl Squirrel":
"Destination: Desperation" --
ReplyDeleteSo, here I am, your Squirreliest Solver --
A tale of two runts (one biter and one benign)
@bodgit1 "Full Size" - Nice, thanks.
"Swirl Squirrel"
Swirl Squirrel
Destination Desperation
Saturday Stumper
Ode to "USA Today Crossword" runtpuz title. (Hey -- at least they wouldn't dare plagiarize a runtpuz, I don't think.)
ReplyDeleteStumpy Stumper: "Epitome of Smell" - 7x7 themeless:
Epitome of Smell
Benchmark runt
"Epitome of Smell" --
"Epitome of Smell" -- A great runt puzzle. Good clues and word selection
Runtpuz Less-Desperate Recap for solution to "Swirl Squirrel".
"Cheep Date" - 7x7 themed, but not well-erned:
"Cheep Date" --
"Destination: Desperation" - I'm ashamed to even post this. Sheesh.
Saturday Stumper:
"Epitome of Smell" - Like a rose!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCheep date
ReplyDeleteYour Cheep Date link was to the Saturday Stumper
Cheep Date --
Har! At last! An epic double-?? clue that really gets people stirred up! USA Today will want nothin at all to do with this clue! These double-?? pups had clearly become too tame, for runtpuz test solvers. Sorta an M&A dream come true!
ReplyDelete9-Across, in Cheep Date. Sample primo quotes:
* "Huh?"
* "Really?"
* "Needed all the crosses."
OK, so … even tho M&A's day was made by the infamous Cheep Date double-?? clue incident, he has to admit that the runtpuz as a whole mighta been an egg-layer. (yo, @r.alph)
ReplyDeleteNo refunds, but M&A humbly offers this "nice" runtpuz, with powder-puff resident double-?? clue, in hopes of overall appeasement …
"Double Check" - 7x7 themed:
Will put out next "regular" runt, after the Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge round 1 releases are done and the smoke clears. (Tension mounts.)
"Double Check" --
Double Check
Your right to publish ?? clues is protected by the 1st amendment. Don't let anybody convince you otherwise.
@r.alph: thanx!
DeleteSome might argue that the right to bear double-?? clues falls more under the 2nd Amendment.
Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge - Round #1
ReplyDeleteSo Oddly Lettered - 7x7 themed
So Oddly Lettered by bodgit1 --
So Oddly Lettered, Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge Recap.
Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge - Round #1.
ReplyDelete"Earth-Worm-Hole" - 7x7 themed:
"Earth-Worm-Hole" by M&A --
"Earth-Worm-Hole" by M&A
Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge, round #2.
ReplyDeleteProposed title for @bodgit's runtpuz: "Runty Pet Tricks".
Pretty solid pair of runtz, in round #1, other than that M&A couldn't spell "emperor". Perhaps too close to call, so far. Wagering still strongly discouraged.
Here were some M&A-rejected "Earthworm" versions, from round 1, for possible academic analysis usage …
Too hard version:
Too soft version:
Earthworm, Too Hard - Just for sake of completeness - Agree, too hard - see my comment --
Earthworm, Too Soft - Take back what I said in previous comment -- this one is three times harder than "Too Hard" version --
@BobK. -- yep. I figured both the reject versions were trouble brewin, for the solver. That was why I soldiered on, until I came up with the selected round #1 runtpuz.
DeleteThe trick of the "hard" reject just seemed like something that people might never quite be able to figure out. I wasn't able to put what I wanted into the central grid square (AcrossLite balked) -- and what I had to settle for instead was harder to deduce. End product just didn't work well, to me.
"Soft" reject's trick was maybe gettable (I thought), but too day-um loopy. By "soft" I meant not a very solid premise. But, as U point out, "hard" may again apply, here. Better choice of words is probably "too loopy". Anyway, this was my second shot at "Earth-Worm-Hole", and I didn't like it much better.
Maybe I shouldn't air out all the dirty runt laundry, by trotting out my two flop versions. Didn't know what else to do with em -- perhaps the answer shoulda been "incinerate". Decided to turn em loose here, in case there was any interest or gluttony for punishment.
Thanx for tryin em out, so that my suspicions about their problems could be confirmed.
"Cheep Date"
@M&A: Topic for round 2, "What do you call a cross between a _____ and a ______"
ReplyDelete"Double Check" - always good advice on a Runt.
@bodgit: "What Do You Call a Cross Between a ___ and a ___". Check.
"Double Check"
Oops, the one above is "So Oddly Lettered".
DeletePOTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT regarding "Earth - Worm - Hole" (the final version) -
ReplyDelete@M&A - OMG! How could I be so blind (well, because I almost always am, metaphorically)! I was just doing my morning chores, thinking, as often, about runtpuzzes, when it finally hit me: 10 A in "E - W - H" describes the entire grid exactly! I was so comfortable with the answer word as a noun that I never parsed it as a two word verb phrase, or possibly an adjectival phrase.
Your powers of construction continue to amaze!
@BobK. har. Well, done, my son. Some runtpuzs hit people, like that. (Some just hit em like a sack of potatoes, and that's the rodeo.)
@BobK, wow, nice catch. Way above my meta abilities.
DeleteEarthworm, Too Hard -
@bodgit: (bow)Wow. Now that makes me glad, that I shared the lil mutt.
Earthworm, Too Soft
@bodgit: U definitely have the too soft theme figured out, here. Congrats.
@bodgit1: Should I go first, publishin a challenge runtpuz for round #2?
ReplyDeleteI don't really care much, but it occurred to me that it might be unfair, to make U hafta go first, in all three rounds. Up to U. If U like goin first, tho, hang on to it, by all means.
Also, what would be a good timeframe, for trottin out the round 2 runty dog and pony show? That way I'll know, if I should interject an intermediate neutral runt or two, during the mid-round lull.
Mucho Thanx,
I would suggest we shoot for next Monday about midday for round #2 release. If we both publish about the same time that should be fair for all.
Delete@bodgit1: It's a date!
ReplyDeleteRevenge of the dismembered worm ensues …
Stumpy Stumper: "Pet Rock Plumage" - 7x7 themeless:
"Pet Rock Plumage" --
RE: "Pet Rock Plumage" --
ReplyDeleteTotally wrong in my comment on 1 D. No idea where I got that idea, but I would have sworn to it -- until I looked it up!
"Earth Worm Hole" - Goldilocks version
"Earth Worm Hole III" Tough, definitely Papa Bear.
Stumpy Stumper: "Dark Side Polyhedron" - 7x7 themeless:
"Dark Side Polyhedron" --
"Dark Side Polyhedron"
"Pet Rock Plumage" - Thanks!
"Dark Side Polyhedron"
"Think Bigger" - 7x7 themed:
"Think Bigger" -- Having computer problems; made several comments which didn't take, but not important,
Think Bigger
Earth Worm Hole
Earth Worm Hole II
Earth Worm Hole III
Pet Rock Plumage
Dark Side Polyhedron
"Think Bigger"
The missing comments are my fault. Sorry. Will fix the bug. There is a short cut to entering comments that works. After entering a comment hold down the shift key and hit return. You will advance to the next answer without having to click on the answer list.
ReplyDeleteComment problem is fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.
Wow. @r.alph just paid off like a slot machine. Super-impressive @r.alph solve time, on "Dark Side Polyhedron", even if drug-enhanced.
ReplyDelete(@r.alph: Hope U are feelin aok, btw.)
Here is a new biter runt, with extra-sharp teeth. Next, will take some time off, to catch up on Runtpuz Recaps and housecleanin.
"Give Us Some Credit" - 7x7 unusually themed:
"Give Us Some Credit"
"Think Bigger"
"Give Us Some Credit" - Nice puppy! Just needed a scratch behind the ears.
"Give Us Some Credit" --
Cheap Runtpuz Recap for solution to: "Cheep Date".
Rutpuz Recap for solution to: "Double Check".
Runtpuz Holey Recap for solution to Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge round one's "Earth-Worm-Hole".
Runtpuz Huuge Recap of solution for: "Think Bigger".
Runtpuz Wormy Recap for solution to: "Earth-Worm-Hole II" reject runtpuz not used in Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge round one.
Runtpuz Wormier Recap for solution to: "Earth-Worm-Hole III" reject runtpuz not used in Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge round one.
Oops… Solution Recap is here, on Earth-Worm-Hole III:
Give us some credit
Runtpuz Cryptoquippic Recap for solution to: "Give Us Some Credit".
Random ramblings…
ReplyDeleteOld M&A really sat on the "Give Us Some Credit" runt for a looong time, before publishing it. Might have set a record, for time spent sittin in the dogpen. Almost forgot about him.
M&A still subscribes to the theory that *theme-d* runtpuzs are usually much harder to solve than *theme-less" runtpuzs. Especially if there are four or more themers in the themed ones, or something real weird is going on in the theme (you know … the usual).
I reckon it is still theoretically possible to create a nice, themeless runtpuz, with mostly real words in it (yo, @BobK.), that is an out-and-out biter runt. The clues would all need to be NYTSatPuz tough, maybe.
HiYo! Since we're now all into stealin stuff from the NYT Crossword, anyhoo … How'bout if we steal a bunch of their SatPuz clues [FriPuz or SunPuz, if no SatPuz instance], and apply em to an oldie but goodie runtpuz? That way, it's 2-way thievery! (From both NYTPuz and the runtpuz archives.)
Here yah go …
Stumpy Stealer: "Deja Vu Brigandage" - 7x7 biter themeless:
Be sure to check out the WSJPuz today, Friday, 11 Mar 2016. Superb theme!
The gruntz link doesn't seem to work
Delete@bodgit1: That link worked for m&e, but I notice it wound up with some Frenchy accent marks, in its html code.
DeleteTry this one:
"Using the French since they ran outta ranch"
Still no luck for me. When I get to the grid display, it looks like a half-completed replay.
Deletebtw: I liked the Washington Post puzzle as well.
Huh. Still works ok, here.
DeleteI'll try one last time, with a bare-bones "Crossword" title. If that don't work, it may be up to the mighty @r.alph, to tell us what's wrong.
DeleteActually, I guess I could also try changin the day-um French title, in the runtpuz itself. Sounds like @bodgit1 actually was able to link to the puzfile, but that it had morphed into something nasty.
Will try that next, if @bodgit still having a problem.
"Debugging the French since 2016"
I was able to download the across lite file and solve the puzzle. Maybe my inability to solve using the normal method is something unique to my computer (a cookie file, etc)
DeleteDeja Vu Brigandage
No trouble here either. I noticed a couple of anonymous solvers. Is that @bodgit1 trying another browser? BTW @bodgit1 what browser are you using?
Also, re half-completed replay. Is there a back button at the top? Try clicking it to get to the puzzle.
The anonymous solvers are not me. I tried to access it using Chrome browser
DeleteAs it happens, I did the WSJ at lunch today (3/11/16) and got the meta without too much trouble. Some credit due to runts, no doubt, although I have also been doing Matt Gaffney's weekly metas for years and that may have helped a bit, too.
ReplyDelete"Deja Vu Brigandage" --
@r.alph: OK. I will ceasefire on putting out more links to this same "Deja Vu Brigandage" runt until further action might be required. Glad that's over.
ReplyDeleteCould the fact that there is an old runtpuz in the archives with *exactly* the same grid layout and answers be a factor, in any of these "anonymous" solves? Did @r.alph inadvertently install a brigandage-detector, in his runtpuz app? Should M&A swear off (or in?) French forever?
Stay tuned.
"Stealers Never Win"
Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive!
Brilliant! You ripped off the grid of one of your own puzzles (#424 Bank Phobia) and ripped off the clues from hard working NYT constructors. And you figured out that that is the problem that @bodgit1 is having. You are having a good day.
The reason this happens is because a puzzle is identified by its grid (not by the answers). I create the key used to store a puzzle in my database by concatenating all the letters in the grid. At the time, this seemed like a safe way to uniquely identify a puzzle.
@bodgit. You must have solved puzzle 424 when it came out and are seeing the solution you did for that one. Your browser remembers that you finished that puzzle and does not show the puzzle but rather the comments you made. If you hit the back button (in the top left corner of the page, not the browser back button) you should get the puzzle back and if you hit the clear button your will be able to do it again.
@r.alph: har. U are 2 smart for my own good.
ReplyDeletebtw: One dude's "blatant plagiarism" is another dude's "Tender nostalgic moment".
Thanx, M&A
"Deja vu Brigandage"
Well, my Stumpy Stealer fell kinda flat yesterday, as far as being a challenging solve. Test solvers did very good on it. I guess even "reverently borrowed" NYT SatPuz clues can't turn a themeless runt into a biter.
ReplyDeleteHere's one M&A just finished. It was slightly inspired by that primo WSJPuz I mentioned, yesterday. M&A finds that he is most proud of a puz, right after he completes it. If M&A lets the puppy sit around for too long, it starts to acquire a stink.
"Last Known Address" - 7x7 themed:
This runtpuz is guaranteed to not use the exact same grid as any other crossword in the history of the Universe. And there are very persuasive reasons, for this.
ReplyDeleteM&A Desperate Meta Contest:
What fish part is almost suggested by the "Last Known Address" runtpuz?
Move over, Matt Gaffney dude.
"Last Known Address" --
"Last Known Address"
@bodgit1: Glad U had a more pleasant experience, *finding* the right runtpuz, today.
ReplyDeleteSpeakin of "today" -- The latest USA Today crossword says:
by Fred Piscop
Edited by Fred Piscop
Last Known Address
From Fred Piscop's web site
ReplyDeleteEditor's note from Universal Press Syndicate:
"Monday we shared that Tim Parker has temporarily stepped back from his editorial role for both USA Today and Universal Crosswords while Universal Uclick continues to investigate allegations that some puzzles edited by Tim contained similarities to puzzles edited by others.
"Constructor Fred Piscop will temporarily step in to handle the Universal Uclick and USA Today crosswords. Fred is former crossword editor at the Washington Post, the published author of several crossword puzzle books, and a highly respected constructor.
"Again, we sincerely regret any inconvenience this issue may have caused clients and their readers, and we know crossword enthusiasts will enjoy Fred's puzzles."
Runtpuz Grand Theft Puzzo Recap for solution to: "Deja Vu Brigandage".
Holy Moly! No one has figured out the "Last Known Address" runtpuz's numeric "(x,y)" notations, yet?!!
ReplyDeleteI guess it's up to test solver @Teedmn, or some unknown guest solver, to save the day, on this.
If no one gets it, M&A may have to do another puzzle that uses the same gimmick in a slightly different manner … Too cruel? Thought so.
Well now that you put it that way, it's as obvious as a slap in the face!
DeleteBut if we are not to divulge the answer openly, perhaps I should submit a postcarte.
Got it.
Thanks, @r.alph, your explanation slapped some sense into me.
DeleteStumpy Stumper: "Orc Breath" - 7x7 themeless:
"Orc Breath" --
Orc Breath
"Last Known Address" Cryptic.
"Orc Breath"
What do you call a cross between a cow and a yak? Answer: DZO. Just one pearl of NYTPuz-unused wisdom M&A learned, in researchin @bodgit1's suggested "What Do You Call a Cross Between a ___ and a ___" runtpuz title. Liked the suggestion. It was fun to explore and subvert.
ReplyDeleteSpeakin of subvert, I used the entire gist of the title in this here runt, but I skipped the "___" part in the actual runtpuz title, as I was afraid that it might spook the *gruntz* hotline's html.
Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge - round two.
"What Do You Call a Cross Between …" - 7x7 themed:
"Please, As Always … No Wagerin"
"What Do You Call a Cross Between …" --
Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge - round 2
ReplyDeleteThis one looked better last Thursday when I completed the preliminary construction. Hopefully the "tricks" will be apparent enough.
"Runt Pet Tricks" - 7x7 themed
"Runt Pet Tricks" --
Your suggested clue is a major improvement!
Delete"What do you call"
Runtpuz "Tricked" Recap for solution to: "Runty Pet Tricks".
@bogit1: Congrats, on yer round 2 runt. Very runty!
ReplyDeleteYour Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge title for the final (third) round will be: "Lost In Space".
Having absolutely no respect for the Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge tournament, PuzEatinSpouse has scheduled a one-week getaway trip,
beginnin this Thursday. Will let U know when we get back, so U and I
can schedule the grand finale unveiling date/time.
Hey--extra time, to plan the shootoff of yer last challengerunt.
DeleteShoulda been "@bodgit1", of course, in prev. msg. Sorry.
"Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge: M&Arch M&Adness!"
Your Challenge title will be: "Fun M&A Factoids"
Delete@bodgit1: "Fun M&A Factoids" - got it.
What Do You Call a Cross Between ...
Runt Pet Tricks by @bodgit1
Runtpuz Cross-Recap (Recrap) of solution to: "What Do You Call a Cross Between …".
"What do you call a Cross Between" - If I wasn't used to coming in last, I might be cross!
"Runtz Pet Tricks" - Nice meta affect.
Stumpy Stumper "K-Mart Massif" - 7x7 themeless:
"K-Mart Massif" --
K-Mart Massif
"K-Mart Massif" - Tough crowd, 2:18 and I still came in fourth, time-wise!!
Wow! All 2 min. & change runtsolve times? Y'all are intimidatingly smart.
ReplyDelete"Random Cheetah Squares" - 7x7 themed:
Random Cheetah Squares
Random Cheettah Squares
"Random Cheetah Squares" --
ReplyDeleteFor me, death at the paws of a large cat --
***slight spoiler alert, re:"Cheetah Squares" runt ***
DeleteI said no peekin!!
@BobK -- I see that U punted, rather than attempt a field goal, in your solvequest.
test runt that xwordinfo couldn't "parse" … (just curious if it'll work).
M&A Proving Grounds
No idea what you thought might not work, but seemed fine to me. --
@BobK. There's an "Analyze Puzzle" option at xwordinfo, that I normally use to check over the runt, before unleashing it on the public. On this one, it failed with an "unable to parse" error message. A first. Perhaps there are runtpuz weirdness limits that a self-respectin analyzer just will not tolerate. (I know I've gotten that occasionally, from solvers. har)
DeleteUnfotunately, no hint as to which particular weirdness got its goat.
Thanx, for trying it out. U are braver than an analyzer page.
. . . Or maybe just less aware of the potentially disastrous consequences.
Delete"Random Cheetah Squares" - Well-titled.
"Unparsable Runt" - worked fine for me.
Zig Zag
xwordinfo was complaining about 1D and 9A
Zig Zag
@r.alph: I hadn't thought of that, for what xwordinfo blew up over; seems like I've pulled that kind of stuff, before, but maybe not.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo … Here is the next M&A runtpuz, which will have to last y'all for about a week, while M&A goes on spring vacation. Hopefully @bogdit1 may have a runt or two of his own, that he can let out into the yard to bark, during the lull?
Stumpy Stumper: "Sassafras Teams" - 7x7 themeless:
"Sassafras Teams" --
ReplyDeleteBon Voyage!
Sassafras Teams
Sassafras Teams
I am sure that you have analyzed a puzzle with duplicate answers before. My guess is that xwordinfo is evolving to check more possible errors in the puzzle.
As per M&A's request:
ReplyDeleteMixed Greens - 7x7 themed
"Sassafras Teams" - Ha, nice comment, @r.alph, for 1A.
ReplyDeleteThanks, M&A, have a safe road trip.
Mixed Greens --
Mixed Greens
I'm afraid that 2-down may be an unknown but it does get almost 500,000 Google hits. I tried to make the crosses fair.
ReplyDelete"Russian Hats" - 7x7 themeless
Russian Hats
"Russian Hats" --
"Mixed Greens"
"Russian Hats" - Thanks, @bodgit1, for feeding the addiction.
"March Madness Terminology" - 7x7 (barely) themed
"March Madness Terminology" - -
March Madness Terminology
"March Madness Terminology" - not as tough as today's Stumper but some bite to the Runt. Thanks!
"Sunday Themed" - 15x15
ReplyDeleteI created this puzzle when I was attempting to find themes that were "outside the box". It is based on a poem that I read as a child. Even if you've never read the poem, you should get the "gimmick" without much problem (I hope). Enjoy
"Sunday Themed" --
"Sunday Themed"
"Sunday Themed" - PB1 smooth, thanks.
Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. I find them very useful. Hopefully M&A will be back soon. Filling in for him makes it clear to me how much time and effort he puts in to keep our group going.
ReplyDelete"Intro to Canadian Postal Abbrs" - 7x7 themeless
"Intro to Canadian Postal Abbrs" --
Intro to Canadian Postal Abbrs
"Intro to Canadian Postal Abbrs."
"Hint Hint" - 7x7 themed
ReplyDeleteI expect some near record times on this runt.
Hint Hint
"Hint Hint" --
"Hint Hint" - Thanks, @bodgit1.
Am back to home, sweet home.
ReplyDelete@bodgit1: har! Primo litter of runts! Wanna fire off our third and final Runtpuz Shootoff Challenge entries, tomorrow around lunchtime, say?
ReplyDeleteMade this runtgrid, while on the road, inspired by a recent NYTPuz theme. Just call me "M&USA Today"! Fairly easy runtpuz, but not sure about the meta part's toughness? …
"First in Tastiness" - 7x7 themed, with meta answer:
DeleteIn case M&A didn't stress it enough, the meta answer to "First in Tastiness" is hidden in the runtpuz's answer grid.
"First in Tastiness"
"First in Tastiness" - Can't say that if I'd seen M&A's p.s., it would have helped me.
ReplyDeleteI bow to @r.alph, nice solve.
&M&A: I haven't started on the challenge but I'll do my best to have something to submit tomorrow. I hope you had a good trip.
ReplyDelete"First in Tastiness"
@bodgit1: Take as much time as U need, to get your challenge runt done; I'll post mine (which is no great shakes, I suspect), after whenever I see yours appear.
Runtpuz Tasty Recap of solution to: "First in Tastiness".
Sorry, it's been a long day.
ReplyDelete"First in Tastiness" --
Comments for this post are full. Have begun new post.
ReplyDeleteSecret Test. Do Not Attempt to Solve. Yet.
Test. Ignore it.
Excellent blog, Congrats to the Web Master, nice colors and text.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your knowledge. God bless you.
Cherry Marmalade Recipe
Geetings from Venezuela